8 research outputs found

    Model creation of dual-motor driving system with serial ordering of motors

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    Problematics of multimotor driving system is very actual. These systems have some disadvantages resulting for instance from different characteristics of motors


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    Abstract The objective of this study was to use the data obtained during the process of pig carcass grading to develop prediction equations for the prediction of pig belly composition. Pig carcasses were selected from the population of pigs commercially fattened in the Czech Republic and slaughtered under standard abattoir conditions. A total of 390 carcasses of pigs equally represented by gilts and barrows were used. Within the grading process, lean meat content (x 1 ), cold carcass weight (x 2 ), fat and skin thickness in the P 2 point (x 3 ), and muscle thickness in the P 2 point (x 4 ) were determined. Twenty-four h post mortem, belly joints were dissected and the proportions of different tissues were determined. Particular emphasis was placed on the content of lean meat as well as intermuscular and subcutaneous fat proportions. The average carcass lean meat content and cold carcass weight were 56.86±0.211 % and 90.21±0.551 kg, respectively. The average lean meat content in the belly was 54.37±0.297 %. The following equation was derived to estimate the belly lean meat content (y): y = -17.49519 + 1.27842 x 1 -0.00912 x 2 with the accuracy parameters r = 0.92 and s e = 2.38. Prediction equations for intermuscular and subcutaneous fat proportions were also developed. Furthermore, similar equations were derived separately for different genders. A higher accuracy of estimates was detected for gilts. Key Words: Pig; carcass; classification; belly composition; regression equation. Pig producers consider the quality of carcasses as one of the factors determining the efficiency of pig operations. The knowledge of the lean meat content of carcasses but also of different carcass joints are important for the processing industry. Except for the main carcass joints (ham, loin, shoulder, and neck), the belly is also positively perceived by consumers due to its price and culinary characteristics A growing concern for the pig belly is associated with the increased effort to investigate the methods of its evaluation. This is rather difficult due the compositional attributes of the belly in which individual layers of fat and muscle mingle into each other After the accession of the Czech Republic to EU, abattoirs are obliged to perform the grading of pig carcasses in accordance with current legislative requirements. It is also possible to use the grading data for the prediction of belly composition. The objective of this study was to use the data from pig carcass grading to develop equations for the prediction of pig belly composition. Material and Methods Pig carcasses were selected for the use in this study at the grading point of abattoirs. The pigs were commercially fattened and supplied to the abattoir by different suppliers. The most frequent hybrid combinations were used. The analysed group consisted of 390 left carcass sides with both gilts and barrows equally represented (195 gilts and 195 barrows). During the grading process, standard measurements of fat and muscle thickness were performed at the P 2 point, carcass lean meat content and cold carcass weight were determined, and the gender of pigs was recorded for experimental purposes. The P 2 point is located on the carcass side between 2 nd and 3 rd last ribs 70 mm laterally from the midline section. Twenty-four h post mortem, left sides were cut in accordance wit

    Reaktionsschritte der Polypeptidsynthese an Ribosomen

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    The Erythromycins

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