3 research outputs found

    Stone-age strategies and space-age media: Sex differences in sexual signaling on Facebook

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    Building on the proposition of the Sexual Strategies Theory that sex differences in mating strategies and intrasexual competition will be reflected in sexual signaling behavior towards possible mates, we sought to examine if such strategies would be observable on social networking sites.Ā Ā For the purpose of the study, ten male and ten female public profile pictures were randomly selected from a large pool of users (N = 1386) who chose to participate in the study and subscribed to a Facebook page created in order to aggregate users with an interest in Evolutionary psychology. Selected profile photos were then included in an online evaluation protocol, filled out by 31 independent raters, resulting in a total of 620 ratings. The protocol addressed nine evolutionarily relevant partner choice characteristics; 1) physical strength or athleticism, (2) access to resources or material possessions, (3) ambition or industriousness, (4) social status, (5) intelligence, (6) features of physical appearance, (7) features accentuating youthfulness, (8) high activity level, and (9) flirtatious behavior.Ā Males more frequently emphasized cues of social status, ambition and access to material resources, whereas females tended to emphasize features of physical appearance and of youthfulness. Furthermore, the perception of masculinity was mostly tied to the display of resources and physical strength, as was femininity to physical appearance and flirtatious behavior.Ā The Sexual Strategies Theory predictions of mating display behaviors were confirmed in online settings, demonstrating the robustness of sex differences in mating-related behaviors.Ā </p

    Perkutana biopsija medijastina tankom iglom pod kontrolom ultrazvuka

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    The clinicoradiological diagnostic possibilities in mediastinal processes have improved with the introduction of percutaneous and endoscopic biopsies. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the diagnostic reliability of percutaenous mediastinal biopsies (PMB) with a fine needle under ultrasound guidance in patients with a mediastinal mass. 73 PMB with ultrasound guidance have been performed in 66 patients. In this investigation, only patients with primary or secondary solid or cystic formations of the anterior and posterior mediastinum have been included. Patients with achalasia of the oesophagus, diverticles, herniation, mediastinitis and vascular changes have been excluded by conventional radiologic means (summary chest radiographs in two projections), and when required by additional methods (tomography, ultrasound, CT, angiography). The material obtained was examined cytologically. The cytologic results of fine-needle PMB were verified histologically after surgery, surgical biopsies, cytochemical and microbiologic examinations in addition to clinical and radiologic follow-up. The specificity, sensitivity and accuracy of radiological and PMB results was calculated. A microscopic diagnosis was established in all examined cases: primary malignant processes 31 (46.97%), metastases 14 (21.21%), benign tumors 6 (9.09%), inflammation 9 (13.64%), thyroid goiter and sarcoidosis 6 (9.09%). A high degree of accuracy (90%), specificity (100%) and sensitivity (100%) was obtained. There were no complications. The diagnostic safety of a technically simple, rapid and low cost method has been established, as a frequent alternative to open surgical biopsy and other biopsies under ionizing radiation devices.KliničkoradioloÅ”ke dijagnostičke mogućnosti u dijagnosticiranju procesa u medijastinu su napredovale uvođenjem perkutanih i endoskopskih biopsija. Cilj ovog rada je vrednovati dijagnostičku pouzdanost perkutane biopsije medijastina (PMB) tankom iglom pod kontrolom ultrazvuka u pacijenata s ekspanzivnim procesom u medijastinu. U 66 pacijenata su učinjene 73 PMB pod kontrolom ultrazvuka. U ovo su istraživanje uključeni samo pacijenti s primarnim ili sekundarnim solidnim ili cističkim tvorbama u prednjem ili stražnjem medijastinu. Pacijenti s ahalazijom, divertiklima, hernijama, medijastinitisom i vaskularnim promjenama su isključeni konvencionalnom radioloÅ”kom obradom (sumacijski telerendgenogrami u dva smjera) i, eventualno, dodatnim metodama (tomografija, ultrazvuk, CT, angiografija). Dobiveni materijal je analiziran citoloÅ”ki. CitoloÅ”ki rezultati PMB učinjene tankom iglom verificirani su histoloÅ”ki nakon operativnog zahvata, otvorene biopsije, citokemijskke i mikrobioloÅ”ke pretrage uz kliničko i radioloÅ”ko praćenje. Izračunana je specifičnost, senzitivnost i točnost radioloÅ”kih i PMB rezultata. Mikroskopska dijagnoza je postavljena u svim obra|enim slučajevima: primarni maligni process 31 (46,97%), metastaze 14 (21,21%), benigni tumori 6 (9,09%), upale 9 (13,64%), struma i sarkoidoza 6 (9,09%). Dobiven je visok stupanj točnosti (90%), specifičnosti (100%) i senzitivnosti (100%). Nije bilo komplikacija. Ustanovljena je dijagnostička sigurnost jednostavne, brze i jeftine metode kao česte alternative otvorenoj biopsiji i drugim biopsijama izvedenim pod kontrolom ure|aja s ionizantnim zračenjem

    Case Series: Managing Severe Mental Illness in Disaster Situation: the Croatian Experience After 2020 Earthquake

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    On the 29th of December 2020, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Petrinja in the Croatian Sisak-Moslavina County experienced a strong earthquake, resulting in a severe disruption in mental health service delivery. Specialized care community mental health teams were introduced days within the event with the aim to bridge the gap in psychiatric care that was severely disturbed in the region affected by the earthquake. Through a case series of patients with SMI, we describe how care was quickly deployed and delivered after a natural disaster and during a pandemic resulting in their functional recovery. Community mental health teams have the potential to provide feasible, comprehensive, and accessible mental health services, and their continued implementation in the post-disaster period in Croatia could be beneficial for care management of people with severe mental illness