3 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic rectal resections: practical aspects

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    Abordul laparoscopic in chirurgia cancerului de rect este o considerat standardul de aur ce ofera rezultate oncologice similar cu o recuperare postoperatorie imbunatatita, si o rata minimala de complicatii. Pe fondul complexitatii crescute, cu toate astea, abordul laparoscopic ar trebui efectuat in centre tertiare, fiind rezervat chirurgilor cu o curba de invatare adecvata. O selectie atenta a cazurilor si o planificare adecvata ar trebui luata in considerare in cadrul acestui abord. Prezentarea de fata surprinde aspectele practice de baza precum si variatii tatice in cadrul rezectiilor de rect laparoscopice, precum si pasii potentiali in atingerea curbei de invatare.Laparoscopic approach is an already established procedure in rectal cancer which offers a similar oncological outcome, with improved postoperative recovery and fewer complications. Due to its increased complexity, however, the laparoscopic approach should be reserved for high-volume centers and for experienced surgeons with an adequate learning curve. Appropriate patient selection and planning must be carefully considered when opting for this approach. In this presentation, the primary practical aspects as well as certain tactical approaches will be covered regarding the laparoscopic rectal resections as well as the potential steps in achieving the learning curve

    Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomies for benign lesions

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    Pancreatectomia distala este o procedura standard pentru tumorile benigne sau maligne cu risc scazut. Abordul laparoscopic cu prezervarea splinei ramane in continuare o procedura de dificultate tehnica mai ridicata. Desi avansurile tehnologice si laparoscopice recente au facilitat realizarea acestei procedure, exista o serie de pasi cheie care trebuie mentinuti. Studiile recente au demonstrat beneficiile pe termen scurt si lung in prezervarea splinei, precum reducerea riscului de sepsa, astfel ca de fiecare data cand este posibil, prezervarea splinei este standardul de aur. Aceasta prezentare subliniaza indicatiile abordului laparoscopic, prezentand pasii respectati in ingrijirea preoperatorie, tehnica operatorie explicate in detaliu cu enuntarea pasilor important, metodele de prezervare a splinei precum si ingrijirea si urmarirea postoperatorie.Distal pancreatectomy is a standard procedure for benign tumors or tumors with low risk of malignancy. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy with preservation of the spleen is a technically demanding procedure. Although recent technical and laparoscopic advances have made the procedure more feasible and accessible, there are important steps that need to be maintained. Previous studies have shown both the short and long-term benefits of spleen preservation, such as lowering the risk of sepsis, therefore whenever it’s possible, splenic preservation should be the standard of care. This presentation highlights the indications for the laparoscopic approach, presenting the important steps in the preoperative care of such patient, the surgical technique described in detail with enunciation of the key steps, the methods of spleen preservation as well as the postoperative care and follow-up