10 research outputs found

    What did that emoji mean?

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    A user interface feature that provides a literal description of an icon as well as its meaning upon mouse-ove

    Signaling and Displaying Emotion and Other Intent with CLOSED CAPTIONING

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    This invention uses newly defined mechanisms, fields and character glyphs that enable closed captioning to convey emotional and other intent

    Automatic Signing PiP and Highlight using IMAGE RECOGNITION

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    Automatic Signing PiP and Highlight using IMAGE RECOGNITIO

    Automatic PIP for Reading Lips and Highlight using Image Recognition

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    This invention describes a method of automatically reading lips of a person featured in a vide

    Using Closed Captioning to create Sign Language with emotional nuance

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    Using Closed Captioning to create Sign Language with emotional nuanc

    Automatic PIP for Reading Lips and Highlight

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    Using newly defined mechanisms and fields that describe the location of the head, mouth or body of the person talking in a video in order to highlight the region of interest for a lip reade

    Filtering Social Media Posts from an Enthusiastic Member (friend)

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    A means for filtering or throttling down the extent of posts that a social media user sees from specific individuals on a content/news feed on their timeline

    Signaling for Signing for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

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    The invention defines mechanisms and fields that describe the sign-language carried or embedded in a video stream. The invention related to describing a video asset as having the singing language of American Sign Language or British Sign Language , etc.. Generally, only audio or captions have a language - not video. Discoverable attributes will allow the user interface to announce availability and configurability of the service to the viewer

    Using newly defined mechanisms and fields that describe the location of the head, mouth or body of the person talking in a video in order to highlight the region of interest for a lip reader

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    This invention addresses lip reading used to help Voice Assistant Speech Recognition or use in Silent Mode by using neural network/AI technology and voice recognition in conjunction with a voice assistan

    Filtering Social Media Posts Based on Content

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    Filtering social media posts based on the content of the post as compared to a “whitelist” (allowed content), and a “blacklist” (disallowed content)