25 research outputs found

    Economic efectiveness of specialized dairy farms in 2012

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    Celem artykułu było określenie efektywności ekonomicznej gospodarstw wyspecjalizowanych w chowie bydła mlecznego w zależności od skali chowu bydła oraz regionu FADN w 2012 roku. Badanie przeprowadzono w 1 233 indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolnych z całej Polski. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że efektywność gospodarstw specjalizujących się w chowie krów mlecznych była zróżnicowana regionalnie. Gospodarstwa o największej skali chowu krów mlecznych osiągnęły najlepsze wartości wskaźników opłacalności produkcji, sprzedaży i rentowności kapitału własnego. Gospodarstwa utrzymujące w stadzie 10 – 15 krów mlecznych były nierentowne.The aim of the paper is to describe the economic effectiveness in specialized dairy farms in 2012. Agricultural holdings were grouped according to dairy herd size and FADN region. The study was conducted in 1 233 family farms located in Poland. The results show that the economic effectiveness of milk farms varied regionally. Agricultural holdings keeping more than 50 LU of dairy cows obtained the highest values of output profitability, sale profitability and net worth profitability. Farms keeping 10–15 LU of dairy cows were unprofitable

    Efficiency of production factors in family farms by FADN types and FADN regions

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    Celem artykułu było określenie efektywności wykorzystania czynników produkcji w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolnych przy uwzględnieniu regionów FADN i typów rolniczych gospodarstw rolnych. Próba badawcza obejmowała 12 117 indywidualnych gospodarstw rolnych. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, iż potencjał produkcyjny gospodarstw, produktywność czynników produkcji oraz ich dochodowość jest zróżnicowana regionalnie i w zależności od typów rolniczych gospodarstw rolnych. W 2013 roku regiony Pomorze i Mazury oraz Wielkopolska i Śląsk osiągnęły wyższą produktywność i dochodowość pracy w porównaniu do regionów Polski wschodniej. Analiza typów rolniczych wskazała, że gospodarstwa specjalizujące się w uprawach ogrodniczych osiągnęły najwyższą produktywność i dochodowość ziemi i kapitału. Ekonomiczna wydajność i dochodowość pracy kształtowała się na wyższym poziomie w gospodarstwach nastawionych na chów zwierząt ziarnożernych.The aim of the paper was to measure the efficiency of production factors in family farms. Agricultural holdings were grouped according to types of farming and FADN regions. The study was conducted in 12 117 family farms. The results show that the production potencial, productivity and profitability varied regionally and by types of farming. In 2013 Pomorze i Mazury and Wielkopolska i Śląsk regions reached higher productivity and profitability of labor than Eastern Regions of Poland The highest level of productivity and profitability of both: land and capital can be observed in farms specialized in horticultural production. The economic efficiency and profitability of labour was the highest in grainvores farms

    Emigracja zarobkowa. Szansa na przyszłość czy droga donikąd w ocenie absolwentów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych z województwa podkarpackiego

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    Labour Migration – a Chance for the Future or a Road to Nowhere? Opinions of High School Graduates in Podkarpackie RegionThe phenomenon of migration is one of the most important issues of our modernworld and it is becoming increasingly current in the public and scholar discourse.Labour migration – as one of the form of the social capital mobility – is an intrinsicissue of our social life. In spite of many academic publications and scientifi c studiesabout labour migration and its consequences, this subject is a very topical issue.Th e labour migration scholars pay attention to the demographic consequences ofmigration processes and specifi cally to migration of young people from Poland. Th epoint of this article is an introduction of labour migration – particularly migrationof young people – and its consequences for Polish society and Polish labour market.Furthermore this article describes the range of the labour migration, its main aspectsand migration trends that are typical for Poland. Besides there are opinions ofgraduates of secondary/high school that enrich the article. Th e views of young Polishconcern their will to go abroad and work there, their migration network, evaluationof their chances on the foreign labour market and declaration to study abroad

    PHITS simulations of absorbed dose out-of-field and neutron energy spectra for ELEKTA SL25 medical linear accelerator

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    Monte Carlo (MC) based calculation methods for modeling photon and particle transport, have several potential applications in radiotherapy. An essential requirement for successful radiation therapy is that the discrepancies between dose distributions calculated at the treatment planning stage and those delivered to the patient are minimized. It is also essential to minimize the dose to radiosensitive and critical organs. With MC technique, the dose distributions from both the primary and scattered photons can be calculated. The out-of-field radiation doses are of particular concern when high energy photons are used, since then neutrons are produced both in the accelerator head and inside the patients. Using MC technique, the created photons and particles can be followed and the transport and energy deposition in all the tissues of the patient can be estimated. This is of great importance during pediatric treatments when minimizing the risk for normal healthy tissue, e.g. secondary cancer. The purpose of this work was to evaluate 3D general purpose PHITS MC code efficiency as an alternative approach for photon beam specification. In this study, we developed a model of an ELEKTA SL25 accelerator and used the transport code PHITS for calculating the total absorbed dose and the neutron energy spectra infield and outside the treatment field. This model was validated against measurements performed with bubble detector spectrometers and Boner sphere for 18 MV linacs, including both photons and neutrons. The average absolute difference between the calculated and measured absorbed dose for the out-of-field region was around 11%. Taking into account a simplification for simulated geometry, which does not include any potential scattering materials around, the obtained result is very satisfactorily. A good agreement between the simulated and measured neutron energy spectra was observed while comparing to data found in the literature

    Simulations of MATROSHKA experiments at ISS using PHITS

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    Concerns about the biological effects of space radiation are increasing rapidly due to the perspective of long-duration manned missions, both in relation to the International Space Station (ISS) and to manned interplanetary missions to Moon and Mars in the future. As a preparation for these long duration space missions it is important to ensure an excellent capability to evaluate the impact of space radiation on human health in order to secure the safety of the astronauts/cosmonauts and minimize their risks. It is therefore necessary to measure the radiation load on the personnel both inside and outside the space vehicles and certify that organ and tissue equivalent doses can be simulated as accurate as possible. In this paper we will present simulations using the three-dimensional Monte Carlo Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) of long term dose measurements performed with the ESA supported experiment MATROSHKA (MTR), which is an anthropomorphic phantom containing over 6000 radiation detectors, mimicking a human head and torso. The MTR experiment, led by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), was launched in January 2004 and has measured the absorbed dose from space radiation both inside and outside the ISS. In this paper preliminary comparisons of measurements outside the ISS will be presented. The results confirm previous calculations and measurements which indicate that PHITS is a suitable tool for estimations of dose received from cosmic radiation and when performing shielding design studies of spacecraft

    The quality of life of breast cancer patients undergoing in-patient chemotherapy

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    Wstęp. W Polsce rak piersi należy do najczęstszych nowotworów złośliwych u kobiet. Jednym z głównych sposobów leczenia chorych na ten nowotwór jest chemioterapia. Pielęgniarki najwięcej czasu spędzają z pacjentkami przebywającym na oddziale szpitalnym. Troska o jakość życia chorych na nowotwór stanowi jedną z głównych wytycznych Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia. Cel pracy. Celem pracy była ocena jakości życia chorych na raka piersi poddanych chemioterapii w warunkach szpitalnych poprzez rozpoznanie głównych potrzeb oraz problemów fizycznych i psychologicznych, aby ukierunkować działania pielęgniarskie tak, by w przyszłości wpłynęły na poprawę funkcjonowania tych chorych w codziennym życiu. Materiał i metody. Grupę badaną stanowiło 90 chorych na raka piersi poddanych chemioterapii prowadzonej w warunkach szpitalnych. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ankiety opracowany na potrzeby niniejszego badania. Wyniki i wnioski. Jakość życia chorych na raka piersi w trakcie chemioterapii prowadzonej w warunkach szpitalnych ulega pogorszeniu, przede wszystkim ze względu na pojawiający się smutek, niepokój, obawę przed leczeniem, a także nudności, wymioty, osłabienie, dolegliwości bólowe, brak energii życiowej oraz problemy finansowe. Jednakże mimo wszystkich dolegliwości fizycznych i obaw o wyniki rozpoczętego leczenia oraz o swój wygląd, wsparcie ze strony najbliższych pozwala większości chorych radzić sobie z chorobą. Ze względu na niemal wszechstronny wpływ choroby nowotworowej na życie chorych na raka piersi w trakcie leczenia cytostatycznego konieczna jest modyfikacja modelu opieki medycznej w szpitalu poprzez zapewnienie skuteczniejszego łagodzenia dolegliwości somatycznych, zmniejszenie stresu psychologicznego oraz wdrożenia właściwej pomocy socjalnej. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2011; 19 (3): 341–347Introduction. In Poland breast cancer is the most common malignant disease in woman. Nurses spend the most time with the patients undergoing in-patient chemotherapy. The high quality of life is one of the Word Health Organization’s priorities. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was an evaluation of quality of life (QOL) of breast cancer patients undergoing in-patient chemotherapy through recognition of their main needs and problems, both physical and psychological. The obtained results could give nurses possibility to make changes in provided medical care and result in improving patients’ functioning in everyday life. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 90 breast cancer patients undergoing in-patient chemotherapy. The method of survey was a diagnostic poll with a specially prepared for the study questionnaire. Results and conclusions. The quality of life in breast cancer patients undergoing in-patient chemotherapy was deteriorated because of appearance of sorrow, anxiety, as well as experienced nausea, vomiting, weakness, pain, lack of energy and financial problems. However, despite all side-effects, apprehension about treatment results and the change of appearance, the patients thanks to psychological support received from their relatives were able to cope with the malignant disease. Modification of a model of medical care provided at the hospital through ensuring more effective alleviation of somatic symptoms, reduction psychological stress and proper social service is crucial to achieve improved overall quality of patients’ life. Nursing Topics 2011; 19 (3): 341–34

    The MATROSHKA Experiment: Results and Comparison from Extravehicular Activity (MTR-1) and Intravehicular Activity (MTR-2A/2B) Exposure

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    Astronauts working and living in space are exposed to considerably higher doses and different qualities of ionizing radiation than people on Earth. The multilateral MATROSHKA (MTR) experiment, coordinated by the German Aerospace Center, represents the most comprehensive effort to date in radiation protection dosimetry in space using an anthropomorphic upper-torso phantom used for radiotherapy treatment planning. The anthropomorphic upper-torso phantom maps the radiation distribution as a simulated human body installed outside (MTR-1) and inside different compartments (MTR-2A: Pirs; MTR-2B: Zvezda) of the Russian Segment of the International Space Station. Thermoluminescence dosimeters arranged in a 2.54 cm orthogonal grid, at the site of vital organs and on the surface of the phantom allows for visualization of the absorbed dose distribution with superior spatial resolution. These results should help improve the estimation of radiation risks for long-term human space exploration and support benchmarking of radiation transport codes