2 research outputs found

    Health literacy improvement of eight grade students on reproductive health ā€“ presentation of workshops ā€žCommunication, emotions, sexualityā€œ

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    Cilj: Ispitati procjenu znanja o komunikaciji, emocijama i spolnom zdravlju učenika osmih razreda. Ustvrditi najčeŔće probleme. Učiniti usporedbu po spolu. Ispitanici i Metode: Ispitanici su 174 učenika (Ž = 97 (56 %)), Å”to predstavlja 81 % od ukupne populacije učenika osmih razreda jedne osnovne Å”kole u PGŽ-u (N = 214) kroz tri generacije. Prije početka i po zavrÅ”etku radionica provedena je anonimna anketa. Prva anketa procjenjivala je početno znanje učenika o temama kojima će se radionica baviti. Druga anketa ocjenjivala je korisnost radionica i služila analizi procesa. Rezultati: Prosječna dob iznosila je 14 (13 do 15) godina. Učenici o svojim problemima vrlo često razgovaraju s majkom (45 %), prijateljima (41 %), ocem (19 %) i braćom/sestrama (16,9 %). Većina učenika ne razgovara sa Å”kolskim liječnikom (85,8 %), obiteljskim liječnikom (79,2 %), stručnim službama Å”kole (69,1 %) i razrednicima/profesorima (50 %). Učenici vrlo često razgovaraju o Å”koli (45,8 %), prijateljima (31,7 %) i zdravlju (25,8 %). Najmanje razgovaraju o simpatijama (36,5 %), spolnosti (29,1 %) i emocijama (17,8 %). Učenici najčeŔće smatraju da o seksu posjeduju vrlo dobra (24,7 %) i izvrsna (35,3 %) znanja, kao i o komunikaciji, vrlo dobra (42,2 %) i izvrsna (25,8 %). Dobrim procjenjuju svoje znanje o zdravlju (37 %) i SPB-u (32,2 %). Dječaci smatraju da viÅ”e znaju o seksu od djevojčica (20,6 % vs. 14,7 %, P = 0,004). Djevojčice smatraju da znaju viÅ”e o emocijama (15,3 % vs. 3,7 %, P = 0,003). Radionice su ocijenjene kao korisne (92,5 %). Zaključci: Prema iskustvima radionica sadržaje bi trebalo obrađivati kroz zasebnu aktivnost, izvan postojećih predmeta, kontinuirano tijekom cijele godine, koristeći se evokacija/razumijevanje/refleksija okvirom za poučavanje, a kratkoročne ciljeve definirati prema karakteristikama pojedine grupe i rezultatima ankete. Reproduktivno zdravlje djece i mladih kompleksno je područje koje zahtijeva interdisciplinarni pristup.Aim: To examine the knowledge about communication, emotions, and sexual health of 8th-grade students. To state the most common issues. Make a comparison by gender. Participants and methods: The sample of participants included 174 students (F=97 (56 %)), representing 81 % of the total population of 8th-grade students in one elementary school in the Primorje-Gorski kotar County (N=214) through three generations. An anonymous survey was conducted before the beginning and at the end of the workshops. The first survey evaluated the studentsā€™ initial knowledge of the topics to be covered by the workshops. The second survey evaluated the usefulness of the workshops and served as process analysis. Results: The average age was 14 (13-15) years. Students talk about their problems very often with their mother (45 %), their friends (41 %), their father (19 %), and their siblings (16.9 %). Most of the students do not talk to the school physician (85.8 %), family physician (79.2 %), specialist school services (69.1 %) and their classmasters/professors (50 %). They very often talk about school (45.8%), friends (31.7 %), and health (25.8 %). They talk the least about the boys/girls they are in love with (36.5 %), sexuality (29.1 %), and emotions (17.8 %). Students believe they possess very good (24.7 %) and excellent (35.3 %) knowledge about sex, and that they are very good (42.2 %) and excellent (25.8%) in communicating. They evaluate their knowledge about health (37 %) and STDs (32.2 %) as good. Boys think they know more about sex than girls (20.6 % vs 14.7 %, P=0.004). Girls think they know more about emotions (15.3 % vs 3.7 %, P=0.003). The workshops were rated as useful (92.5 %). Conclusions: Based on the insights from the workshops, their content should be addressed through a separate activity, beyond the existing subjects, continuously throughout the year, using an evocation/understanding/reflection-framework, and short-term goals should be defined according to the characteristics of each group and survey results. The reproductive health of children and the youth is a complex area requiring an interdisciplinary approach

    Assessment of the health status of the residents in PrimorskoGoranska County

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    Abstract. Assessing the health status of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County residents a picture of the health of the county in the health context will be obtained. This would identify and evaluate the health needs of the population. The health and health needs of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County residents were assessed using routine health and demographic statistics. For Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, demographic and health indicators were analyzed. In the research of health indicators, the data of the World Health Organization from the health improvement strategy ā€œHealth for all in the 21st centuryā€ and the data of mortality statistics of the Croatian Institute of Public Health were used. The analysis of the indicators will be performed by a descriptive-statistical method, primarily by comparative analysis. The level of representation and interpretation of data was the County and its four subregional units. The contribution of this paper consists of supporting decision-makers to promote, maintain and improve community health and quality of living in the County on the basis of measuring the health needs of the population. The assessment could serve for selecting new priorities as well as the basis for developing guidelines for future interventions in the community