3 research outputs found

    Creating a website for an artist in the WordPress system

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    V diplomskem delu je predstavljena izdelava spletnega mesta za umetnika v WordPress sistemu. Osrednji področji sta izdelava spletnega mesta ter pregled in analiza vtičnikov . Temo smo si izbrali zato, ker nas objavljanje umetnin na socialnih omrežjih omejuje in smo si želeli večji nadzor nad spletno trgovino in spletno galerijo. Preden smo začeli z izdelavo spletnega mesta smo izbrali najustreznejša vtičnika za trgovino in galerijo s pomočjo testiranja in primerjanja glede na definirane zahteve. Spletno mesto smo nato namestili, mu izbrali temo, dodali personalizirane elemente, namestili vtičnike in vnesli vsebine. Na koncu smo izvedli analizo metrik uspešnosti v Google Analitiki.In my master thesis I presented the process of developing the web site for an artist, using the WordPress system. The two main subjects are the development of the web site and the overview, as well as the analysis of plugins. The theme was chosen due to the fact that posting artistic works on social media is very limiting for an artist. Besides that, our goal was to maintain control over the web-store and web-gallery. Before we started developing the web site, we chose the most suitable plugin for both the web-store and the web-gallery, with the help of testing and comparing on the basis of defined requests. Next, we installed the chosen theme, added personalized elements, plugins and inserted the contents. At the end, we performed the analysis of metrics of success in Google Analytics

    Online social media advertising for generation z in slovenia

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    V magistrskem delu je predstavljeno spletno oglaševanje na družbenih medijih pri generaciji Z v Sloveniji. Osrednji področji sta spletno oglaševanje na družbenih medijih in uporaba družbenih medijev pri generaciji Z za namene spletnega nakupovanja. Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pripadnike generacije Z, da se odločijo za nakup izdelka, oglaševanega na družbenih medijih. Opravili smo raziskavo v obliki anketnega vprašalnika in ugotovili, da jih k nakupu najbolj motivirajo priložnosti ob uporabi družbenih medijev (zmanjšanje stroškov in dostopnost) ter družbeni vpliv, ki so ga deležni s strani vplivnežev ter ljudi, ki so del njihovega ožjega kroga.In our master’s thesis we present online advertising on social media among generation Z in Slovenia. The main subjects are online social media advertising and generation Z’s use of social media for online shopping. The purpose of the assignment was to determine factors that influence members of generation Z in a way that makes them purchase a product advertised on social media. We conducted a survey in the form of a questionnaire and found that they are mostly motivated by the opportunities that using social media offers (cost reduction and accessibility) and the social influence they receive from influencers and people who are part of their inner circle