46 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Etanol Biji Klabet (Trigonella Foenum- Graecum L.) Terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Tikus Niddm

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    Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (klabet) is one of the Indonesian medicinal plants and can be used to decrease glucose blood level on sufferer of diabetic. The effect of hypoglycemic of klabet seed extract on albino male rats has been investigated. Hyper­glycemic was induced by alloxan tetrahydrate 125 mg/kg body weight. The doses of the klabet extract were administered orally during 3 days and 7 days. Plasma glucose level was measured by Tinder method. Decrease percentage of plasma glucose level in gliclazide 1.4 mg/200g body weight, klabet seed extract 140 (DI), 280 (DII) and 560 (DIII) mg/200g body weight after 3 days of administration were 26.2, 17.97, 17.21, 14.17 respectively and decrease percentage after 7 days of administration were 42.74, 41.22, 42.86, 34.77 res­pectively. The effect of hypoglycemic was observed on 140 mg/200g body weight and 280 mg/200g body weight (p>0.05)

    Uji Toksisitas Akut Ekstrak Mahkota Dewa Pada Hewan Coba

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    Telah dilakukan uji toksisitas akut infus biji, infuse daging buah serta ekstrak daging buah mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl). Uji menggunakan cara Weill, dengan hewan uji mencit jantan dan betina. Ekstrak etanol dibuat dengan cara prokolasi menggunakan etanol 70%. Uji toksisitas dilakukan dengan mengamati jumlah kematian setelah 24 jam pemberian bahan uji, serta mengamati gelagat atau perilaku hewan uji. Data keamanan buah mahkota dewa menunjukkan harga W50 infus biji adalah 3,835 mg/10 g bb ip mencit; LD5o infus daging buah adalah 67,04 mg/10 g bb ip mencit dan harga LD50 ekstrak daging buah adalah 36,53 mg/10 g bb ip mencit. Dengan ekstrapolasi menggunakan cara Paget dan Barnes, dan kriteria Gleason, buah mahkota dewa tanpa biji, termasuk dalam katagori tidak toksik, namun biji mahkota dewa menunjukkan adanya efek-efek toksik. Karena itu perlu perhatian bagi masyarakat yang menggunakannya, untuk sama sekali tidak mengkonsumsi biji dan buah Mahkota Dewa, kecuali utuk pemakaian luar. Dari data pengamatan perilaku atau gelagat hewan uji, dapat diperkirakan arah penelitian farmakodinami lanjut adalah pada efek blockade sensorik, adrenergic namun terlihat adanya efek iritasi pada pemberian oral

    Profil Pengobat Tradisional Ramuan dan Ramuan Obat Herbal yang Digunakan di Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara, Kalimantan Selatan dan Lampung

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    Traditional healers ingredients to take part in increased of public health. Therefore to find traditional healers ingredients base data to used for to treat, carry out cross-sectional design survey at three provinces those Southeast Sulawesi, South Kalimantan and Lampung with totally sample 48 every province. The results survey of traditional healers profile showed capacity sources of man in Southeast Sulawesi, South Kalimantan and Lampung yet low an education level and much traditional helers no practice yet. Showed ingredients to used for to treat public disorders there are ingredient's to treat for cancer, diabetes mellitus, haemoroid, rheumatic, tuberculosis, stone blader, hight blood pressure, malaria and cough. Many plants for ingredients there are Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb, Andrographis paniculata Ness, Orthosiphon grandiflora Bold, Curcuma domestica Val, Zingiber officinale Roxb, Phaleria macrocarpa Boerl, Carica papaya L and Loranthus sp

    Toksisitas Subkronik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Johar (Cassia Siamea Lamk.) Pada Tikus Putih

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    The Indonesian people still empirically use medicinal plants to overcome their diseases or maintain their health. One of the medicinal plants is Cassia siamea Lamk (daun johar) used for treatment offever as well as malaria. A lot ofpeople usually use it for a long period^ of time. It is preferable for medicinal plants to have no effect rather than toxic effects. Subchronic toxicity test of the 70% ethanolic extract of the leaf of Cassia siamea Lamk have been carried out on 72 male Spraque Dawley albino rats for 3 months. The administration of the test materials were orally, every day except Sunday and there were three kinds of different dosages respectively 9,8 mg/100 g b.w.; 48 mg/100 g b.w. and 240 mg/100 g b.w. which means equivalent to lx; 5x and 25x the usual dose of man. The control group received water only. The result showed that the 70% ethanolic extract of the leaf of Cassia siamea Lamk. administered orally every day until 3 months, the dose of up to 240 mg/100 g b.w, equivalent to 25x the usual dose of man didn't show toxicological effect on the internal body organs of the test animals such as liver, lung, heart, spleen, kidney and intestine. Other parameters such as SGOT, SGPT, Hb, Ureum and Creatinin of blood serum didn't show significant differences

    Penggunaan Tanaman sebagai Obat di Daerah Sulawesi Selatan dan Kalimantan Timur

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    To know the use of traditional drugs in East Kalimantan and South Sulawesi which are still in use, a study was done in both areas in 1989. Using a questionnaire as basis an exploration is done by senior students in pharmacy and senior students of the medical school, with the supervision of the local health service and experts from the National Institute of Health Research and Development. The study was done in La Bempa and Batu Besi in South Sulawesi and Tenggarong in East Kalimantan. In the final report of the study no information is exposed on the drug components of traditional prescriptions. Prescriptions used in the ailments suffered in the last 2 weeks, were catagorized and analized. In East Kalimantan 58 prescriptions were recorded and 113 prescriptions in South Sulawesi. In East Kalimantan 86% of them consists of single components and 14% consists of more than one components. In South Sulawesi 65% of the prescriptions consists of single components and 35% of them consists of more than one.Sixty percents of the prescriptions in East Kalimantan are used orally and 31% locally. In South Sulawesi 24% of the prescriptions are used orally and 64% used locally. The genus of some plants in both areas are not common in general and needs identification. In East Kalimantan 65% of the plants and in South Sulawesi 56% of the plants used are registered in TOGA list (TOGA list = a list of plants officially recommended to be planted in the surrounding gardens of houses, to be used as dmgs).A registration and inventarisation of traditional drugs in other parts in Indonesia is necessary

    Penelitian Toksisitas Subkronik Infus Daun Johar (Cassia Siamea Lamk.) Pada Tikus Putih

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    The Indonesian people still empirically use medicinal plants to overcome their diseases or maintain their health. One of the medicinal plants is Cassia siamea Lamk. (claim johar,) used for treatment offevers/malaria and jaundice/hepatitis. A lot of people usually use it for long periods of time. It is preferable for medicinal plants to have no effect rather than toxic effects. Subchronic toxicity test of the infusion of the leaf of Cassia siamea Lamk. have been carried out on 72 female Wistar albino rats for 4 months. The administration of the test materials were orally, every day except Sunday and there were three kinds of difference dosages respectively 25 mg/100 g b.w.; 250 mg/100 gb.w. and 500 mg/100 gb.w. that means equivalent to 5 x; 25 x and 50 x usual dose of man. The control group received water only. The results showed that the infusion of the leaf of Cassia siamea Lamk. administered orally, every day until 4 months, the dose of up to 500 mg/100 g b.w. didn't show toxicological effect on the internal body organs of the test animals such as liver, lung, heart, spleen, kidney and intestine


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    The research conducted  at CV. GS Organik, located in East Penfui Village, Centre Kupang District inDecember 2019, aimed  to determine the income and feasibility of the bokashi fertilizer business that CV. GS Organic was working on. The data was collected using the case study method. Data collected in the form of primary data, obtained from interviews and secondary data, obtained from related references and literatures. Income analysis was used to determine the first purpose, while the second purposewas analyzed using  R/C ratio, BEP and payback period. The results showed that: 1) the amount of income obtained from bokashi fertilizer business in CV. GS Organic in 2016-2019 was as followed: income in 2016 was Rp 13.680.002 in 2017 was Rp 22.953.334, 2018 was Rp 31.521.334 and in 2019 Rp 40.636.669; 2) The bokashi fertilizer business in CV. GS Organik in 2016-2019 was profitable and reasonable to be developed, because the income obtained was sufficient and the value of R/C ratio was more than one, namely in 2016 was 1.52, 2017 was 1.62,  2018 was 1.65 and in 2019 was 1.68. The BEP value both of production level and price, namely in 2016 was 13.160 kg and the price of Rp 1.316, in 2017 was 18.523 kg and the price of Rp 1,235, in 2018 of 24.239 kg and Rp 1.212 if stated in price, and in 2019 was 29,682 kg at the production level and the price of Rp 1.187. The payback period was also relatively quick, namely 1 year and 5 months


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      The research was conducted on organic vegetable business in Pagal Ekopastoral, Cibal Sub-district.  The research aims to determine the income and financial feasibility of organic vegetables with break event point and revenue cost ratio. Data collection with interviews using questionnaires. Data tabulated and analyzed with the method of break event point (BEP) and revenue Cost Ratio (R/C). These two types of analysis are divided into two forms, namely by vegetable type and overall. Based on calculations using bep method of production and price, types of vegetables caisim, pakcoy, chicory, cauliflower and broccoli worth trying or developed next where BEP production of 153.5 kg means the point of return of organic vegetables is occurring at the time of production of 153.5 kg, while BEP organic vegetable prices achieved at a minimum price of Rp. 3,070 / kg, meaning the point of return of organic vegetables at a minimum price of Rp.3,070 /kg. The calculation of R/C Ratio of all types of vegetables obtained a value of 3.25. Meaning that each cost expenditure of Rp. 1, then farmers will get a receipt of Rp.3.25. Based on this value shows that the revenue is greater than the cost of production so it can be said that the organic vegetable business in Ekopastoral is in a profitable position and worth running


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    ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di home industri “Mentari” Kelurahan Fatululi Kecamatan Oebobo Kota Kupang pada bulan Juli 2019 ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses produksi jagung ebi, nilai tambah dan keuntungan dari pengolahan jagung ebi, saluran pemasaran pada home industri “Mentari”. Penentuan daerah penelitian ini dilakukan secara sengaja (Purposive) dan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode studi kasus. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif diikuti oleh analisis keuntungan, nilai tambahmetode Hayami dan pemasaran jagung goreng pedas ebi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan jagung menjadi jagung goreng pedas ebi pada home industri “Mentari” bulan Juli 2019 meliputi pengadaan bahan baku, perendaman, perebusan, penirisan, penggorengan, pencampuran bumbu, pengemasan dan pengepakan. Penerimaan yang diperoleh home industri “Mentari” sebesar Rp 43.200.000,- per bulan untuk jagung goreng pedas ebi ukuran 350 gr, Rp 22.400.000,- per bulan untuk jagung goreng pedas ebi ukuran 200 gr dengan total penerimaan sebesar Rp 65.600.000,- per bulan dan keuntungan sebesar Rp 39.411.733,- per bulan. Adapun nilai tambah pada home industri “Mentari”  bulan Juli 2019 untuk jagung goreng pedas ebi ukuran 350 gr sebesar Rp 27.861,-/kg dengan rasio  nilai tambah sebesar 82,08 %, untuk jagung goreng pedas ebi ukuran 200 gr nilai tambah sebesar Rp 11.300,-/kg dengan rasio nilai tambah sebesar 71,75 %. Nilai tambah ini merupakan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari pengolahan jagung menjadi jagung goreng pedas ebi dalam penggunaan 1 kilogram bahan baku. Saluran pemasaran yang dimiliki oleh home industri “Mentari” terdapat 2 saluran pemasaran yaitu saluran pemasaran I dan saluran pemasaran II.   Kata kunci: home industry, penerimaan, keuntungan, nilai tambah, saluran pemasaran   ABSTRACT This research was carried out in July 2019 in the home industry "Mentari" in the Fatululi subdistrict, Oebobo district, Kupang city, to study the process of ebi corn production, the added value and profits of processed ebi corn and to find out the marketing channels in the home industry "Mentari ". The research area was determined purposely and the method used was the case study method. Primary data was collected through interviews, the collected data was analyzed descriptively, followed by a profit analysis, the added value of the Hayami method and the marketing of ebi-spicy fried corn. The results showed that the processing of corn into spicy corn ebi in the home industry "Mentari" in July 2019 included the sourcing of raw materials, soaking, cooking, draining, frying, seasoning, blending, and packaging. The revenue of home industry "Mentari" amounted to Rp 43,200,000, per month - for 350 grams of spicy fried corn, Rp 22,400,000, per mont - for 200 grams of spicy fried Ebi corn with a total revenue of Rp 65,600,000 and profits amounted to Rp 39.411.733,- per month. The added value of the home industry of Mentari in July 2019 for 350 grams of spicy ebi-fried corn is Rp 27.861,-/kg with a value added of 82,08 %, for 200  grams of spicy ebi-fried corn the value added is Rp 11.300,-/Kg at a value added ratio of 71,75 %. This added value results from the processing of corn into ebi-spicy fried corn using 1 kg of raw material. The marketing channels of the domestic industry "Mentari" consist of 2 marketing channels, namely the marketing channel I and the marketing channel II.   Keywords: Home industry, revenue, profit, added value, marketing channe


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses produksi pengolahan pisang menjadi keripik pisang, mengetahui besar keuntungan dan menganalisis nilai tambah pengolahan pisang menjadi keripik pisang pada Industri Rumah Tangga Kanaan di Kota Kupang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan November 2018 sampai dengan Maret 2019. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode  survei, metode kepustakaan dan metode dokumentasi. Analisis data  dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis keuntungan;Perhitungan Rugi-Laba, analisis nilai tambah metode Hayami. Hasil analisis deskriptif yaitu proses pengolahan pisang menjadi keripik pisang meliputi pengupasan, perendaman, pengirisan, pemberian bumbu, penggorengan dan pengepakan. Nilai keuntungan bulan November 2018 sebesar Rp 8.455.124,- dan bulan Desember 2018 sebesar Rp 11.872.411,-. Hasil analisis nilai tambah bulan November 2018, keripik pisang bungkus besar sebesar Rp 10.863/kg dan keripik pisang bungkus kecil Rp 5.467/kg dari bahan baku yang dimanfaatkan sedangkan bulan Desember 2018 keripik pisang bungkus besar Rp 10.864/kg dan keripik pisang bungkus kecil Rp 7.061/kg dari bahan baku yang dimanfaatkan. Nilai tambah ini merupakan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari pengolahan keripik pisang dalam penggunaan 1 kilogram bahan baku.   Kata kunci: Pengolahan,Keuntungan,  Nilai Tambah,  Keripik Pisang   ABSTRACT This research aims to know the production process of banana chips processing, the amount of profit and  added value of banana chips processing at Kanaan home industry in Kupang. This research was conducted from November 2018 up to March 2019. Data collection method used was survey, literature, and documentation method. The data analysis used of descriptive analysis, profit analysis, profit and loss calculation and Hayami’s added value calculation. Research results showed that the banana chips processing consist of some steps, namely stripping, soaking, slicing, giving spices, frying and packing. The profit value banana chips was of Rp 8.455.124,- in November 2018 and Rp 11.872.411,- in Desember 2018. Meanwhile the added value of large wrapping banana chips was of Rp 10.863,-/kg and the added value of small wrapping banana chips was of Rp 5.467,-/kg of raw materials utilized in November 2018. Whereas the added value of large wrapping banana chips was of Rp 10.864,-/kg and the added value of small wrapping banana chips was of Rp 7.061,-/kg of raw materials utilized in Desember 2018. This added value of the obtained profitability was of the one kg of banana raw materials in banana chips processing.   Keywords: processing, profitability, value added, banana’ chi