7 research outputs found

    Ocena predyspozycji młodych dorosłych do wystąpienia chorób układu krążenia

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    INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of morbidity and prematuredeath. Potentially modified risk factors, environmental exposure and genetic factors maypredispose to the occurrence of a specific cardiovascular disease entity. Atheroscleroticprocesses and obesity are some of the factors developing at a young age and progressingas the body ages, increasing the risk of getting ill.Aim of the study was to nalysis of risk factors favoring the incidence of circulatory systemdiseases among young adults and their knowledge of primary prevention. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 906 respondents were analyzed, including 613 (67.66%)women and 296 (32.34%) men aged 19.47 ± 2.59 years. The study was conducted usinga diagnostic survey. RESULTS: Incorrect body mass (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) was present in 12.26% of subjects,significantly more frequently observed in men (18.47% vs. 7.70%, p &lt; 0.05). Obesity(BMI ≥ 30 kg/m 2) was significantly more frequently obser ved in people burdenedwith a family history (2.88% vs. 0.48%, p = 0.0066) and smokers (5.65% vs. 1, 28%,p = 0.0009). Significantly, the presence of heart disease in the study group was shownby persons burdened with a family history (8.44% vs. 3.81%, p = 0.0033). The knowledgeof adolescents on cardiovascular risk factors was 84.86%. Conclusions: An anti-health attitude in young adults may have clear consequences at a laterage.Patterns of health behaviors among young people who are transmitted by people fromtheir environment are associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Youngadults are significantly exposed to the onset of cardiovascular disease at a later age.Wstęp: Główną przyczyną zachorowalności i przedwczesnej śmierci są choroby układu krążenia. Potencjalnie modyfikowane czynniki ryzyka, ekspozycja środowiska oraz czynniki genetyczne mogą predysponować do wystąpienia określonej jednostki chorobowej układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Procesy miażdżycowe oraz otyłość, to niektóre z czynników rozwijających się w młodym wieku i postępujących w miarę starzenia organizmu, zwiększając ryzyko zachorowania. Cel pracy: Analiza czynników ryzyka sprzyjających zwiększeniu zachorowalności na choroby układ krążenia wśród młodych dorosłych oraz ich wiedza na temat profilaktyki pierwotnej. Materiał i metody: Analizie zostali poddani 906 respondenci, w tym 613 (67,66%) kobiet oraz 296 (32,34%) mężczyzn w wieku 19,47±2,59 lat. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, wykorzystując technikę ankiety. Wyniki: Nieprawidłowa masa ciała (BMI ≥25 kg/m2) była obecna u 12,26% osób badanych, istotnie częściej była obserwowana u mężczyzn (18,47% vs 7,70%, p < 0,05). Otyłość (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) istotnie częściej była obserwowana u osób obciążonych wywiadem rodzinnym (2,88% vs. 0,48%, p=0,0066) oraz u palących wyroby tytoniowe (5,65% vs. 1,28%, p=0,0009). Istotnie częściej obecność chorób serca w grupie badanej wykazywały osoby obciążone wywiadem rodzinnym (8,44% vs. 3,81%, p=0,0033). Wiedza młodzieży na temat czynników ryzyka chorób układu krążenia kształtowała się na poziomie 84,86%. Wnioski: Postawa antyzdrowotna, występująca u młodych dorosłych, może mieć wyraźne konsekwencje w późniejszym wieku. Wzorce zachowań zdrowotnych wśród młodzieży, które są przekazywane przez osoby z ich środowiska są związane z ryzykiem rozwoju chorób układu krążenia. Młodzi dorośli są istotnie narażeni na wystąpienie w późniejszym wieku chorób układu krążenia

    Influence of perinatal factors on gene expression of IAPs family and main factors of pluripotency: OCT4 and SOX2 in human breast milk stem cells : a preliminary report

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    Due to their therapeutic potential, mesenchymal stem cells are the subject of intensive research on the use of their potential in the treatment of, among others, neurodegenerative diseases or immunological diseases. They are among the newest in the field of medicine. The presented study aimed to evaluate the expression of eight genes from the IAP family and the gene regulating IAP—XAF1—in stem cells derived from human milk, using the qPCR method. The relationships between the expression of genes under study and clinical data, such as maternal age, maternal BMI, week of pregnancy in which the delivery took place, bodyweight of the newborn, the number of pregnancies and deliveries, and the time elapsed since delivery, were also analyzed. The research was carried out on samples of human milk collected from 42 patients hospitalized in The Clinic of Obstetrics and Perinatology of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4, in Lublin. The conducted research confirmed the expression of the following genes in the tested material: NAIP, BIRC2, BIRC3, BIRC5, BIRC6, BIRC8, XIAP, XAF1, OCT4 and SOX2. Moreover, several dependencies of the expression of individual genes on the maternal BMI (BIRC5, XAF1 and NAIP), the time since childbirth (BIRC5, BIRC6, XAF1 and NAIP), the number of pregnancies and deliveries (BIRC2, BIRC5, BIRC6 and XAF1), the manner of delivery (XAF1 and OCT4), preterm labor (BIRC6 and NAIP) were demonstrated. Additionally, we found positive relationships between gene expression of BIRC7, BIRC8 and XAF1 and the main factors of pluripotency: SOX2 and OCT4. This work is the first to investigate the expression of genes from the IAPs family in mother’s milk stem cells

    Sixth taste – starch taste?

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    Scientists from Oregon State University, USA, came up with the newest theory of the sixth taste – starch taste that might soon join the basic five tastes. This argument is supported by studies done on both animals and humans, the results of which seem to indicate the existence of separate receptors for starch taste, others than for sweet taste. Starch is a glucose homopolymer that forms an α-glucoside chain called glucosan or glucan. This polysaccharide constitutes the most important source of carbohydrates in food. It can be found in groats, potatoes, legumes, grains, manioc and corn. Apart from its presence in food, starch is also used in textile, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and stationery industries as well as in glue production. This polysaccharide is made of an unbranched helical structure – amylose (15–20%), and a structure that forms branched chains – amylopectin (80–85%). The starch structure, degree of its crystallisation or hydration as well as its availability determine the speed of food-contained starch hydrolysis by amylase. So far, starch has been considered tasteless, but the newest report shows that for people of different origins it is associated with various aliments specific for each culture. Apart from a number of scientific experiments using sweet taste inhibitors, the existence of the sixth taste is also confirmed by molecular studies. However, in order to officially include starch taste to the basic human tastes, it must fulfil certain criteria. The aim of the study is to present contemporary views on starch

    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Its Impact on Selected Cardiovascular Risk Factors, and Correlation with Duration of Illness: A Pilot Study

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus is a rare autoimmune disease. It leads to an increased production of proinflammatory molecules that accelerates atherogenesis and could cause an endothelium dysfunction. The aim of the study was to assess cardiovascular risk factors such as BMI and lipid profile as well as left ventricular ejection fraction among patients with SLE, and a correlation of these factors with duration of the disease. Materials and Methods. The researched group consisted of patients with SLE, being under control of the outpatient clinic of cardiology. This group included 38 patients among whom 34 were women (56.17 ± 11.05 years) and 4 were men (65.50 ± 9.22 years). The control group consisted of 19 healthy women (53.31 ± 11.94 years) and 2 healthy men (38.51 ± 7.53 years). Measurements were taken in the same conditions by trained medical staff. Results. Excessive body weight (BMI >25 kg/m2) was more frequent in the SLE group, but it was not statistically significant (55.26% vs. 52.38%, p=0.6159). LVEF values were lower in their searched group, and this factor showed statistical significance (53.92% ± 6.46 vs. 58.67% ± 4.69, p=0.0044). Thickness of the IMT was higher and statistically important among patients with SLE, both in left (1.22 ± 0.27 mm vs. 0.7 ± 0.21 mm, p=0.0001) and right common carotid artery (1.16 ± 0.26 mm vs. 0.59 ± 0.15 mm, p=0.0001), compared to the controls. Conclusions. Patients with SLE are at greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases as the illness progresses. The activity of the disease according to the SLEDAI-2K scale may have an impact on the LVEF values which was significantly decreased in the group with active disease, but further thorough investigation is required to fully evaluate the impact of individual components of the disease and its treatment on the CVD development and mortality

    Advanced Glycation End-Products (AGEs) and Their Soluble Receptor (sRAGE) in Women Suffering from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is characterized by abnormal action of the immune system and a state of chronic inflammation. The disease can cause life-threatening complications. Neoepitopes arising from interdependent glycation and oxidation processes might be an element of SLE pathology. The groups included in the study were 31 female SLE patients and 26 healthy female volunteers (the control group). Blood serum samples were obtained to evaluate concentrations of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), carboxymethyllysine (CML), carboxyethyllysine (CEL), pentosidine, and a soluble form of the receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE). Compared to a healthy control group, the SLE patients exhibited a higher concentration of AGEs and a lower concentration of sRAGE in serum. There were no statistically significant differences in serum CML, CEL, and pentosidine concentrations between the groups. Therefore, SLE patients could be at risk of intensified glycation process and activation of the proinflammatory receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE), which could potentially worsen the disease course; however, it is not clear which compounds contribute to the increased concentration of AGEs in the blood. Additionally, information about the cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption of the study participants was obtained

    Influence of Perinatal Factors on Gene Expression of IAPs Family and Main Factors of Pluripotency: OCT4 and SOX2 in Human Breast Milk Stem Cells&mdash;A Preliminary Report

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    Due to their therapeutic potential, mesenchymal stem cells are the subject of intensive research on the use of their potential in the treatment of, among others, neurodegenerative diseases or immunological diseases. They are among the newest in the field of medicine. The presented study aimed to evaluate the expression of eight genes from the IAP family and the gene regulating IAP&mdash;XAF1&mdash;in stem cells derived from human milk, using the qPCR method. The relationships between the expression of genes under study and clinical data, such as maternal age, maternal BMI, week of pregnancy in which the delivery took place, bodyweight of the newborn, the number of pregnancies and deliveries, and the time elapsed since delivery, were also analyzed. The research was carried out on samples of human milk collected from 42 patients hospitalized in The Clinic of Obstetrics and Perinatology of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4, in Lublin. The conducted research confirmed the expression of the following genes in the tested material: NAIP, BIRC2, BIRC3, BIRC5, BIRC6, BIRC8, XIAP, XAF1, OCT4 and SOX2. Moreover, several dependencies of the expression of individual genes on the maternal BMI (BIRC5, XAF1 and NAIP), the time since childbirth (BIRC5, BIRC6, XAF1 and NAIP), the number of pregnancies and deliveries (BIRC2, BIRC5, BIRC6 and XAF1), the manner of delivery (XAF1 and OCT4), preterm labor (BIRC6 and NAIP) were demonstrated. Additionally, we found positive relationships between gene expression of BIRC7, BIRC8 and XAF1 and the main factors of pluripotency: SOX2 and OCT4. This work is the first to investigate the expression of genes from the IAPs family in mother&rsquo;s milk stem cells