Emigracja zarobkowa. Szansa na przyszłość czy droga donikąd w ocenie absolwentów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych z województwa podkarpackiego


Labour Migration – a Chance for the Future or a Road to Nowhere? Opinions of High School Graduates in Podkarpackie RegionThe phenomenon of migration is one of the most important issues of our modernworld and it is becoming increasingly current in the public and scholar discourse.Labour migration – as one of the form of the social capital mobility – is an intrinsicissue of our social life. In spite of many academic publications and scientifi c studiesabout labour migration and its consequences, this subject is a very topical issue.Th e labour migration scholars pay attention to the demographic consequences ofmigration processes and specifi cally to migration of young people from Poland. Th epoint of this article is an introduction of labour migration – particularly migrationof young people – and its consequences for Polish society and Polish labour market.Furthermore this article describes the range of the labour migration, its main aspectsand migration trends that are typical for Poland. Besides there are opinions ofgraduates of secondary/high school that enrich the article. Th e views of young Polishconcern their will to go abroad and work there, their migration network, evaluationof their chances on the foreign labour market and declaration to study abroad

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