5 research outputs found

    Wnt/β-catenin pathway as a potential prognostic and predictive marker in patients with advanced ovarian cancer

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    BACKGROUND: β-catenin is the key protein in the WNT signalling pathway and it forms adherent junctions together with E-cadherin. In ovarian carcinoma, abnormal expression of β-catenin, E-cadherin and WNT-1 was observed, but their prognostic and predictive role is unclear. The aim of this study was to clarify the prognostic and predictive role of E-cadherin, β-catenin and WNT-1 in advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma (AEOC). METHODS: The expression of E-cadherin, β-catenin and WNT-1 was determined by immunohistochemistry in AEOC. The correlation between expression of these proteins and progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was evaluated. Statistical analyses included Kaplan-Meier estimation, log-rank test, Spearman correlation and Cox proportional-hazards model. RESULTS: In ovarian cancer, intense expression of E-cadherin, β-catenin and WNT-1 was found. In multivariate analysis, strong membrane β-catenin expression was an independent unfavourable predictor for PFS (HR 2.19, 95% CI 1.09-4.39; p = 0.028), while in univariate analysis, strong membrane β-catenin expression was a prognostic factor for OS in patients with AOC (p = 0.039). In multivariate analysis, only resistance to first-line chemotherapy was an adverse independent prognostic factor for OS (HR 16.84; 95% CI 5.07-55.98; p < 0.0001). Additionally, strong membranous β-catenin expression was associated with resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy (p = 0.027). CONCLUSIONS: These findings support that WNT/β-catenin pathway and E-cadherin are important factors in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer

    Media Coverage of the Paedophilia Issues in the Catholic Church in Poland

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    What communication standards does the Church in Poland strive to achieve to counter the paedophilia? In what way (in terms of ethics) did journalists report on the basic topics related to the problem of paedophilia? These are the main issues of this analysis, concerning the mistakes of Church institutions and people representing the Church, as well as the journalists’ mishandling of the problem of paedophilia. The superiors of Church institutions in Poland did not manage to avoid the repetitive errors of the USA, Ireland or Germany prelates, such as transferring priests, who had suspicious or even reprehensible relationships with children, from one parish to another. Sadly, these transfers went usually hand in hand with ignoring the warning signals in this area. Time and time again the problem of ill-considered statements concerning paedophilia occurs among the clergy, typically ranking high in the hierarchy. Another blameworthy behaviour is the lack of knowledge about the paedophilia itself and the passivity of decision-makers towards the clergymen who behave improperly in relation to children. The journalists also criticize the lack of necessary pastoral aid, as well as the lack of thinking in the categories of making amends or offering compensation to the victims – first of all among the culprits and, to some extent, among their superiors. The fundamental misdeed of journalists is being silent about the heart of the problem. And it is all about protecting the children and young people against the paedophiles and helping those who have been hurt. Journalists most often publicize the cases of paedophilia in the Church in Poland in an excessive and disproportionate way, as if this was the problem of only one social group. They usually stay silent about the activity of the Church in the area of paedophilia prevention. And while describing the cases of paedophilia among the clergy, journalists quite often do not remember about the fundamental principles of journalist ethics (the case of the author of the “Wprost” weekly article). Therefore, both sides should notice their own mistakes in handling the paedophilia problem in Poland; they should also cooperate in educating the society about the evil of paedophilia. The Church and the media should also sensitize the public to behaviours indicative of paedophilia among concrete persons

    Catholic Church Directives for Responsible Consumption

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    MCEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest próba opracowania postulatów do dojrzałego i odpowiedzialnego stylu konsumpcji. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Przegląd dokumentów i wskazań Kościoła dotyczy problematyki odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji. Metodą analizy dokumentów została zebrana syntetycznie refleksja nad problemami wynikającymi z promowania postaw konsumenckich w kulturze europejskiej, a metodą syntezy wniosków zostały zaprezentowane najważniejsze wskazania w tym zakresie. PROCES WYWODU: Dokumenty i wskazania Kościoła to dorobek ponad stu lat refleksji społecznej Kościoła, odnoszącej się do problematyki odpowiedzialnej konsumpcji. Przeanalizowane materiały pogrupowane zostały w dwie kategorie: odnoszące się do konsumentów i konsumpcji oraz podające zalecenia dotyczące prowadzenia komunikacji reklamowej. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Wiedza z zakresu psychologii, psychologii wywierania wpływu oraz nauk o komunikowaniu, a także zastosowania odkryć neurobiologicznych sprzyja projektowaniu i wdrażaniu skutecznej komunikacji reklamowej. Kampanie wywierające wpływ na postawy konsumentów powinny wspomagać wzrost jednostek oraz społeczeństw. Szczegółowe wskazania w tej kwestii można zaczerpnąć z nauk społecznych oraz nauczania Kościoła katolickiego. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Wyzwaniem jest osiągnięcie poziomu, w którym większość nabywców podejmuje decyzje zakupowe na podstawie racjonalnych przesłanek. Ważna jest edukacja dzieci, by w dorosłym życiu prezentowały odpowiedzialne zachowania i mogły celowo wybierać produkty o konkretnych cechach funkcjonalnych, odpowiednim składzie lub takie, które mają dostarczyć doznań natury estetycznej lub przyjemności

    Evolution Of The Results Of 1500 Liver Transplantations Performed In The Department Of General, Transplant And Liver Surgery Medical University Of Warsaw

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    Liver transplantation is a well-established treatment of patients with end-stage liver disease and selected liver tumors. Remarkable progress has been made over the last years concerning nearly all of its aspects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of long-term outcomes after liver transplantations performed in the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery (Medical University of Warsaw). Material and methods. Data of 1500 liver transplantations performed between 1989 and 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. Transplantations were divided into 3 groups: group 1 including first 500 operations, group 2 including subsequent 500, and group 3 comprising the most recent 500. Five year overall and graft survival were set as outcome measures. Results. Increased number of transplantations performed at the site was associated with increased age of the recipients (p<0.001) and donors (p<0.001), increased rate of male recipients (p<0.001), and increased rate of piggyback operations (p<0.001), and decreased MELD (p<0.001), as well as decreased blood (p=0.006) and plasma (p<0.001) transfusions. Overall survival was 71.6% at 5 years in group 1, 74.5% at 5 years in group 2, and 85% at 2.9 years in group 3 (p=0.008). Improvement of overall survival was particularly observed for primary transplantations (p=0.004). Increased graft survival rates did not reach the level of significance (p=0.136). Conclusions. Long-term outcomes after liver transplantations performed in the Department of General, Transplant and Liver Surgery are comparable to those achieved in the largest transplant centers worldwide and are continuously improving despite increasing recipient age and wider utilization of organs procured from older donors