111 research outputs found

    Growth performance in heavy lambs experimentally treated with 17 β-estradiol

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    European and Italian legislation have banned use of growth promoters in livestock since 1988, but epidemiological data show that anabolic drugs are still being used illegally. Recent surveys carried out on the cattle farms in Northern Italy have confirmed the presence of growthpromoting hormones. Authors report data on growth performances in 80 Valle del Belice×Comisana weaned lambs experimentally treated with 17 beta-estradiol with 0.5 ml solution of oil Depot Estradiol ® (containing 5 mg of 17β- estradiol valerate) by intramuscular injection into the thigh. The experiment was founded by the National Ministry of Health, to validate histological test for surveillance and control of growth-promoting hormones in sheep. This study confirmed the strong correlation between clinical and anatomopathological features and growth performances of treated animals. Otherwise, no significant differences were found on in vivo performance of the lambs. Estradiol treatment showed heavier shoulders and necks on treated lambs, while the loins were significantly lighter. Moreover, lambestradiol- treated groups showed lower separable and inseparable fat percentage than lamb-control groups

    An alternative SNR-based weighted-LSM algorithm to classify and measure the concentration of Biological Agents from Laser-Induced Fluorescence

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    Optical spectroscopic techniques, such as Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) or Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF), have already been used to study and detect Biological Agents (BAs). Unfortunately, BAs usually share similar-shaped emitted spectra and low-signal intensities, making their detection and classification difficult to assess. Least-Square Minimisation (LSM) based algorithms are usually deployed to measure the concentration of agents from spectra. Recently, it has been shown how the use of ad hoc weights can help in improving the performance of the concentration evaluation. More specifically, it has been observed that the “weight matrix” should be modelled as a function of the boundary conditions of the problem. This work proposes a new weight matrix that is based on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the measurements. The idea is based on the fact that more noisy data are less reliable and therefore weight should be lowered. The paper, after a brief introduction and review of the LSM applied to spectra, will show the new methodology. A systematic analysis of the new algorithm is done and the comparison with the other LSM algorithms is presented. The results clearly show that there is a range of parameters for which the new algorithm performs better

    The sicilian rock partridge: latest data on genetic integrity from four different relict areas

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    Sicily (Italy) hosts a \u201crelict\u201d, endemic population of the birds Alectoris graeca whitakeri commonly known as Sicilian Rock Partridge. In the last decades, due to the risk of restocking with other European and Asiatic species for hunting purpose, a study was carried out to investigate the potential risk of hybridisation. The mtDNA control-region and nuclear microsatellites were genotyped. Due to the importance of the species, samples were mainly characterized by feather and stool samples, and rarely by carcasses found in the environment, from year 2011 to 2012. A panel of 7 microsatellite loci was validated. Three multiplexes that allowed the simultaneous amplification of 3 microsatellites, and 2 for other two microsatellites, for a total of 7 markers, were utilized. Results showed the occurrence of hybridization both towards the Middle Eastern species, A. chukar and the Northern European species, A. rufa. A total of 18.5% of the samples were collected from the wild environment showed a high degree of hybridization. This fact, even if linked to a small number of samples, highlights a potential risk of hybridization in 4 Sicilian provinces and underlines the importance of further investigations to understand the entity of the problem

    Pancreatic islets from non-heart beating donor pig: Two-layer preservation method in an in vitro porcine model

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    Purpose: Pancreata from non-heart beating donors could represent an unlimited source of islets if their cell viability can be efficiently preserved during the time necessary to process the organs by the use of a better solution of preservation compared to the classic University of Wisconsin solution. The aim of this study was to determine whether it is possible to obtain functioning "alive islets" from non-heart-beating donors by comparing, on a porcine model, the classic "UW ice-store" method with a two-layer cold storage method (TLM) using oxygenated Perfluorocarbons (PFC) and UW.Methods: Whole pancreata were harvested from 20 NHBDs female pigs with similar characteristics and preserved for 4 h in UW solution (n=10) or TLM (UW/PFC) solution (n=10). The isolated islets were then evaluated for number, viability, purity, and insulin secretion, also estimated after 8 weeks of cryopreservation.Results: The total number of islets obtained from isolation, and their function assayed by the insulin stimulation index, before and after cryopreservation, showed a higher value in the TLM group. No significative differences in terms of purity and viability before and after cryopreservation were found when comparing the two groups.Conclusions: TLM solution for NHBDs porcine pancreata with cold ischemia time lower than 4 h offers significant advantages over UW solution storage, thereby increasing the isolation yield and isolation success rate of the pancreatic porcine islet

    Cardiac filariosis in migratory Mute swans (Cygnus olor) in Sicily

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    Sarconema eurycerca is a common parasitic disease of North America swans and geese. The infection has been correlated with severe heart lesions, often resulting in cardiac failure and death of the animals. Heartworms infections have been previously reported in European swans, and specifically in the United Kingdom and Nederland. Both the countries are characterized by a cold temperate weather, similar to the one that can be found in swan wintering areas of U.S.A. and Canada. The first record of cardiac filariasis associated with Sarconema eurycerca infection in four swans in Italy. Twelve mute swans were examined during avian influenza surveillance activities on migratory birds. Birds were collected in the year 2006, in wintering areas of Eastern Sicily (Italy). Four of the twelve swans showed necrotic-haemorrhagic myocarditis with intra-lesional nematodes. Morphological characteristics identified the parasite as a filarial nematode. Birds lungs samples were used for parasites DNA extraction. The latter was used as template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of part of the 12S rDNA gene. Comparison of genomic DNA extracted from a reference S. eurycerca isolate confirmed parasite identity and provided the first sequence resources for this species of value to future diagnostic and epidemiological studies

    Combined inguinal hernia in the elderly. Portraying the progression of hernia disease

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    Introduction: Identification of a combined hernia is a common occurrence in the course of inguinal hernia repair. This type of protrusion disease seems to affect the elderly, in particular. Very few investigations have been carried out to ascertain the structural changes that occur in the groin affected by this clinical condition. Method: Analysis of intraoperative findings of combined inguinal hernias evidenced in the elderly, from the most recent 100 groin hernia repair procedures carried out by a single operator, represents the basis of the article. Protrusions that presumably represent the forerunner of this type of hernia were also analyzed: double ipsilateral inguinal hernias composed of a direct and an indirect protrusion. The gross anatomical, as well as histological, modifications occurring during the development of combined protrusions were also evaluated. Results: Combined hernia was the most frequent protrusion in patients over 65 years, accounting for 36% of the total in this patient group. In the same patient cohort, double inguinal hernia further involves 22% of elderly subjects. Macroscopically, progressive disruption of the inguinal back wall and degenerative reabsorption of the inferior epigastric vessels were evidenced. Histologically, inflammatory infiltrate, significant nerve and vascular injuries, along with severe muscle degeneration were recognized. Conclusions: The results seem to confirm that inguinal hernia is an unremitting progressive disease caused by chronic compressive structural damage. Combined hernias represent a frequent clinical condition in the elderly consequent to long-term degenerative damage. Therapy of combined protrusions must consider the impact of visceral vector forces

    Embryonic and foetal Islet-1 positive cells in human hearts are also positive to c-Kit

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    During embryogenesis, the mammalian heart develops from a primitive heart tube originating from two bilateral primary heart fields located in the lateral plate mesoderm. Cells belongings to the pre-cardiac mesoderm will differentiate into early cardiac progenitors, which express early transcription factors which are also common to the Isl-1 positive cardiac progenitor cells isolated from the developing pharyngeal mesoderm and the foetal and post-natal mice hearts. A second population of cardiac progenitor cells positive to c-Kit has been abundantly isolated from adult hearts. Until now, these two populations have been considered two different sets of progenitor cells present in the heart in different stages of an individual life. In the present study we collected embryonic, foetal and infant hearts, and we tested the hypotheses that c-Kit positive cells, usually isolated from the adult heart, are also present in the intra-uterine life and persist in the adult heart after birth, and that foetal Isl-1 positive cells are also positive to c-Kit. Using immunohistochemistry we studied the temporal distribution of Isl-1 positive and c-Kit/CD105 double positive cells, and by immunofluorescence and confocal analysis we studied the co-localization of c-Kit and Isl-1 positive cells. The results indicated that cardiomyocytes and interstitial cells were positive for c-Kit from the 9th to the 19h gestational week, that cells positive for both c-Kit and CD105 appeared in the interstitium at the 17h gestational week and persisted in the postnatal age, and that the Isl-1 positive cells were a subset of the c-Kit positive population

    Histologic effects of university of wisconsin two-layer method preservation of rat pancreas.

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    Marginal donors represent a poorly utilized source of organs for transplantation despite their availability. The key is to reduce the ischemic damage in the effort to improve organ quality. This study investigated the histologic effects after in situ perfusion of preservation with a two-layer method compared with the classic University of Wisconsin preservation in term of tissue integrity and number of viable exocrine cells in the rat pancreas both after exsanguination and at 8 weeks of cryopreservation. Pancreata harvested from 60 rats were collected using 3 methods: two-layer method following University of Wisconsin perfusion; exsanguination; and classic University of Wisconsin perfusion/storage. In addition to histologic analysis of collected pancreata, we analyzed the number of CK19(+) cells and their viability using chi-square tests with values P < .05 considered to be significant. Rat pancreas histology showed as University of Wisconsin in situ perfusion and preservation by the two-layer method to be more effective to maintain the morphologic integrity of both exocrine and endocrine tissues. There were a larger number of CK19(+) cells with good viability. Moreover, the effects of oxygenation were visible in pancreas biopsies preserved after exsanguination. In situ University of Wisconsin perfusion and preservation for 240 minutes with the two-layer method yielded greater numbers and viability of CK19(+) cells even after 8 weeks of cryopreservation

    Improved Bone Regeneration Using Biodegradable Polybutylene Succinate Artificial Scaffold in a Rabbit Model

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    The treatment of extensive bone loss represents a great challenge for orthopaedic and reconstructive surgery. Most of the time, those treatments consist of multiple-stage surgeries over a prolonged period, pose significant infectious risks and carry the possibility of rejection. In this study, we investigated if the use of a polybutylene succinate (PBS) micro-fibrillar scaffold may improve bone regeneration in these procedures. In an in vivo rabbit model, the healing of two calvarial bone defects was studied. One defect was left to heal spontaneously while the other was treated with a PBS scaffold. Computed tomography (CT) scans, histological and immunohistochemical analyses were performed at 4, 12 and 24 weeks. CT examination showed a significantly larger area of mineralised tissue in the treated defect. Histological examination confirmed a greater presence of active osteoblasts and mineralised tissue in the scaffold-treated defect, with no evidence of inflammatory infiltrates around it. Immunohistochemical analysis was positive for CD56 at the transition point between healthy bone and the fracture zone. This study demonstrates that the use of a PBS microfibrillar scaffold in critical bone defects on a rabbit model is a potentially effective technique to improve bone regeneration

    Vacuum inversion and securing of distal colonic pseudodiverticula with novel spiked O-rings

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    Diverticular disease is increasingly prevalent in Western societies and is associated with significant morbidity. OBJECTIVE: Two-stage endoscopic device development for inversion and secured ligation of colonic diverticula; first, human cadaver studies were performed to measure forces required for diverticular inversion; second, a novel set of devices (elastic spiked O-ring with delivery system) was tested in animals. DESIGN: Prospective, observational study of human cadavers and prospective, interventional study of a porcine model. SETTING: University hospital pathology laboratory and animal facility. INTERVENTION: Full-thickness inversion of the colonic wall with a pipelike delivery instrument to produce an inverted pseudodiverticulum that was secured with a spiked O-ring. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: The forces required for diverticular inversion, the secured closure of inverted pseudodiverticula, and the time until necrotic tissue falls off. RESULTS: A total of 248 of 248 of cadaveric sigmoid diverticula could be inverted by means of vacuum or forceps. The forces required for inversion ranged from 0.28 to 0.47 N (median, 0.37 N). Twenty-four spiked O-rings were delivered in 6 living pigs to produce 24 inverted pseudodiverticula. One animal died the day after the procedure of a pulmonary thromboembolism. In the remaining 5 pigs, all delivered spiked O-rings remained in place for 7 to 22 days. At necropsy, none of the inverted sites showed signs of perforation but rather full-thickness reparative scarring with ingrowth of connective tissue. LIMITATIONS: Animal model, stiff pipelike delivery instrument, variations in diverticular location, diameter, and size. CONCLUSIONS: Endoluminal inversion and securing of colonic diverticula induces tissue necrosis, diverticular sloughing, and full-thickness scarring
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