31 research outputs found

    Prihrana u kasnu zimu stimulira brzi razvoj zajednica sive pčele (Apis mellifera carnica)

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    Unfavourable weather conditions after the queen starts with intensive oviposition during early spring may cause an imbalance in the division of tasks among worker bees in the bee colony. This can lead to slow spring development and poor exploitation of the main spring nectar flows. In order to accelerate the spring development, it is necessary, as a technological measure, to feed supplemental candy to bee colonies. In this research, the necessity of supplemental feeding, as well as the composition of candy (pollen and protein substitute) were analysed. Three groups of ten bee colonies each were formed - the control, unfed group, pollen candy fed and protein substitute candy fed. In the period from 22/02/2016 and 04/04/2016 three control measurements were performed during which the number of bees, the number of brood cells and weight of the bee colonies were determined. The research has shown that supplemental feeding of the bee colony in late winter in order to encourage the rapid spring development is justified. Namely, at the final measurements in April, the results showed differences between groups. The treated colonies had higher net hive weight, a greater number of bees and statistically significantly more brood cells. The results of this study confirm that the technological measure of supplemental feeding in late winter should be performed on all commercial apiaries for the production of honey, pollen, royal jelly, queen bees and bee venom.Zbog klimatskih promjena doÅ”lo je do promjena u strukturi i intenzitetu medonosnih paÅ”a. Ove promjene posljedično izazivaju neravnotežu u podjeli zadataka radilica u pčelinjoj zajednici Å”to dalje uzrokuje spor proljetni razvoj i slabo iskoriÅ”tavanje proljetnih pčelinjih paÅ”a. Kako bi se ubrzao proljetni razvoj potrebno je izvrÅ”iti tehnoloÅ”ku mjeru prihrane pčelinjih zajednica pogačama. U istraživanju je bila analizirana sama potreba prihrane ali i sastav pogača (peludna zamjenica i pčelinja pelud). Formirane su tri skupine sa po deset pčelinjih zajednica ā€“ kontrolna, prihranjivana pogačom s pčelinjom peludi (P) i peludnom zamjenicom (S). Između 22.2.2016. i 4.4.2016. obavljena su tri kontrolna mjerenja tijekom kojih je utvrđen broj pčela, količina legla i masa pčelinjih zajednica. Istraživanje je pokazalo opravdanost provođenja tehnoloÅ”ke mjere prihrane pčelinjih zajednica u kasnu zimu s ciljem poticanja brzog proljetnog razvoja. Naime, kod zavrÅ”nog mjerenja u travnju rezultati su pokazali statistički značajne razlike između K skupine, s jedne strane i skupina P i S, s druge strane, u svim mjerenim pokazateljima. Prihranjivane zajednice skupina P i S imale su statistički značajno veću neto masu pčelinjih zajednica, veći broj pčela i viÅ”e stanica legla. Rezultati ovog istraživanja potvrđuju kako je tehnoloÅ”ku mjeru prihrane u kasnu zimu potrebno provoditi na svim komercijalnim pčelinjacima koji su pripremljeni za proizvodnju meda, peludi, matične mliječi, matica pčela i pčelinjeg otrova


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    Facelija (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.) je jednogodiÅ”nja zeljasta biljka koja u posljednje vrijeme privlači pozornost ratara i pčelara. Ratarima je zanimljiva jer im omogućava ispunjavanje uvjeta viÅ”estruke sukladnosti vezanih uz tlo (minimalna pokrivenost tla, očuvanje organske tvari u tlu i dr.) te se u budućnosti očekuje značajno povećanje ratarskih povrÅ”ina pod ovom kulturom. Kako je facelija izrazito medonosna kultura i proizvodi značajne količine nektara i peludi očekivano raste i interes pčelara za ovu kulturu. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja je utvrditi intenzitet aktivnosti sive pčele (Apis mellifera carnica P.1879) tijekom cvatnje facelije. Istraživanje je provedeno na tri parcele na pokusnoj lokaciji Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku, na lokalitetu Vardarac. Praćenja su obavljena tijekom tri dana za vrijeme pune cvatnje facelije. Praćena je dnevna dinamika aktivnosti radilica na cvjetovima facelije, intenzitet sakupljanja nektara i peludi te prisutnost drugih opraÅ”ivača.SUMMARY Phacelia or California bluebell (Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth.) is an annual herbaceous plant that has recently attracted the attention of farmers and beekeepers. For farmers it is interesting because it allows them to meet the requirements of cross compliance relating to the soil (minimum coverage of soil, preservation of organic matter in soil, etc.), and in the future a significant increase in agricultural area under this crop is expected. As phacelia is a great source of nectar and pollen, beekeepers interest in this culture is growing. The aim of our research is to determine the intensity of activity of the carniolan bee (Apis mellifera carnica P.1879) during phacelia flowering. The study was conducted on three plots on the trial site, Faculty of Agriculture, at the site Vardarac. Monitoring was carried out during three days of phacelia flowering. Daily activity of workers on phacelia flowers, the intensity of collecting nectar and pollen, and the presence of other pollinators were monitored

    PHEROMONES OF THE HONEY BEE (Apis mellifera L.)

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    Podjelu uloga između članova pčelinje zajednice, kao i funkcioniranje pčelinje zajednice omogućuje savrÅ”ena komunikacija, a ona se kod pčela odvija pomoću pčelinjeg plesa i najvećim dijelom putem feromona. Feromoni u pčelinjoj zajednici imaju ulogu spajanja pčela kao jedinki u jednu kohezivnu zajednicu, tzv. superorganizam. Također, feromoni imaju ključnu ulogu u svim aspektima života pčelinje zajednice, od razmnožavanja, do sakupljanja hrane i obrane zajednice. U ovom su radu obrađene žlijezde koje izlučuju feromone, kao i uloga pojedinih feromona na ponaÅ”anje pčelinje zajednice.Division of labor among members and functioning of the honey bee colonies provides perfect communication, which in honey bee colony takes place by means of waggle dance and mainly with pheromones. Pheromones in the honey bee colony have a role in connecting honey bees as individuals in a cohesive community, so-called superorganism. Also, pheromones play a key role in all aspects of life in honey bee colonies, from reproduction to collecting food and colony defense. In this review are described the glands that secrete pheromones and the role of individual pheromones on the behavior of honey bee colony


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    Chemical composition and contents of amino acids and fatty acids in the planktonic cladoceran Daphnia magna were investigated, aiming to evaluate its value for feeding of young carp. Crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash and moisture contents were analyzed according to standard laboratory procedures. Amino acids content was determined by LKB 4101 automatic analyzer and that of fatty acids by Chrompack CP 9000 chromatograph, using a flame ionizing detector. Protein contents amounted to 1.18 and 39.24% of fresh and dry mass, respectively. These amounts of proteins completely meet nutritional requirements both of carp fry and its older categories and other omnivorous fishes. Raw fat and fibre contents in dry weight were 4.98 and 4.32%, respectively, which is suitable for the commercial carp breeding. Methionine and phenylalanine are partially in deficit, whereas other essential amino acids identified in dry mass of Daphnia magna were present in amounts adequate for all carp categories. The proportions of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in lipids of Daphnia magna were 18.70 and 66.20%, respectively. Among the unsaturated fatty acids, the omegaā€“3 group was present with 27.30%. The omegaā€“3 : omegaā€“6 fatty acids ratio was 5.68:1, which fully meets the carp nutrition requirements.Istraživanja kemijskog, aminokiselinskog i masnokiselinskog sastava planktonskog račića Daphnia magna obavljena su radi utvrđivanja pogodnosti za hranidbu Å”aranske mlađi. Sadržaj sirovih bjelančevina, masti, vlaknine, pepela i vlage utvrđeni su uobičajenim metodama. Sadržaj aminokiselina određen je LKB 4101 automatskim analizatorom, a sadržaj masnih kiselina Chropack CP 9000 kromatografom s pomoću plamenoga ionizirajućeg detektora. Sadržaj bjelančevina u svježoj tvari iznosio je 1,18 %, a u suhoj tvari 39,24 %. Navedene vrijednosti bjelančevina u potpunosti odgovaraju hranidbenim potrebama mlađi i starijim kategorijama Å”arana i drugih omnivornih riba. Količina sirove masti u suhoj tvari iznosila je 4,98 %, a vlaknine 4,32 %, Å”to odgovara potrebama konzumnog Å”arana. Od esencijalnih aminokiselina u suhoj tvari Daphnia magna, fenilalanin je djelomično nedostatan dok su ostale esencijalne aminokiseline zastupljene u pogodnoj količini za sve kategorije Å”arana. Količina zasićenih masnih kiselina u masti Daphnia magnae iznosila je 18,70 %, a nezasićenih 66,20 %. Od nezasićenih masnih kiselina, omegaā€“3 masne kiseline zastupljene su s 27,30 %. Odnos omegaā€“3 i omegaā€“6 masnih kiselina iznosio je 5,68:1, Å”to u potpunosti odgovara hranidbenim potrebama Å”arana


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    Chemical composition and contents of amino acids and fatty acids in the planktonic cladoceran Daphnia magna were investigated, aiming to evaluate its value for feeding of young carp. Crude protein, crude fat, crude fibre, ash and moisture contents were analyzed according to standard laboratory procedures. Amino acids content was determined by LKB 4101 automatic analyzer and that of fatty acids by Chrompack CP 9000 chromatograph, using a flame ionizing detector. Protein contents amounted to 1.18 and 39.24% of fresh and dry mass, respectively. These amounts of proteins completely meet nutritional requirements both of carp fry and its older categories and other omnivorous fishes. Raw fat and fibre contents in dry weight were 4.98 and 4.32%, respectively, which is suitable for the commercial carp breeding. Methionine and phenylalanine are partially in deficit, whereas other essential amino acids identified in dry mass of Daphnia magna were present in amounts adequate for all carp categories. The proportions of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in lipids of Daphnia magna were 18.70 and 66.20%, respectively. Among the unsaturated fatty acids, the omegaā€“3 group was present with 27.30%. The omegaā€“3 : omegaā€“6 fatty acids ratio was 5.68:1, which fully meets the carp nutrition requirements.Istraživanja kemijskog, aminokiselinskog i masnokiselinskog sastava planktonskog račića Daphnia magna obavljena su radi utvrđivanja pogodnosti za hranidbu Å”aranske mlađi. Sadržaj sirovih bjelančevina, masti, vlaknine, pepela i vlage utvrđeni su uobičajenim metodama. Sadržaj aminokiselina određen je LKB 4101 automatskim analizatorom, a sadržaj masnih kiselina Chropack CP 9000 kromatografom s pomoću plamenoga ionizirajućeg detektora. Sadržaj bjelančevina u svježoj tvari iznosio je 1,18 %, a u suhoj tvari 39,24 %. Navedene vrijednosti bjelančevina u potpunosti odgovaraju hranidbenim potrebama mlađi i starijim kategorijama Å”arana i drugih omnivornih riba. Količina sirove masti u suhoj tvari iznosila je 4,98 %, a vlaknine 4,32 %, Å”to odgovara potrebama konzumnog Å”arana. Od esencijalnih aminokiselina u suhoj tvari Daphnia magna, fenilalanin je djelomično nedostatan dok su ostale esencijalne aminokiseline zastupljene u pogodnoj količini za sve kategorije Å”arana. Količina zasićenih masnih kiselina u masti Daphnia magnae iznosila je 18,70 %, a nezasićenih 66,20 %. Od nezasićenih masnih kiselina, omegaā€“3 masne kiseline zastupljene su s 27,30 %. Odnos omegaā€“3 i omegaā€“6 masnih kiselina iznosio je 5,68:1, Å”to u potpunosti odgovara hranidbenim potrebama Å”arana

    Effect of queen cell size on body mass of emerged honey bee queens (Apis mellifera carnica)

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    U ovom istraživanju izvagano je 150 matica nakon izlijeganja uzgajanih iz presađenih jednodnevnih ličinki. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi korelaciju mase izlegnutih matica s veličinom matičnjaka mjereći volumen, Å”irinu i dubinu matičnjaka. Prosječna masa izlegnutih matica iznosila je 206,14 Ā± 28,25 mg, najmanja utvrđena masa iznosila je 121,30 mg, dok je najveća iznosila 260,70 mg. Najveća pozitivna korelacija (r (150) = 0,597) utvrđena je između mase matice i volumena matičnjaka, dok je najmanja korelacija utvrđena sa Å”irinom matičnjaka (r (150) = 0,335). Na osnovu dobivenih rezultata može se zaključiti kako veličina matičnjaka značajno utječe na veličinu matice. Iako su iz većih matičnjaka dobivene teže matice, odstupanja je ipak bilo poput izlijeganja lakÅ”ih matica iz većih matičnjaka i obrnuto.In this study, 150 queens grafted from day-old larvae were weighed after hatching. The aim of the study was to determine the correlation of the hatched queens body mass with the size of the queen cells by measuring the volume, width and depth of the queen cells. The average body mass of atched queens was 206.14 Ā± 28.25 mg. The lowest recorded body mass was 121.30 mg, while the highest was 260.70 mg. The highest positive correlation (r (150) = 0.597) was found between queen body mass and queen cell volume, while the lowest correlation was found with queen cell width (r (150) = 0.335). Based on the results, it can be concluded that the size of the queen cell significantly affects the body mass of the queen. Although heavier queens were obtained from larger queen cells, the deviations were noted, such as smaller body mass queens hatching from larger queens and vice versa

    Grooming behavior in relation to varroa (Varroa destructor) infestation level of Carniolan honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera carnica)

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    Grooming behavior is one of the traits that enables Apis cerana resistance to ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor. The study examines the proportion of damaged mites on 52 colonies (5 genotypes) of A. m. carnica in Croatia. The mites were collected on the sheets of the screen bottom boards, analyzed for the location of injury for each mite and correlated to infestation of colonies with V. destructor mites. In total, 2,425 V. destructor mites were analyzed, with an average of 46.6 per colony. The average (Ā±SE) of 12.69Ā±0.93% mites with injuries were recorded ranging from 0% to 32%. No significant difference (ANOVA, F (4, 47)=0.503, P=0.734) was found between different genotypes. The most common injuries of mites were located on the first pair of legs, while the lowest proportion of injuries were found on the idiosoma. No significant correlation was found between grooming behavior and colony infestation rate. Grooming behavior did not affect the colony infestation rate in tested colonies

    TehnoloŔka i ekonomska optimizacija proizvodnje pčelinjih zajednica (Apis mellifera L.)

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    Due to the increased honeybee colony losses, the demands for honeybee colonies are growing annually. To regain the lost colonies or to increase the apiary size, the beekeepers need to purchase the new colonies or to prepare the new ones during the season. The aim of this study was to investigate the technological and economic efficiency of the three different methods of honeybee colony production, deploying one, two, or four combs of capped brood with the adhering bees and a mated queen. The study was conducted in northeastern Croatia from May 2019 to April 2020. At the end of the first season, there were no significant differences between the groups in the number of combs occupied with the brood and the bees. The production of colonies with one brood comb provides the beekeeper with an opportunity to multi ply more colonies, while the colonies established using four brood combs during an early season produced honey during the main summer nectar flow. All three methods of colony production have scored a positive economic result and have demonstrated positive profitability rates.Zbog povećanih gubitaka pčelinjih zajednica, potražnja za njima raste iz godine u godinu. Kako bi nadoknadili izgubljene pčelinje zajednice ili povećali veličinu pčelinjaka, pčelari moraju kupiti nove zajednice ili ih mogu sami proizvesti tijekom sezone. Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati tehnoloÅ”ku i ekonomsku učinkovitost triju različitih metoda proizvodnje pčelinjih zajednica: koriÅ”tenjem jednoga, dvaju i četiriju okvira saća s poklopljenim leglom i pripadajućim pčelama kojima je dodana sparena matica. Istraživanje je provedeno u sjeveroistočnoj Hrvatskoj od svibnja 2019. do travnja 2020. Na kraju prve sezone nije bilo značajnih razlika između skupina u broju okvira zauzetih leglom i pčelama. Proizvodnja zajednica s jednim okvirom poklopljenoga legla omogućuje pčelaru proizvodnju većega broja pčelinjih zajednica, dok su se pčelinje zajednice proizvedene na početku sezone s pomoću četiriju okvira poklopljenoga legla dovoljno razvile i proizvodile med tijekom glavne ljetne pčelinje paÅ”e. Sva tri načina proizvodnje pčelinjih zajednica pokazala su pozitivan ekonomski rezultat i stopu isplativosti

    LiŔajevi otoka Krka (Sjeverni Jadran, Hrvatska)

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    A list of 137 lichen mycota taxa from the island of Krk is presented, including 18 species new to island of Krk. The list is based on literature records and field work carried out in 2001 and 2002 year. For each taxon, references on localities and substrate are given, and comparison of taxa composition between island of Krk and island of Rab has been made.U radu se daje popis 137 svojti liÅ”ajeva zabilježenih za otok Krk, uključujući 18 vrsta zabilježenih po prvi puta. Popis je izrađen prema navodima iz literaturnih izvora i terenskih istraživanja provedenih 2001. i 2002. godine. Za svaku svojtu daju se podaci o nalaziÅ”tu i podlozi. Učinjena je i usporedba sastava svojti između otoka Krka i otoka Raba

    The lichen flora of Risnjak National Park (Croatia)

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    This paper lists 80 lichen taxa recorded for Risnjak National Park. Among the listed species, Candelariella reflexa, Chaenotheca brunneola, Placynthiella icmalea, Usnea diplotypus and Usnea subfloridana have been already first reported for Croatia. The field survey was carried out at 14 collection sites in the periods 1997ā€“1998 and 2001ā€“2002. Floristic composition, life form spectrum and substrate preferences are described. The most numerous genera are Cladonia, Pertusaria, Lecanora and Peltigera. Lichens growth on 16 various substrates, among which the deciduous trees, Acer pseudoplatanus and Fagus sylvatica dominate. The alliance Lobarion pulmonariae, consisting of some rare and old-forest indicator species, is present within the area