19 research outputs found

    Modellazione e simulazione di sistemi propulsivi basati su fuel cell a idrogeno

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    La presente tesi è stata svolta utilizzando un modello matlab-simulink,rappresentante un veicolo ibrido a cella a combustibile e batteria al litio. Il lavoro si è svolto in quattro parti:1)dimensionamento di una nuova configurazione di cella a combustibile e sistema di accumulo,2)cambiamento della gestione energetica,3)cambiamento del sottosistema rappresentante il motore elettrico,all'interno del modello del veicolo,4)confronto tra il modello di stack utilizzata e quello pre-esistente della versione di Matlab 7.6.0 R2008a

    Antagonizing S1P3 Receptor with Cell-Penetrating Pepducins in Skeletal Muscle Fibrosis

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    S1P is the final product of sphingolipid metabolism, which interacts with five widely expressed GPCRs (S1P1-5). Increasing numbers of studies have indicated the importance of S1P3 in various pathophysiological processes. Recently, we have identified a pepducin (compound KRX-725-II) acting as an S1P3 receptor antagonist. Here, aiming to optimize the activity and selectivity profile of the described compound, we have synthesized a series of derivatives in which Tyr, in position 4, has been substituted with several natural aromatic and unnatural aromatic and non-aromatic amino acids. All the compounds were evaluated for their ability to inhibit vascular relaxation induced by KRX-725 (as S1P3 selective pepducin agonist) and KRX-722 (an S1P1-selective pepducin agonist). Those selective towards S1P3 (compounds V and VII) were also evaluated for their ability to inhibit skeletal muscle fibrosis. Finally, molecular dynamics simulations were performed to derive information on the preferred conformations of selective and unselective antagonists

    S1P Signalling Axis Is Necessary for Adiponectin-Directed Regulation of Electrophysiological Properties and Oxidative Metabolism in C2C12 Myotubes

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    Background: Adiponectin (Adn), released by adipocytes and other cell types such as skeletal muscle, has insulin-sensitizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is reported to act as effector of diverse biological actions of Adn in different tissues. S1P is a bioactive sphingolipid synthesized by the phosphorylation of sphingosine catalyzed by sphingosine kinase (SK) 1 and 2. Consolidated findings support the key role of S1P in the biology of skeletal muscle. Methods and Results: Here we provide experimental evidence that S1P signalling is modulated by globular Adn treatment being able to increase the phosphorylation of SK1/2 as well as the mRNA expression levels of S1P(4) in C2C12 myotubes. These findings were confirmed by LC-MS/MS that showed an increase of S1P levels after Adn treatment. Notably, the involvement of S1P axis in Adn action was highlighted since, when SK1 and 2 were inhibited by PF543 and ABC294640 inhibitors, respectively, not only the electrophysiological changes but also the increase of oxygen consumption and of aminoacid levels induced by the hormone, were significantly inhibited. Conclusion: Altogether, these findings show that S1P biosynthesis is necessary for the electrophysiological properties and oxidative metabolism of Adn in skeletal muscle cells

    S1P Signalling Axis Is Necessary for Adiponectin-Directed Regulation of Electrophysiological Properties and Oxidative Metabolism in C2C12 Myotubes

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    Background: Adiponectin (Adn), released by adipocytes and other cell types such as skeletal muscle, has insulin-sensitizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is reported to act as effector of diverse biological actions of Adn in different tissues. S1P is a bioactive sphingolipid synthesized by the phosphorylation of sphingosine catalyzed by sphingosine kinase (SK) 1 and 2. Consolidated findings support the key role of S1P in the biology of skeletal muscle. Methods and Results: Here we provide experimental evidence that S1P signalling is modulated by globular Adn treatment being able to increase the phosphorylation of SK1/2 as well as the mRNA expression levels of S1P4 in C2C12 myotubes. These findings were confirmed by LC-MS/MS that showed an increase of S1P levels after Adn treatment. Notably, the involvement of S1P axis in Adn action was highlighted since, when SK1 and 2 were inhibited by PF543 and ABC294640 inhibitors, respectively, not only the electrophysiological changes but also the increase of oxygen consumption and of aminoacid levels induced by the hormone, were significantly inhibited. Conclusion: Altogether, these findings show that S1P biosynthesis is necessary for the electrophysiological properties and oxidative metabolism of Adn in skeletal muscle cells

    Activation of anti-inflammatory cell pathways in skin ulcers upon photodynamic therapy

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    This study was aimed at assessing the variations in skin histology in ulcers caused by chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, upon photodynamic therapy (PDT). The study was approved by the ethical committee of Azienda Sanitaria Firenze. Patient assessment included clinical history, physical examination and echo-Doppler sonography. Four to five sessions of photodynamic therapy (20% 5-aminolevulinic acid gel application followed by 3 min irradiation at 630 nm, total 180 J/cm2) were administered to 15 patients refractory to previous conventional treatments. Skin biopsies were embedded in freezing tissue medium and quick frozen. Cryosections were post fixed in cold acetone. Sections from each case were stained with hematoxylin and eosin or labelled with primary antibodies against the following antigens: MHC-II class, DC-SIGN, CD68, CD163, BDCA2, CD4, CD25, TNF alpha. In some instances avidin and Ulex europaeus lectin were used to tag mast cells and vessels respectively. Upon treatment, MHC-II signal intensity per positive cell and TNF alpha signal in mast cells increased, as well as the numbers of CD68 positive/CD163 positive cells (M2 macrophages), BDCA2 positive (plasmacytoid dendritic) cells and CD4 positive/CD25 positive (Treg) lymphocytes number. Diffuse tissue TGF beta positivity also increased. DC-SIGN positive cells decreased in number. Mast cells were found in proximity of dendritic cells and of vessels; plasmacytoid dendritic cells were found in proximity of T reg cells. Clinically, mild decrease in ulcer size and granulation at ulcer borders were observed. Therefore treatment apparently led to the activation of cells and of intercellular communication pathways possibly down-regulating the inflammatory response. The same treatment had been shown to increase mast cell expression of basic fibroblast growth factor and fibroblast number (1), potentially responsible for increased production of extracellular matrix. Both types of effects could by synergistically beneficial for ulcer repair. This work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Education, MIUR FIRB 2010 and MIUR PRIN-2009; University and Research, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (Grant n. 3681 year 2012) and Foemina Foundation

    Assessment of copy number variations in 120 patients with Poland syndrome

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    Poland Syndrome (PS) is a rare congenital disorder presenting with agenesis/hypoplasia of the pectoralis major muscle variably associated with thoracic and/or upper limb anomalies. Most cases are sporadic, but familial recurrence, with different inheritance patterns, has been observed. The genetic etiology of PS remains unknown. Karyotyping and array-comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analyses can identify genomic imbalances that can clarify the genetic etiology of congenital and neurodevelopmental disorders. We previously reported a chromosome 11 deletion in twin girls with pectoralis muscle hypoplasia and skeletal anomalies, and a chromosome six deletion in a patient presenting a complex phenotype that included pectoralis muscle hypoplasia. However, the contribution of genomic imbalances to PS remains largely unknown

    Thrombocytopenia-absent radius (TAR) syndrome due to compound inheritance for a 1q21.1 microdeletion and a low-frequency noncoding RBM8A SNP: a new familial case

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    Thrombocytopenia-absent radius syndrome (TAR; MIM 274000) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder combining specific skeletal abnormalities with a reduced platelet count. TAR syndrome has been associated with the compound inheritance of an interstitial microdeletion in 1q21.1 and a low frequency noncoding RBM8A SNP

    Clinical and molecular characterization of a patient with interstitial 6q21q22.1 deletion

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    Background: Interstitial 6q deletions, involving the 6q15q25 chromosomal region, are rare events characterized by variable phenotypes and no clear karyotype/phenotype correlation has been determined yet. Results: We present a child with a 6q21q22.1 deletion, characterized by array-CGH, associated with developmental delay, intellectual disability, microcephaly, facial dysmorphisms, skeletal, muscle, and brain anomalies. Discussion: In our patient, the 6q21q22.1 deleted region contains ten genes (TRAF3IP2, FYN, WISP3, TUBE1, LAMA4, MARCKS, HDAC2, HS3ST5, FRK, COL10A1) and two desert gene regions. We discuss here if these genes had some role in determining the phenotype of our patient in order to establish a possible karyotype/phenotype correlation

    Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Patients With Complex Phenotypes and Potential Complex Genetic Basis Involving Non-Coding Genes, and Double CNVs

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    Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are a heterogeneous class of brain diseases, with a complex genetic basis estimated to account for up to 50% of cases. Nevertheless, genetic diagnostic yield is about 20%. Array-comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) is an established first-level diagnostic test able to detect pathogenic copy number variants (CNVs), however, most identified variants remain of uncertain significance (VUS). Failure of interpretation of VUSs may depend on various factors, including complexity of clinical phenotypes and inconsistency of genotype-phenotype correlations. Indeed, although most NDD-associated CNVs are de novo, transmission from unaffected parents to affected children of CNVs with high risk for NDDs has been observed. Moreover, variability of genetic components overlapped by CNVs, such as long non-coding genes, genomic regions with long-range effects, and additive effects of multiple CNVs can make CNV interpretation challenging. We report on 12 patients with complex phenotypes possibly explained by complex genetic mechanisms, including involvement of antisense genes and boundaries of topologically associating domains. Eight among the 12 patients carried two CNVs, either de novo or inherited, respectively, by each of their healthy parents, that could additively contribute to the patients' phenotype. CNVs overlapped either known NDD-associated or novel candidate genes (PTPRD, BUD13, GLRA3, MIR4465, ABHD4, and WSCD2). Bioinformatic enrichment analyses showed that genes overlapped by the co-occurring CNVs have synergistic roles in biological processes fundamental in neurodevelopment. Double CNVs could concur in producing deleterious effects, according to a two-hit model, thus explaining the patients' phenotypes and the incomplete penetrance, and variable expressivity, associated with the single variants. Overall, our findings could contribute to the knowledge on clinical and genetic diagnosis of complex forms of NDD