233 research outputs found

    Human activity recognition using multisensor data fusion based on Reservoir Computing

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    Activity recognition plays a key role in providing activity assistance and care for users in smart homes. In this work, we present an activity recognition system that classifies in the near real-time a set of common daily activities exploiting both the data sampled by sensors embedded in a smartphone carried out by the user and the reciprocal Received Signal Strength (RSS) values coming from worn wireless sensor devices and from sensors deployed in the environment. In order to achieve an effective and responsive classification, a decision tree based on multisensor data-stream is applied fusing data coming from embedded sensors on the smartphone and environmental sensors before processing the RSS stream. To this end, we model the RSS stream, obtained from a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), using Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) implemented as efficient Echo State Networks (ESNs), within the Reservoir Computing (RC) paradigm. We targeted the system for the EvAAL scenario, an international competition that aims at establishing benchmarks and evaluation metrics for comparing Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions. In this paper, the performance of the proposed activity recognition system is assessed on a purposely collected real-world dataset, taking also into account a competitive neural network approach for performance comparison. Our results show that, with an appropriate configuration of the information fusion chain, the proposed system reaches a very good accuracy with a low deployment cost

    Monopoles, abelian projection, and gauge invariance

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    A direct connection is proved between the Non-Abelian Bianchi Identities(NABI), and the abelian Bianchi identities for the 't Hooft tensor. As a consequence the existence of a non-zero magnetic current is related to the violation of the NABI's and is a gauge-invariant property. The construction allows to show that not all abelian projections can be used to expose monopoles in lattice configurations: each field configuration with non-zero magnetic charge identifies its natural projection, up to gauge transformations which tend to unity at large distances. It is shown that the so-called maximal-abelian gauge is a legitimate choice. It is also proved, starting from the NABI, that monopole condensation is a physical gauge invariant phenomenon, independent of the choice of the abelian projection.Comment: 9 pages, no figur

    Tomato plants transgenic for an Arabidopsis thaliana cystein proteinase inhibitor (Atcys) impair the life cycle of Helicoverpa armigera (HĂĽb.)

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    Atcys tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) transgenic plants, expressing a cystein proteinase inhibition level double than the untransformed control (Speranza et al. in press), were used for in vivo assays with H. armigera larvae. This insect pest, extremely polyphagous, has recently caused severe damages to the outdoor tomato crop due to the dropping of infested young fruits and to fruit rotting because of the larval galleries. Plants of the cv. Riogrande (RIG) and of the corresponding Atcys homozygous transgenic line (BG-106) were grown in greenhouse and leaves utilized for feeding H. armigera larvae, reared for four days with artificial diet. The recorded data were larval weight (every two days until the cocoon stage), cocoon sex and morphometric traits, number of adults emerged from the cocoon, number of layed and hatched eggs. The mean weight was generally higher when larvae were fed with BG-106 leaves. By subdividing in three periods the larval life, no difference in mortality was observed between larvae reared with control (RIG) and with BG-106 leaves. The percentage of adults emerged from the cocoon was 81% and 76% for the control and BG-106 respectively. The sex ratio (males/females) was in favour of the female sex both for the RIG (0.87) and BG-106 (0.73) cocoons. On average, the fertility (number of layed eggs) of the BG-106 fed females was 33% lower than the control. By considering the percentage of hatched eggs (emerged larvae), the value obtained was 6.8% for BG-106 against 11% for RIG. According to these data, in Atcys transgenic tomato (BG-106), a level of cystein proteinase inhibition double than the untransformed control, is sufficient to negatively influence the H. armigera biological cycle, even if the weight of the larvae fed with the BG-106 leaves is on average higher than the control (RIG). The last datum is in agreement with similar experiments reported in literature where the effect of proteinase inhibitors is tested in different host-pest systems

    Molekularna karakterizacija starog stabla masline Olea europea na Brijunima analizom SSR markera

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    Investigations were carried out on molecular characterization of a 1600 years old olive tree located on the Brijuni islands (Croatia) by SSR markers analysis. Measurements of fruits and leaves features were carried out on the old tree Brijunka and on the standard Istrian cultivar Buga (Buža). Measurement data on fruits and leaves were calculated statistically.Istraživanja obuhvaćaju molekularnu karakterizaciju 1600 godina starog stabla masline Olea europea na Brijunima analizom SSR markera. Provedene su izmjere svojstava ploda i lišća starog stabla masline Brijunke i standardne istarske sorte Buga (Buža). Rezultati istraživanja obrađeni su varijacijsko-statistički

    Spigelian Hernia in a 14-Year-Old Girl: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Spigelian hernia (SH) is a surgical rarity in children, which occurs through slit-like defects in the anterior abdominal wall adjacent to the semilunar line, the convexity lateral line which joins the nine ribs to the pubic tubercle and signs the limit between the muscular and aponeurotic portion of transversus abdominis muscle. As there are no specific symptoms and signs, the diagnosis is difficult, especially in children. We report a case of SH that comes to our observation: a 14-year-old girl presented recurrent abdominal pain associated to intermittent palpable mass in the paraumbilical region. Starting from our case report, we review the literature of pediatric SH from 2000 to 2013 and we describe the anatomy, etiology, clinical presentation, instrumental diagnosis, and surgical technique of pediatric SH

    Cross-correlations between motifs in the 5′-UTR of DAT1 gene. Findings from Parkinson’s disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neuro-degenerative disorder affecting the striatal motor system, caused by the loss of neuronal cells in the mid-brain, where reduced amounts of dopamine do cause involuntary movements and others symptoms. Alterations of methylome have been reported in PD epigenomic studies, and also human dopamine transporter gene (DAT1, SLC6A3) is considered as a candidate risk factor for PD. Since the DNA methylation on DAT promoter may well have a role in the development of this disease, we aimed to further assess the epigenetic control, by focusing on specific CpG sites located in the 5′ -untranslated region (5′ -UTR) of the DAT1 gene. Significant changes in DAT 5′ -UTR methylation were already found in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of PD subjects (Rubino et al., 2020). Of note, methylation values at the CpG 5 were increased. We run on same data a novel statistical approach: crosscorrelation between pairs of loci. CpG 5 was the only always-differing variable but, alternatively, CpGs 2 and 6 or CpGs 1 and 3 were also significantly correlated with CpG 5. Interestingly, this picture emerged for those patients whose M2xM6 index was above-median; loci were rather independent for below-median patients. Present data may shed light into dynamics occurring at 5′ -UTR of DAT1, a gene involved in PD but also in many psycho-physiological pathologies

    Type V collagen induces apoptosis of 8701-BC breast cancer cells and enhances m-calpain expression

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    We previously reported that ductal infiltrating carcinomas (DIC) of the human breast display profound modifications of the stromal architecture, associated with anomalous collagen composition. The major alterations observed in the interstitial collagen were an abnormal ratio between type I and type III collagens, the appearence of an onco-foetal form of collagen (OF/LB) and a relative increase of type V collagen content. Biological assays performed by culturing a DIC-derived cell line (8701-BC) onto type V collagen substrate demonstrated that the latter was able to restrain cell growth and to inhibit cell motility and invasion "in vitro", differently from what found with other collagen species tested. To search for molecular mechanisms underlying the observed inhibitory effect of collagen type V on breast cancer cells. As a reference model, we used culture substrates prepared with type IV collagen, which represents the physiological substrate for cells of epithelial origin. Apoptosis was studied by both fluorescence microscopical analyses of cell viability and DNA fragmentation assays in preparations of 8701-BC cells grown onto either type V and type IV collagen. Differences in gene expression following cell adhesion onto the two substrates were analyzed by a "differential display" PCR (DD-PCR) technique and Western blot. In this paper we demonstrate that the inhibitory effect exerted by type V collagen is consistently associated with the switching-on of a death program by a significant proportion of the cell culture, concomitant with the formation of cohesive cell islands displaying a progressive decrease of cell spreading. DD-PCR and Western blot assays demonstrated a consistent association of type V collagen-promoted apoptosis with the up-regulation of the large subunit of m-calpain (L-mC) at both mRNA and protein level. Cell exposure to calpain inibitor I decreased the amount of DNA fragmentation by 30%. The present data substantiate our previous postulates that in cases of breast DIC the zonal increase of type V collagen contribute to the assembly of a "non-permissive" micro-environment for tumor cells, antagonist to other local permissive substrates. It is therefore conceivable that the spatio-temporal derangement of stromal components may actively modulate neoplastic cell behavior and metastatic propensity, thus contributing to the selection and development of more or less malignant tumor phenotypes
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