55 research outputs found

    Kutu Putih Singkong, Phenacoccus Manihoti Matile-ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae): Persebaran Geografi Di Pulau Jawa Dan Rintisan Pengendalian Hayati

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    Cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae): Geographic distribution in Java and initiation of biological control. Cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Psedococcidae), is a recently introduced pest in Indonesia. Parasitoid Anagyrus lopezi (De Santis) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) was imported to control the pest. Studies were conducted to determine geographic distribution of P. manihoti throughout Java, and to evaluate the potential of the parasitoid as a biological control agent. Geographic distribution of the pest was determined through field survey, whereas evaluation of the parasitoid was studied through cage experiment and field release. Our survey revealed that the cassava mealybug has spread throughout Java. Heavy infestations caused shortened and distorted stems, complete defoliation, and stunted growth. In cages containing only mealybugs, all cassava plants (100%) died after two months. Whereas in cages containing both mealybugs and three pairs of parasitoid, rate of parasitization was 25% and plant mortality 20%. Parasitoids released in the field were able to survive, reproduce, and establish under Bogor climatic condition. These might indicate that parasitoid A. lopezi is a potential natural enemy to be used in biological control program of the cassava mealybug

    Gotong Royong pada Program Bantuan Stimulan Pemulihan Sosial di Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat

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    Gotong royong merupakan salah satu karakter masyarakat Indonesia, namun nilai-nilai kegotongroyongan mulai memudar. Bantuan stimulan pemulihan sosial (bsps) merupakan bantuan tunai yang diberikan kepada korban bencana untuk rehabilitasi/rekonstruksi/relokasi yang dilakukan oleh masing-masing kelompok secara gotong royong. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini mengkaji gotong royong pada pelaksanaan BSPS di Mamuju, Sulawaesi Barat. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik: data sekunder, in-depth interview, dan observasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian BSPS tidak mampu menumbuhkan kegiatan gotong royong dalam kelompok penerima manfaat. Hal tersebut disebabkan tidak terbangunnya kebersamaan sesama anggota, tidak terampilnya dalam membangun rumah, bahkan bantuan stimulan tersebut menimbulkan kecemburuan pada masyarakat yang tidak menerima bantuan

    Analisis Kerusakan Dan Penanganan Ruas Jalan Purwodadi - Geyer

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    Jalan raya Purwodadi- Geyer merupakan bagian dari ruas Purwodadi – Solo. Berdasarkan fungsinya,termasuk jalan kolektor primer, berfungsi menghubungkan kabupaten Grobogan dengan kota Solo. Ruas jalan Purwodadi-Geyer terdiri dari tipe jalan 4/2 D dengan perkerasan lentur serta 2/2 UD dengan perkerasan lentur dan perkerasan beton semen. Sepanjang jalan tersebut terdapat banyak kerusakan jalan dan yang paling parah terjadi pada perkerasan lentur. Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan kerusakan jalan antara lain muatan berlebih (overload), kegagalan struktur, tanah dasar dan lingkungan yang berkaitan dengan drainase jalan. Kendaraan niaga dengan muatan berlebih di indikasi menjadi faktor utama pada kerusakan jalan ruas jalan Purwodadi-Geyer. Hal ini sesuai data lalu lintas harian rata-rata tahun 2012 dan tahun 2013 dimana golongan 6A dan 6B mendominasi dengan presentase masing- masing sebesar 20,58% serta 20,91%. Untuk itu kami mencoba menganalisa kerusakan dan ketebalan perkerasan ruas jalan Purwodadi-Geyer pada khususnya. Sehingga memberikan solusi peningkatan kualitas pelayanan jalan,sesuai dengan umur rencana.Dari hasil analisis didapatkan CBR tanah dasar rencana sebesar 3,3 %. Untuk Pertumbuhan lalu lintas pertahun didapatkan nilai 8,196 % serta untuk jalan tipe 2/2 UD nilai DS sebesar 1,84 . Dimana nilai tersebut sudah tidak memenuhi standart yang disyaratkan sehingga di lakukan pelebaran menjadi tipe 4/2 D. Mengenai nilai dari indeks tebal perkerasaan lentur yang ada untuk tahun 2015 didapatkan 11,80 dan lapis overlay di dapatkan tebal sebesar 9 cm. Untuk tebal perkerasan lentur rencana hingga akhir 2025 didapatkan ITP sebesar 15,00. Dengan susunan perkerasan pada pelebaran jalan sebagai berikut AC 19 cm, LPA 20 cm, LPB 35 cm. Sedangkan hasil dari evaluasi eksisting beton semen tebal 25 cm hanya mampu melayani masa layannya sampai akhir 2018 dan didapatkan nilai betal beton semen rencana hingga akhir 2025 dengan tebal 26,5 cm. Dengan penambahan tebal beton 1,5 cm, maka dikonversi ke perkerasan lentur sehingga nilai tebal komposit sebesar 4 cm. Dari hasil analisis kami menyimpulkan untuk perkerasan ruas jalan Purwodadi-Geyer, berkaitan dengan kapasitas jalan perlu dilalukan pelebaran jalan. Mengenai lapis permukaan, khususnya pada perkerasan lentur perlu dilakukan peningkatan dengan cepat untuk mengurangi kerusakan yang ada

    Perancangan Ulang Jembatan Bengawan Solo Lama Cepu – Blora

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    Central Java and East Java is separated by the Bengawan Solo River. To support the activities of transportation which across Central Java and East Java, was Bengawan Solo Bridge built on the road Cepu -Padangan on Blora KM SMG 160.09. Bengawan Solo Bridge consists of two bridges, Bengawan Solo Baru Bridge and Bengawan Solo Lama Bridge. Since 1994, only Bengawan Solo Baru Bridge which operated, while Bengawan Solo Lama Bridge had no function anymore because the condition is not feasible. Along with the growth and movement patterns of traffic, it was found that in certain conditions, especially during peak hours, often seen queues of vehicles will cross the Bengawan Solo Baru Bridge. This is based on the value of Degree of Saturation (DS) Bengawan Solo Baru Bridge is 0.78 (> 0.75), which indicates the traffic condition is already unstable. Therefore, operating Bengawan Solo Lama Bridge again can be a solution to the congestion and potential overload that occurs. However, to realize that, Bengawan Solo Lama Bridge needs to be redesigned considering exsisting condition is not feasible and the age of the bridge is already very old. As the technical and aesthetic considerations, Bengawan Solo Lama Bridge is designed by considering the condition of Bengawan Solo Baru bridge so that the Bengawan Solo Lama Bridge is planned use steel structures for the upper structure and reinforced concrete structures for bottom structure. After that, Bengawan Solo Lama Bridge is designed to serve traffic from Cepu to Padangan with the type of road 2/1 UD (two-lane one-way) which has a width of 6 meters and width of sidewalks 2 x 1 meter. The planning of traffic aspects use a life design for 25 years with the traffic growth by 2,472% per year. Implementation of Construction is at a cost of 33.4 billion. The scope of the planned bridge elements in this thesis includes work for the overall structure bridge and approach bridge

    DER reactive services and distribution network losses

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    Managing synergies and conflicts between voltage support services and network losses is essential for the cost-effective integration of distributed energy resources (DERs). This study presents the results of studies investigating the impact of using DER reactive power services on distribution network losses. By using year-round optimal power flow analysis, a spectrum of studies on a number of distribution network areas in the southeast of Great Britain was performed to calculate distribution losses under different control scenarios. The studies demonstrate that the use of DERs to provide reactive services to the transmission system may increase distribution network losses. On the other hand, DER reactive services can also be optimised to minimise distribution losses. The studies also analysed the impact of optimising tap changing transformer settings on the distribution network losses reduction
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