707 research outputs found

    Stress Hyperglycemia: A Problem that Cannot be Ignored

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    Stress hyperglycemia is a strong neuroendocrine reaction in thehypothalamic pituitary adrenal cortex under severe infection, trauma, burns,hemorrhage, surgery and other harmful stimulated, resulting in increasedsecretion of counter-regulatory hormones. These hormones promotedthe production of sugar and cause glucose metabolism disorders withcytokines and insulin resistance. In this condition, the production of sugarexceeds the utilization of sugar by the tissues, which eventually leads to anincrease in blood glucose levels in plasma. In the intensive care unit, stresshyperglycemia is very common and can occur in patients with or withoutdiabetes. The incidence is as high as 96%, and it is an independent factorin the death of critically ill patients. Hyperglycemia not only prolongsthe hospitalization time, mechanical ventilation time and increased theincidence of serious infections in critically ill patients, but can also leadto the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is very important tolearn the pathological mechanism of stress hyperglycemia, the harm ofhyperglycemia and blood sugar management

    Learning to Occlusion-Robustly Estimate 3-D States of Deformable Linear Objects from Single-Frame Point Clouds

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    Accurately and robustly estimating the state of deformable linear objects (DLOs), such as ropes and wires, is crucial for DLO manipulation and other applications. However, it remains a challenging open issue due to the high dimensionality of the state space, frequent occlusion, and noises. This paper focuses on learning to robustly estimate the states of DLOs from single-frame point clouds in the presence of occlusions using a data-driven method. We propose a novel two-branch network architecture to exploit global and local information of input point cloud respectively and design a fusion module to effectively leverage both the advantages. Simulation and real-world experimental results demonstrate that our method can generate globally smooth and locally precise DLO state estimation results even with heavily occluded point clouds, which can be directly applied to real-world robotic manipulation of DLOs in 3-D space.Comment: ICRA2023 submissio

    Semiparametric proximal causal inference

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    Skepticism about the assumption of no unmeasured confounding, also known as exchangeability, is often warranted in making causal inferences from observational data; because exchangeability hinges on an investigator's ability to accurately measure covariates that capture all potential sources of confounding. In practice, the most one can hope for is that covariate measurements are at best proxies of the true underlying confounding mechanism operating in a given observational study. In this paper, we consider the framework of proximal causal inference introduced by Tchetgen Tchetgen et al. (2020), which while explicitly acknowledging covariate measurements as imperfect proxies of confounding mechanisms, offers an opportunity to learn about causal effects in settings where exchangeability on the basis of measured covariates fails. We make a number of contributions to proximal inference including (i) an alternative set of conditions for nonparametric proximal identification of the average treatment effect; (ii) general semiparametric theory for proximal estimation of the average treatment effect including efficiency bounds for key semiparametric models of interest; (iii) a characterization of proximal doubly robust and locally efficient estimators of the average treatment effect. Moreover, we provide analogous identification and efficiency results for the average treatment effect on the treated. Our approach is illustrated via simulation studies and a data application on evaluating the effectiveness of right heart catheterization in the intensive care unit of critically ill patients

    Fine-grained Recognition with Learnable Semantic Data Augmentation

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    Fine-grained image recognition is a longstanding computer vision challenge that focuses on differentiating objects belonging to multiple subordinate categories within the same meta-category. Since images belonging to the same meta-category usually share similar visual appearances, mining discriminative visual cues is the key to distinguishing fine-grained categories. Although commonly used image-level data augmentation techniques have achieved great success in generic image classification problems, they are rarely applied in fine-grained scenarios, because their random editing-region behavior is prone to destroy the discriminative visual cues residing in the subtle regions. In this paper, we propose diversifying the training data at the feature-level to alleviate the discriminative region loss problem. Specifically, we produce diversified augmented samples by translating image features along semantically meaningful directions. The semantic directions are estimated with a covariance prediction network, which predicts a sample-wise covariance matrix to adapt to the large intra-class variation inherent in fine-grained images. Furthermore, the covariance prediction network is jointly optimized with the classification network in a meta-learning manner to alleviate the degenerate solution problem. Experiments on four competitive fine-grained recognition benchmarks (CUB-200-2011, Stanford Cars, FGVC Aircrafts, NABirds) demonstrate that our method significantly improves the generalization performance on several popular classification networks (e.g., ResNets, DenseNets, EfficientNets, RegNets and ViT). Combined with a recently proposed method, our semantic data augmentation approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CUB-200-2011 dataset. The source code will be released

    Latency-aware Unified Dynamic Networks for Efficient Image Recognition

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    Dynamic computation has emerged as a promising avenue to enhance the inference efficiency of deep networks. It allows selective activation of computational units, leading to a reduction in unnecessary computations for each input sample. However, the actual efficiency of these dynamic models can deviate from theoretical predictions. This mismatch arises from: 1) the lack of a unified approach due to fragmented research; 2) the focus on algorithm design over critical scheduling strategies, especially in CUDA-enabled GPU contexts; and 3) challenges in measuring practical latency, given that most libraries cater to static operations. Addressing these issues, we unveil the Latency-Aware Unified Dynamic Networks (LAUDNet), a framework that integrates three primary dynamic paradigms-spatially adaptive computation, dynamic layer skipping, and dynamic channel skipping. To bridge the theoretical and practical efficiency gap, LAUDNet merges algorithmic design with scheduling optimization, guided by a latency predictor that accurately gauges dynamic operator latency. We've tested LAUDNet across multiple vision tasks, demonstrating its capacity to notably reduce the latency of models like ResNet-101 by over 50% on platforms such as V100, RTX3090, and TX2 GPUs. Notably, LAUDNet stands out in balancing accuracy and efficiency. Code is available at: https://www.github.com/LeapLabTHU/LAUDNet

    Rank-DETR for High Quality Object Detection

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    Modern detection transformers (DETRs) use a set of object queries to predict a list of bounding boxes, sort them by their classification confidence scores, and select the top-ranked predictions as the final detection results for the given input image. A highly performant object detector requires accurate ranking for the bounding box predictions. For DETR-based detectors, the top-ranked bounding boxes suffer from less accurate localization quality due to the misalignment between classification scores and localization accuracy, thus impeding the construction of high-quality detectors. In this work, we introduce a simple and highly performant DETR-based object detector by proposing a series of rank-oriented designs, combinedly called Rank-DETR. Our key contributions include: (i) a rank-oriented architecture design that can prompt positive predictions and suppress the negative ones to ensure lower false positive rates, as well as (ii) a rank-oriented loss function and matching cost design that prioritizes predictions of more accurate localization accuracy during ranking to boost the AP under high IoU thresholds. We apply our method to improve the recent SOTA methods (e.g., H-DETR and DINO-DETR) and report strong COCO object detection results when using different backbones such as ResNet-5050, Swin-T, and Swin-L, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/Rank-DETR}.Comment: NeurIPS 202

    Learning to Weight Samples for Dynamic Early-exiting Networks

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    Early exiting is an effective paradigm for improving the inference efficiency of deep networks. By constructing classifiers with varying resource demands (the exits), such networks allow easy samples to be output at early exits, removing the need for executing deeper layers. While existing works mainly focus on the architectural design of multi-exit networks, the training strategies for such models are largely left unexplored. The current state-of-the-art models treat all samples the same during training. However, the early-exiting behavior during testing has been ignored, leading to a gap between training and testing. In this paper, we propose to bridge this gap by sample weighting. Intuitively, easy samples, which generally exit early in the network during inference, should contribute more to training early classifiers. The training of hard samples (mostly exit from deeper layers), however, should be emphasized by the late classifiers. Our work proposes to adopt a weight prediction network to weight the loss of different training samples at each exit. This weight prediction network and the backbone model are jointly optimized under a meta-learning framework with a novel optimization objective. By bringing the adaptive behavior during inference into the training phase, we show that the proposed weighting mechanism consistently improves the trade-off between classification accuracy and inference efficiency. Code is available at https://github.com/LeapLabTHU/L2W-DEN.Comment: ECCV 202

    Adaptive Rotated Convolution for Rotated Object Detection

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    Rotated object detection aims to identify and locate objects in images with arbitrary orientation. In this scenario, the oriented directions of objects vary considerably across different images, while multiple orientations of objects exist within an image. This intrinsic characteristic makes it challenging for standard backbone networks to extract high-quality features of these arbitrarily orientated objects. In this paper, we present Adaptive Rotated Convolution (ARC) module to handle the aforementioned challenges. In our ARC module, the convolution kernels rotate adaptively to extract object features with varying orientations in different images, and an efficient conditional computation mechanism is introduced to accommodate the large orientation variations of objects within an image. The two designs work seamlessly in rotated object detection problem. Moreover, ARC can conveniently serve as a plug-and-play module in various vision backbones to boost their representation ability to detect oriented objects accurately. Experiments on commonly used benchmarks (DOTA and HRSC2016) demonstrate that equipped with our proposed ARC module in the backbone network, the performance of multiple popular oriented object detectors is significantly improved (e.g. +3.03% mAP on Rotated RetinaNet and +4.16% on CFA). Combined with the highly competitive method Oriented R-CNN, the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the DOTA dataset with 81.77% mAP

    Smooth Diffusion: Crafting Smooth Latent Spaces in Diffusion Models

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    Recently, diffusion models have made remarkable progress in text-to-image (T2I) generation, synthesizing images with high fidelity and diverse contents. Despite this advancement, latent space smoothness within diffusion models remains largely unexplored. Smooth latent spaces ensure that a perturbation on an input latent corresponds to a steady change in the output image. This property proves beneficial in downstream tasks, including image interpolation, inversion, and editing. In this work, we expose the non-smoothness of diffusion latent spaces by observing noticeable visual fluctuations resulting from minor latent variations. To tackle this issue, we propose Smooth Diffusion, a new category of diffusion models that can be simultaneously high-performing and smooth. Specifically, we introduce Step-wise Variation Regularization to enforce the proportion between the variations of an arbitrary input latent and that of the output image is a constant at any diffusion training step. In addition, we devise an interpolation standard deviation (ISTD) metric to effectively assess the latent space smoothness of a diffusion model. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that Smooth Diffusion stands out as a more desirable solution not only in T2I generation but also across various downstream tasks. Smooth Diffusion is implemented as a plug-and-play Smooth-LoRA to work with various community models. Code is available at https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Smooth-Diffusion.Comment: GitHub: https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Smooth-Diffusio