9 research outputs found

    Fast Beam Condition Monitor for CMS: performance and upgrade

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    The CMS beam and radiation monitoring subsystem BCM1F (Fast Beam Condition Monitor) consists of 8 individual diamond sensors situated around the beam pipe within the pixel detector volume, for the purpose of fast bunch-by-bunch monitoring of beam background and collision products. In addition, effort is ongoing to use BCM1F as an online luminosity monitor. BCM1F will be running whenever there is beam in LHC, and its data acquisition is independent from the data acquisition of the CMS detector, hence it delivers luminosity even when CMS is not taking data. A report is given on the performance of BCM1F during LHC run I, including results of the van der Meer scan and on-line luminosity monitoring done in 2012. In order to match the requirements due to higher luminosity and 25 ns bunch spacing, several changes to the system must be implemented during the upcoming shutdown, including upgraded electronics and precise gain monitoring. First results from Run II preparation are shown.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. To be published in NIM A as proceedings for the 9th Hiroshima Symposium on Semiconductor Tracking Detectors (2013

    Zastosowanie submikronowych technologii VLSI w rozwoju wielokana艂owych uk艂ad贸w scalonych do odczytu detektor贸w cz膮stek jonizuj膮cych

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    Promotor: Marek Idzik.Recenzent: Zbigniew Sosin, Piotr Malecki.Niepublikowana praca doktorska.Tyt. z ekranu tyt.Praca doktorska. Akademia G贸rniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanis艂awa Staszica (Krak贸w). Wydzia艂 Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej, 2015.Zawiera bibliogr.Dost臋pna r贸wnie偶 w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dost臋pu: Internet.Wsp贸艂czesne technologie CMOS, elementy dost臋pne w procesie technologicznym, rezystory, kondensatory, cewki, tranzystory bipolarne, tranzystory polowe, modelowanie tranzystora polowego MOS, efekty kr贸tkiego kana艂u, modelowanie parametr贸w tranzystora, szumy w technologii CMOS, podstawowe rodzaje szum贸w, szumy tranzystor贸w MOS, efekty niedopasowania, systematyczne efekty niedopasowania, statystyczne efekty niedopasowania, por贸wnanie technologii CMOS 350 nm i CMOS RF 130 nm, elektronika odczytu monitora wi膮zki BCM1F dla eksperymentu CMS, monitor wi膮zki w eksperymencie CMS, architektura elektroniki front-end, projekt przedwzmacniacza transimpedancyjnego, kompensacja cz臋stotliwo艣ciowa feed-forward, analiza ma艂osygna艂owa przedwzmacniacza transimpedancyjnego, implementacja uk艂adu przedwzmacniacza, uk艂ad kszta艂tuj膮cy z wydajnym buforem r贸偶nicowym, pierwszy stopie艅 kszta艂tuj膮cy, drugi stopie艅 kszta艂tuj膮cy z wydajnym buforem r贸偶nicowym, odpowied藕 pe艂nego toru uk艂adu elektroniki odczytu, analiza szumowa uk艂adu, symulacje uk艂adu, symulacje przedwzmacniacza transimpedancyjnego, symulacje pierwszego stopnia kszta艂tuj膮cego, symulacje pe艂nego toru odczytowego, parametryzacja prototypu, parametry czasowe impulsu, liniowo艣膰 uk艂adu, pomiary szumowe, pe艂ny tor odczytowy, instalacja systemu BCM1F, rozwoj elektroniki odczytu dla detektor贸w s艂omkowych w eksperymencie PANDA, s艂omkowe detektory 艣ladowe w eksperymencie PANDA, centralny detektor 艣ladu STT, przedni detektor 艣ladu FT, projekt uk艂adu elektroniki odczytu, projekt przedwzmacniacza 艂adunkoczu艂ego, pierwszy stopie艅 uk艂adu kszta艂tuj膮cego, uk艂ad eliminacji ogona wraz z drugim stopniem kszta艂tuj膮cym, uk艂ad stabilizacji linii bazowej, dyskryminator amplitudy, analiza szumowa toru odczytowego, symulacje uk艂adu, symulacje przedwzmacniacza 艂adunkoczu艂ego, pierwszy stopie艅 kszta艂tuj膮cy, uk艂ad stabilizacji linii bazowej BLH, symulacje pe艂nego toru odczytowego, symulacje po ekstrakcji element贸w paso偶ytniczych, parametryzacja prototypu, jako艣ciowe wyniki pomiar贸w uzyskane na pierwszej p艂ytce testowej, pomiary wykonane na poprawionej 32-u kana艂owej p艂ytce testowej, pomiary systemu przy wykorzystaniu wi膮zki proton贸w z akceleratora, pierwsze pomiary jako艣ciowe, pomiary z 32 kana艂owym modu艂em, pomiary z 96 kana艂owym modu艂em, modyfikacje uk艂adu elektroniki odczytu, przyspieszenie uk艂adu, uk艂ad stabilizacji linii bazowej BLH, uk艂ady polaryzuj膮c

    Design and Performance of the BCM1F Front End ASIC for the Beam Condition Monitoring System at the CMS Experiment

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    We present the design and the test results of the BCM1F front end ASIC designed for readout of diamond sensors used in the Beam Condition Monitoring system at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment built in the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva. The design comprises a fast transimpedance preamplifier with active feedback, a shaper stage and high-performance differential output buffer. The front end amplifier shows good linearity for input charges below 7 fC, signal gain of about 50 mV/fC, equivalent noise charge (ENC) around 400 e- for 2 pF and less than 700 e- for 5 pF input capacitance. The measured peaking time (Tp) is in the range from 6.6 to 9.4 ns depending on the applied bias conditions and the input capacitance. The full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of the response is kept below 10 ns, which allows for efficient beam halo detection. The return time after the detector signal overdrive is maintained below 25 ns. These two latter parameters make the presented circuit compatible with high data rate applications

    Network Device Workload Prediction: A Data Mining Challenge at Knowledge Pit

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    We describe the 7th edition of the international data mining competition held at Knowledge Pit in association with the FedCSIS conference series. The goal was to predict workload-related characteristics of monitored network devices. We analyze solutions uploaded by the most successful participants. We investigate prediction errors which had the greatest influence on their results. We also present our own baseline solution which turned out to be the most reliable in the final evaluation.</p

    Toward Machine Learning on Granulated Data - A Case of Compact Autoencoder-based Representations of Satellite Images

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    We consider a problem of learning from compact representations of images for a purpose of object recognition and content-based image retrieval. We discuss a motivation for using compressed images in those tasks and indicate exemplary applications related to analysis on the data from satellites. Finally, we show some preliminary results of experiments conducted to demonstrate the impact of the image data granulation on the quality of classification. We empirically compare the performance of prediction models trained on original images, images compressed using autoencoders, and on images whose quality was lowered in order to reduce their size.</p

    Development of Radiation-hard Bandgap Reference and Temperature Sensor in CMOS 130 nm Technology

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    A stable reference voltage (or current) source is a standard component of today's microelectronics systems. In particle physics experiments such reference is needed in spite of harsh ionizing radiation conditions, i.e. doses exceeding 100 Mrads and fluences above 1e15 n/cm2. After such radiation load a bandgap reference using standard p-n junction of bipolar transistor does not work properly. Instead of using standard p-n junctions, two enclosed layout transistor (ELTMOS) structures are used to create radiation-hard diodes: the ELT bulk diode and the diode obtained using the ELTMOS as dynamic threshold transistor (DTMOS). In this paper we have described several sub-1V references based on ELTMOS bulk diode and DTMOS based diode, using CMOS 130 nm process. Voltage references the structures with additional PTAT (Proportional To Absolute Temperature) output for temperature measurements were also designed. We present and compare post-layout simulations of the developed bandgap references and temperature sensors, which show correct operation (<;1mV bandgap stability, linear PTAT) in teperature range -20 to 100 celsius degree

    Upgraded Fast Beam Conditions Monitor for CMS online luminosity measurement

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    The CMS beam condition monitoring subsystem BCM1F during LHC Run I consisted of 8 individual diamond sensors situated around the beam pipe within the tracker detector volume, for the purpose of fast monitoring of beam background and collision products. Effort is ongoing to develop the use of BCM1F as an online bunch-by-bunch luminosity monitor. BCM1F will be running whenever there is beam in LHC, and its data acquisition is independent from the data acquisition of the CMS detector, hence it delivers luminosity even when CMS is not taking data. To prepare for the expected increase in the LHC luminosity and the change from 50 ns to 25 ns bunch separation, several changes to the system are required, including a higher number of sensors and upgraded electronics. In particular, a new real-time digitizer with large memory was developed and is being integrated into a multi-subsystem framework for luminosity measurement. Current results from Run II preparation will be discussed, including results from the January 2014 test bea