53 research outputs found

    Electrical coupling in the retina ganglion cell layer increases the dynamic range

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    CAPESCNPqFrom The Twenty Third Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2014 Québec City, Canada. 26-31 July 201

    Dynamic Range of Vertebrate Retina Ganglion Cells: Importance of Active Dendrites and Coupling by Electrical Synapses

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    The vertebrate retina has a very high dynamic range. This is due to the concerted action of its diverse cell types. Ganglion cells, which are the output cells of the retina, have to preserve this high dynamic range to convey it to higher brain areas. Experimental evidence shows that the firing response of ganglion cells is strongly correlated with their total dendritic area and only weakly correlated with their dendritic branching complexity. On the other hand, theoretical studies with simple neuron models claim that active and large dendritic trees enhance the dynamic range of single neurons. Theoretical models also claim that electrical coupling between ganglion cells via gap junctions enhances their collective dynamic range. In this work we use morphologically reconstructed multi-compartmental ganglion cell models to perform two studies. In the first study we investigate the relationship between single ganglion cell dynamic range and number of dendritic branches/total dendritic area for both active and passive dendrites. Our results support the claim that large and active dendrites enhance the dynamic range of a single ganglion cell and show that total dendritic area has stronger correlation with dynamic range than with number of dendritic branches. In the second study we investigate the dynamic range of a square array of ganglion cells with passive or active dendritic trees coupled with each other via dendrodendritic gap junctions. Our results suggest that electrical coupling between active dendritic trees enhances the dynamic range of the ganglion cell array in comparison with both the uncoupled case and the coupled case with cells with passive dendrites. The results from our detailed computational modeling studies suggest that the key properties of the ganglion cells that endow them with a large dynamic range are large and active dendritic trees and electrical coupling via gap junctions.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sa Paulo (FAPESP)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de SA Paulo FAPESPCNPq (Brazil)CNPq (Brazil

    Spatiotemporal network coding of physiological mossy fiber inputs by the cerebellar granular layer

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    The granular layer, which mainly consists of granule and Golgi cells, is the first stage of the cerebellar cortex and processes spatiotemporal information transmitted by mossy fiber inputs with a wide variety of firing patterns. To study its dynamics at multiple time scales in response to inputs approximating real spatiotemporal patterns, we constructed a large-scale 3D network model of the granular layer. Patterned mossy fiber activity induces rhythmic Golgi cell activity that is synchronized by shared parallel fiber input and by gap junctions. This leads to long distance synchrony of Golgi cells along the transverse axis, powerfully regulating granule cell firing by imposing inhibition during a specific time window. The essential network mechanisms, including tunable Golgi cell oscillations, on-beam inhibition and NMDA receptors causing first winner keeps winning of granule cells, illustrate how fundamental properties of the granule layer operate in tandem to produce (1) well timed and spatially bound output, (2) a wide dynamic range of granule cell firing and (3) transient and coherent gating oscillations. These results substantially enrich our understanding of granule cell layer processing, which seems to promote spatial group selection of granule cell activity as a function of timing of mossy fiber input

    A Computational Study on the Role of Gap Junctions and Rod Ih Conductance in the Enhancement of the Dynamic Range of the Retina

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    Recent works suggest that one of the roles of gap junctions in sensory systems is to enhance their dynamic range by avoiding early saturation in the first processing stages. In this work, we use a minimal conductance-based model of the ON rod pathways in the vertebrate retina to study the effects of electrical synaptic coupling via gap junctions among rods and among AII amacrine cells on the dynamic range of the retina. The model is also used to study the effects of the maximum conductance of rod hyperpolarization activated current Ih on the dynamic range of the retina, allowing a study of the interrelations between this intrinsic membrane parameter with those two retina connectivity characteristics. Our results show that for realistic values of Ih conductance the dynamic range is enhanced by rod-rod coupling, and that AII-AII coupling is less relevant to dynamic range amplification in comparison with receptor coupling. Furthermore, a plot of the retina output response versus input intensity for the optimal parameter configuration is well fitted by a power law with exponent . The results are consistent with predictions of more theoretical works and suggest that the earliest expression of gap junctions along the rod pathways, together with appropriate values of rod Ih conductance, has the highest impact on vertebrate retina dynamic range enhancement

    A computational study on the influence of rod coupling by electrical synapses on the scotopic dynamic range of the vertebrate retina.

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    Recentes estudos sugerem a existência de sinapses elétricas mediadas por junções gap entre fotorreceptores na retina de vertebrados. Neste trabalho, descrevemos um modelo computacional dos circuitos primário e secundário mediados pelos bastonetes da retina de vertebrados. O modelo é composto pelas seguintes populações de células: bastonetes, cones, células bipolares dos bastonetes, células bipolares dos cones, células amácrinas do tipo AII e células ganglionares. As células do modelo estão acopladas entre si por sinapses químicas e elétricas segundo padrões realísticos de convergência e divergência. As sinapses elétricas ocorrem entre os bastonetes, entre os bastonetes e os cones, entre as células amácrinas AII e entre as células bipolares dos cones e a células amácrinas AII. O modelo assume que um estímulo luminoso de baixa intensidade, simulando condições escotópicas, atinge todos os bastonetes da camada receptora, porém menos da metade deles é excitada. A resposta dos bastonetes excitados é controlada por uma fotocorrente cuja amplitude pode ser alterada para simular estímulos de diferentes intensidades dentro da faixa escotópica. O modelo é utilizado para investigar os efeitos dos diferentes graus de acoplamento elétrico entre as células receptoras e entre as células amácrinas AII, além do efeito de diferentes valores de condutância do canal Ih ativado pela hiperpolarização nos bastonetes, sobre a faixa dinâmica da retina. Os resultados das simulações mostram que, para valores realísticos da condutância do canal Ih, a faixa dinâmica medida na camada receptora é maximizada para o índice de conectividade crítico para que haja percolação de ligação. No entanto, quando a faixa dinâmica é medida para as células bipolares ou ganglionares o valor máximo é obtido para um índice de conectividade subcrítico. Este resultado é conseqüência da alta convergência de sinapses químicas entre os bastonetes e células bipolares.Recent studies suggest the existence of electrical synapses (gap junctions) connecting photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina. In this work we describe a computer model of the primary and secondary rod pathways in the vertebrate retina. The model is composed of the following cell populations: rods, cones, rod bipolar cells, cone bipolar cells, AII amacrine cells and ganglion cells. Cells of the model are connected via chemical as well as electrical synapses according to realistic convergence and divergence factors. There are electrical synapses between rods, rods and cones, AII amacrine cells, and cone bipolar cells and AII amacrine cells. The model assumes that low intensity stimuli simulating scotopic conditions reach all rods in the receptor array but less than half of them are excited. The excited rods response is controlled by a photocurrent waveform whose amplitude can be manipulated to simulate stimuli of different intensities within the scotopic range. The model is used to investigate the effects of different degrees of coupling among photoreceptors and among AII amacrine cells, as well as values of rod hyperpolarization activated current Ih on the dynamic range of the retina. Results show that for realistic values of Ih conductance the dynamic range of the rod array is maximized at the critical connectivity degree for bond percolation. However, the dynamic range of the rod bipolar and ganglion cells is maximized for a photoreceptor connectivity degree below the critical value. The latter result is a consequence of the high convergence of chemical synapses from rods to rod bipolar cells