5 research outputs found

    BER and SIR Based Hybrid Link Algorithms Performance in Mobile Radio Channel

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    In the next generation of mobile communication networks (B3G) the using of effective handling of radio resources is supposed (channels, power and transmission rate) with simultaneous delivery of required services, in which the quality of service (QoS) is guaranteed. In this article we have described and simulated new BER based, SIR-frame based and SIR-slot based link adaptation algorithms. Algorithms were designed to increase efficiency of data transmission among user equipment and base stations (uplink) expressed by throughput and the outage probability for each link. Simulation results of hybrid adaptation (power and modulation BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM) are compared and expressed as data throughput and outage probability for different simulation environments (pedestrian channel with mobile subscriber speed 10 km/s and vehicular channel with speed 120 km/h)

    Performance of Advanced Hybrid Link Adaptation Algorithms in Mobile Radio Channel

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    The fast power adaptation is essential for WCDMA based mobile radio networks, as 3G UMTS. Although the first version of UMTS has been released in 1999 (Release 99) evolution was not finished yet. Quality of Service (QoS) and user data rate (e. g. HSDPA and HSUPA) are continuously increasing from release to release. Even though link adaptation frequency (1500 times per second) seems to be enough to span accidental fadings of mobile radio channel, used link adaptation algorithm is based on non-actual information about mobile radio channel state, which causes transmitter reaction delay to the actual channel state. Usage of appropriate prediction method to estimate near future channel state seems to be a valuable step to improve hybrid link adaptation algorithm. In this article we have described and simulated the new SIR-slot based advanced link adaptation algorithms. Algorithms were designed to increase efficiency of data transmission among a user equipment and base stations (uplink) for different simulation environments (pedestrian channel with mobile subscriber speed 5 km/h, 15 km/h and vehicular channel with speed 45 km/h)

    High Speed Downlink Packet Access in UMTS Network

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    High speed downlink packet access added to UMTS network provides to users data speed up to 10 Mbit/s. The achievement of high data speed is possible due to new link management and link control, and also due to change from power adaptation to modulation and coding adaptation. The most important benefit is an accessing of data services, which request big downlink data flow

    SARS-CoV-2 infects the human kidney and drives fibrosis in kidney organoids

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    This work was supported by grants of the German Research Foundation (DFG: KR 4073/11-1; SFBTRR219, 322900939; and CRU344, 428857858, and CRU5011 InteraKD 445703531), a grant of the European Research Council (ERC-StG 677448), the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF NUM-COVID19, Organo-Strat 01KX2021), the Dutch Kidney Foundation (DKF) TASK FORCE consortium (CP1805), the Else Kroener Fresenius Foundation (2017_A144), and the ERA-CVD MENDAGE consortium (BMBF 01KL1907) all to R.K.; DFG (CRU 344, Z to I.G.C and CRU344 P2 to R.K.S.); and the BMBF eMed Consortium Fibromap (to V.G.P, R.K., R.K.S., and I.G.C.). R.K.S received support from the KWF Kankerbestrijding (11031/2017–1, Bas Mulder Award) and a grant by the ERC (deFiber; ERC-StG 757339). J.J. is supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO Veni grant no: 091 501 61 81 01 36) and the DKF (grant no. 19OK005). B.S. is supported by the DKF (grant: 14A3D104) and the NWO (VIDI grant: 016.156.363). R.P.V.R. and G.J.O. are supported by the NWO VICI (grant: 16.VICI.170.090). P.B. is supported by the BMBF (DEFEAT PANDEMIcs, 01KX2021), the Federal Ministry of Health (German Registry for COVID-19 Autopsies-DeRegCOVID, www.DeRegCOVID.ukaachen.de; ZMVI1-2520COR201), and the German Research Foundation (DFG; SFB/TRR219 Project-IDs 322900939 and 454024652). S.D. received DFG support (DJ100/1-1) as well as support from VGP and TBH (SFB1192). M.d.B,R.R., N.S., and A.A. are supported by an ERC Advanced Investigator grant (H2020-ERC-2017-ADV-788982-COLMIN) to N.S. A.A. is supported by the NWO (VI.Veni.192.094). We thank Saskia de Wildt, Jeanne Pertijs (Radboudumc, Department of Pharmacology), and Robert M. Verdijk (Erasmus Medical Center, Department of Pathology) for providing tissue controls (Erasmus MC Tissue Bank) and Christian Drosten (Charite´ Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of € Virology) and Bart Haagmans (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam) for providing the SARS-CoV-2 isolate. We thank Kioa L. Wijnsma (Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Amalia Children’s Hospital, Radboud University Medical Center) for support with statistical analysis regarding the COVID-19 patient cohort.Peer reviewedPublisher PD