42 research outputs found

    Odwołania do idei cykliczności w filmie „Wygnanie” Andrieja Zwiagincewa

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    The aim of this article is to show how the idea of cyclicality functions in the artistic world of The Banishment, directed by Andrei Zvyagintsev. We try to show that this idea works in conjunction with biblical motifs, but is also visible in a broader mythical-anthropological context. This idea is inseparably linked with the motive of the border, which is floating by its nature. We also try to put emphasis on the Zvyagintsev’sartistic method

    Elementy rytuału przejścia w „Innym” Jurija Mamlejewa. Prolegomena

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    This article is an attempt to analyze the category of meeting between two main characters in The Other using a symbolic key. I try to explain the important role of such semiotic categories as threshold and mask in the process of becoming more aware about ourselves, which I interpret as part of the process of rite de passage

    Poziomy funkcjonowania dychotomii w filmie Wygnanie Andrieja Zwiagincewa

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    The aim of this article is to show how the levels of dichotomy function in the artistic world of The Banishment, directed by Andrei Zvyagintsev. We try to put emphasis on the Zvyagintsev’s artistic method, to show that said idea works on several levels. We are convinced that the idea of duality is present in The Banishment as externally (for example motif of split in the family) as well as internally (the category of the doppelgänger).The aim of this article is to show how the levels of dichotomy function in the artistic world of The Banishment, directed by Andrei Zvyagintsev. We try to put emphasis on the Zvyagintsev’s artistic method, to show that said idea works on several levels. We are convinced that the idea of duality is present in The Banishment as externally (for example motif of split in the family) as well as internally (the category of the doppelgänger)

    Вопрос фрактальности субъекта. Текст Дмитрия Глуховского

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    Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznani

    Трагическое начало в художественном мире повести Бориса Львовича Васильева „Завтра была война”

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    The aim of this article is to analyze the influence of war on the process of shaping personality in the young generation based on the novel Tommorow Was War which was written by Boris Vasilyev, i.e. one of the writers who survived the Second World War. The main emphasis is on the development of the heroic element in an ordinary human being, opposition to injustice, the struggle for human dignity and the issue of a moral choice

    Powieść „Inny” Jurija Mamlejewa wobec artystycznego poznania Fiodora Dostojewskiego

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    The aim of this article is to show the undeniable influence of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s artistic method on Yuri Mamlejev’s literary works in particular in relation to his novel The Other. Relying on these determinants of fantastic realism, which for many researchers are referred to as the most significant elements of Dostoyevsky’s artistic method, we make an attempt to show that the carnival which combines the two orders in the works of the 19th century writer: the real (scientific) and the surreal (magic), makes the fantasy become an integral part of the surrounding space. Simultaneously the concept of fiction should be understood through such categories as: paradoxicality, iconicity, a word as a vessel, sleep, hallucinations, picture in picture, doppelgänger that foster deep psychological self-understanding of the entity. In the article we aim to expose some of the abovementioned categories of constructing the world of Dostoyevsky’s works and making up, as defined by the author himself “the realism of higher sense” which, in a slightly modified form, although still clearly visible, is also reflected in Mamleev’s artistic method – metaphysical realism. The main emphasis is put on the categories of sleep and doppelgänger which are the clearest examples of Yuri Vitalevich’s inspiration.The aim of this article is to show the undeniable influence of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s artistic method on Yuri Mamlejev’s literary works in particular in relation to his novel The Other. Relying on these determinants of fantastic realism, which for many researchers are referred to as the most significant elements of Dostoyevsky’s artistic method, we make an attempt to show that the carnival which combines the two orders in the works of the 19th century writer: the real (scientific) and the surreal (magic), makes the fantasy become an integral part of the surrounding space. Simultaneously the concept of fiction should be understood through such categories as: paradoxicality, iconicity, a word as a vessel, sleep, hallucinations, picture in picture, doppelgänger that foster deep psychological self-understanding of the entity. In the article we aim to expose some of the abovementioned categories of constructing the world of Dostoyevsky’s works and making up, as defined by the author himself “the realism of higher sense” which, in a slightly modified form, although still clearly visible, is also reflected in Mamleev’s artistic method – metaphysical realism. The main emphasis is put on the categories of sleep and doppelgänger which are the clearest examples of Yuri Vitalevich’s inspiration

    Deterytorializacja ciała versus podmiotowość. „Inny” Jurija Mamlejewa

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    The aim of this article is to emphasize the main character’s struggle with her own subjectivity. The author of the present paper tries to show that the events in the girl’s life affect her attitude to her own body. The variability in the relationship me and my body is perceived as one of the stages of acquiring self-awareness.The aim of this article is to emphasize the main character’s struggle with her own subjectivity. The author of the present paper tries to show that the events in the girl’s life affect her attitude to her own body. The variability in the relationship me and my body is perceived as one of the stages of acquiring self-awareness

    Mityczno-symboliczny kontekst nostalgii w „Wygnaniu” Andrieja Zwiagincewa w świetle antropologicznej niepewności podmiotu

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    The aim of this article is to reveal the mythical, symbolic and religious context in the film The Banishment. We also try to show how the nostalgia felt by the heroine can be associated with the state of anthropological uncertainty

    Dychotomia duszy Konstantego Lewina w świetle poszukiwań sensu życia.„Anna Karenina”Lwa Tołstoja

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    Dichotomy of Konstantin Levin’s soul in the light of the search for meaning of life. “Anna Karenina” by Leo Tolstoy Dychotomia duszy Konstantego Lewina w świetle poszukiwań sensu życia.„Anna Karenina”Lwa Tołstoj