14 research outputs found

    Palynology of the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the marginal zone of the Magura Nappe at Folusz (Western Carpathians, Poland)

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    Palynological investigations of the deep-marine Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene, mainly turbiditic andhemipelagic sediments exposed at Folusz (Siary Zone of Magura Nappe, Polish part of the Western Carpathians), revealed a prevalence of land plant remains in the palynofacies. Dinoflagellate cysts are the most frequent among marine palynomorphs. A Priabonian age is found in the lower part of the Szymbark Shale; a Rupelian age is determined for theinvestigated part of the Magura Beds. Dinoflagellate cyst distribution shows no major changes, contrary to an outstanding change recorded in the coeval sediments from other parts of the Polish Carpathians. This implies different paleoenvironmental conditions in the northern part of the Magura Basin during the latest Eocene and Early Oligocene. Occurrence of high-latitude dinoflagellate cysts in the lowermost part of the section may be related to a drop of temperature in the surface waters of the sedimentary basin during the Late Eocene. Dinoflagellate cysts, whose motile stages are thought to have inhabited near-shore waters, are frequent in turbidites, whereas the hemipelagic/pelagic sediments usually containmore numerous oceanic specimens. Recycled dinoflagellate cysts occur more frequently in turbidite sediments

    Improved imaging of colorectal liver metastases using single-source fast kVp-switching dual-energy CT : preliminary results

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    Purpose: Computed tomography remains the first-choice modality for assessment of colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRLM). Dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) is a relatively new technique that is becoming increasingly available. One of the advantages of DECT is the ability to maximise iodine detection. Our aim was to test whether single-source, fast kVp-switching DECT can improve imaging quality of CRLM compared to conventional (polychromatic) CT. Material and methods: Twenty consecutive patients were enrolled into a preliminary prospective study. The scanning protocol consisted of four phases: non-contrast with standard 120 kV tube voltage and three post-contrast phases with rapid voltage switching. As a result, three sets of images were reconstructed: pre- and postcontrast polychromatic (PR), monochromatic (MR), and iodine concentration map (IM). To compare the sensitivity of the tested reconstructions, the number of CRLMs and the maximum diameter of the largest lesion were calculated. Objective image quality was measured as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR). The radiation dose was expressed as CTDIvol. Results: Imaging was successfully performed in all patients. The number of detected lesions was significantly lower on PR images than on IM and MR 50-70 keV (mean number: 4.20 and 4.45, respectively). IM and MR at 70 keV presented the highest quality. SNR was significantly higher for IM and 70 keV images than for other reconstructions. The mean radiation dose was 14.61 mGy for non-contrast 120 kV scan and 17.89 mGy for single DECT scan (p < 0.05). Conclusions: DECT is a promising tool for CRLM imaging. IM and low-photon energy MR present the highest differences in contrast between metastases and the normal liver parenchyma

    Chest adipose tissue distribution in patients with morbid obesity

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    Purpose: Obesity is a well-known of risk factor for atherosclerosis and the amount of visceral adipose tissue is considered as an independent predictor of coronary artery disease (CAD). An aim of the study was to investigate the distribution of intrathoracic adipose tissue in morbidly obese patients. Material and methods: Fifty-one patients with morbid obesity (BMI ≥ 40 kg/m2) and thirty controls were scanned in a coronary calcium scoring protocol. Control group consisted of patients scanned due to a clinical suspicion of CAD, who did not fulfill obesity criteria. The amount of adipose tissue was measured as epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) thickness, pericoronary fat (PCF) thickness, total intra-pericardial fat (IPF) volume, and total intrathoracic fat (ITF) volume. Results: Mean BMI of obese patients and controls was 47.3 and 26.5, respectively (p 60 mm was the parameter that presented the strongest association with morbid obesity (AUC 0.95; p < 0.0001). Conlcusions: Increased chest soft tissue thickness but not the increased intrathoracic adipose tissue volume was associated with morbid obesity. Since the quantity of the pericardiac fat is not directly related to the obesity, its accumulation may be related to a mechanism different than that of subcutaneous adipose tissue growth

    Characterization of fluid flow and heat transfer of expanded metal meshes for catalytic processes

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    In this work, three raised expanded metal meshes (EMMs) differing in mesh size were tested experimentally with regard to their flow and transport properties. Empirical equations for the Nusselt number and Fanning friction factor were developed. Alongside the experiments, simple computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models were used to simulate the pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients within EMMs. Finally, the Performance Efficiency Criterion (PEC) was applied to compare EMMs with other reactor packings

    Fulminant course of visceral malperfusion due to type B aortic dissection

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    Rozwarstwienie aorty typu B może być skutecznie leczone zachowawczo w wielu niepowikłanych przypadkach i odsetek ten może wynosić nawet 90% chorych. Wystąpienie dodatkowych objawów bólowych z zakresu klatki piersiowej lub jamy brzusznej powinno nasuwać podejrzenie powikłań naczyniowych. Niedokrwienie trzewi jamy brzusznej jest obserwowane w około 30% przypadków rozwarstwień. Jednoczesne wystąpienie objawów w klatce piersiowej i jamie brzusznej obserwowane jest wyjątkowo rzadko. Mężczyzna 54-letni został przyjęty do kliniki w trybie nagłym z podejrzeniem rozwarstwienia aorty. W wykonanej angiotomografii stwierdzono rozwarstwienie aorty piersiowej rozpoczynające się tuż poniżej lewej tętnicy podobojczykowej i sięgające tętnic biodrowych zewnętrznych. Chory miał wysokie nadciśnienie tętnicze. Jednocześnie stwierdzono objawy zapalenia otrzewnej i radiologiczne cechy perforacji przewodu pokarmowego. Wykonano pilnie laparotomię stwierdzając ogromny ubytek ścian części przedodźwiernikowej żołądka i niedokrwienie śluzówki z plackami martwicy sięgające połowy jego trzonu. Wykonano resekcję żołądka sposobem B II na pętli Laheya. W badaniu histopatologicznym nie znaleziono wrzodu trawiennego. W przebiegu pooperacyjnym obserwowano ponownie objawy niedokrwienia jelit pod postacią obkurczenia pętli doprowadzającej zespolenia . Chory otrzymywał antybiotyki i całkowite żywienie pozajelitowe, jednak jego stan nie ulegał poprawie. Dlatego pomimo objawów zakażenia zdecydowano się na implantację stentgraftu aortalnego zamykającego wrota rozwarstwienia. Procedura ta zmieniła przepływ w aorcie piersiowej i poprawiła napływ do tętnic jamy brzusznej. Jednak chory był operowany jeszcze dwukrotnie z powodu postępującej martwicy jelit, szczególnie w okolicy wykonywanych zespoleń jelitowych i tworzących się przetok jelitowych. Ostatecznie pacjent wyzdrowiał po trzech miesiącach od momentu przyjęcia do kliniki. W trakcie pobytu przebył także udar mózgu.Rozwarstwienie aorty typu B powikłane niedokrwieniem trzewi jamy brzusznej wymaga pilnego leczenia chirurgicznego. Założenie stentgraftu aortalnego wydaje się złotym środkiem w takiej sytuacji. Leczenie to powinno wyprzedzić powstanie martwicy ściany jelit i zależne od tego powikłania septyczne. Wydaje się, że odzyskanie kanału prawdziwego poniżej założonego stent-graftu aortalnego może wymagać czasu, gdyż obkurczenie się kanału fałszywego wypełnionego już skrzeplinami nie występuje bezpośrednio po leczeniu endowaskularnym. Aortic type B dissection can be treated conservatively in up to 90% of uncomplicated cases. Additional symptoms comprising of the pain in the thorax and abdominal cavity may suggest vascular complications. Visceral ischemia is observed in about 30% of aortic dissections. Synchronous symptoms in the thorax and abdomen are very rare situation. A 54-year old male patient was admitted to the clinic on duty with diagnosis of aortic dissection. Angiotomography proved a dissection starting just below the origin of the left subclavian artery and running along the aorta to the external iliac arteries. The patient presented also with very high systemic pressure and abdominal symptoms of diffuse peritonitis. Plain abdominal x-ray proved perforation of his gastroalimentary tract. Emergency laparotomy was performed disclosing a vast defect of gastric walls in the prepyloric region and visible ischemia of mucosa with patches of necrosis reaching up to the half of the stomach. B II resection was performed with anastomosis of the stomach stump to the small intestine on so-called Lahey loop. Histological evaluation did not prove the existence of peptic ulcer. In the postoperative period ischemia of the intestines was observed again. The afferent loop of gastrointestinal anastomosis was shrunken due to this fact. Patient received wide spectrum antibiotics and was maintained on total parenteral nutrition. Apart from this treatment the state of the patient did not change. It was decided that closure of the entry tear in the thoracic aorta was the only way to restore a proper blood flow in it. Aortic stent-graft was implanted to the thoracic aorta descending to the level of the celiac trunk despite the symptoms of septicemia. This endovascular procedure changed the blood flow in the thoracic aorta and improved the inflow to visceral arteries but the patient was operated two more times because of progressing necrosis in the vicinity of intestinal anastomoses with fistulae formation. Finally the patient recovered within three months since admission. He also experienced stroke during his hospital stay. Type B aortic dissection complicated with visceral ischemia requires an urgent surgical treatment. Aortic stent-graft placement seems to be the gold standard in such cases. This treatment should precede formation of intestine necrosis with fistulae and subsequent septic complications. It seems that regaining of the true channel below the stent-graft may require certain time for the shrinking of the false one filled with thrombi does not appear just after the endovascular procedure.

    The First Evidence of Cryptosporidium meleagridis Infection in a Colon Adenocarcinoma From an Immunocompetent Patient

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    Objectives: The potential linkage between Cryptosporidium spp. infection and colorectal human cancer was suggested by limited reports showing higher prevalence of C. parvum and C. hominis in patients with colon cancer. Here we conducted research concerning presence of Cryptosporidium spp. in malignant tissue collected from patients with colorectal cancer.Methods: Cancerous colon tissue samples collected from 145 non-HIV infected patients with colorectal cancer were screened for Cryptosporidium spp. by immunofluorescence antibody test and genus-specific nested polymerase chain reaction followed by sequencing.Results: Screened pathogen was found in cancerous tissue originating from immunocompetent man with colon adenocarcinoma. Genotyping revealed presence of Cryptosporidium meleagridis. The presence of Cryptosporidium life cycle stages (oocysts and endogenous stages) in colon carcinoma tissue was confirmed by genus-specific FITC-labeling.Conclusions: Herein, we report on a C. meleagridis infection of a colon adenocarcinoma in an immunocompetent patient. This is the first report of C. meleagridis infection in the human colon and first evidence of active development of this species in cancer tissue

    Zastosowanie Alteplazy w oknie terapeutycznym udaru mózgu w przebiegu kardiomiopatii

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    Stroke is a threat to the health and life of the patient. Only early diagnosis and treatment in the so-called therapeutic window, enable effective help. This case represents an untreated 65-year-old man who suffered an acute stroke and was in a severe condition with full aphasia and hemiparesis transmitted by a medical emergency team in the emergency room of a hospital with a peripheral unit. Reliable intelligence at the scene, rapid transport to a dedicated treatment center, early imaging diagnostics and implemented thrombolytic therapy within 4.5 hours after the onset of symptoms, allowed to obtain a satisfactory final effect, despite co-existing cardiomyopathy.Udar mózgu stanowi zagrożenie zdrowia i życia pacjenta. Tylko wczesne rozpoznanie, diagnostyka i leczenie w tzw. oknie terapeutycznym, umożliwiają skuteczną pomoc. Omawiany przypadek przedstawia nieleczonego 65.letniego mężczyznę, który doznał ostrego udaru mózgu i w stanie ciężkim z pełną afazją i niedowładem połowiczym został przekazany przez zespół ratownictwa medycznego na izbie przyjęć szpitala dysponującego oddziałem udarowym. Rzetelny wywiad na miejscu zdarzenia, szybki transport do dedykowanego ośrodka leczniczego, wczesna diagnostyka obrazowa i wdrożona terapia trombolityczna w przeciągu 4,5 godziny od wystąpienia objawów, pozwoliły na uzyskanie satysfakcjonującego efektu końcowego, mimo współistniejącej kardiomiopatii

    Use of diagnostic imaging in the evaluation of gastrointestinal tract duplications

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    Background: Gastrointestinal tract duplication is a rare malformation associated with the presence of additional segment of the fetal gut. The aim of this study was to retrospectively review clinical features and imaging findings in intraoperatively confirmed cases of gastrointestinal tract duplication in children. Material and Methods: The analysis included own material from the years 2002-2012. The analyzed group included 14 children, among them 8 boys and 6 girls. The youngest patient was diagnosed at the age of three weeks, and the oldest at 12 years of age. Results: The duplication cysts were identified in the esophagus (n=2), stomach (n=5), duodenum (n=1), terminal ileum (n=5), and rectum (n=1). In four cases, the duplication coexisted with other anomalies, such as patent urachus, Meckel's diverticulum, mesenteric cyst, and accessory pancreas. Clinical manifestation of gastrointestinal duplication cysts was variable, and some of them were detected accidently. Thin- or thick-walled cystic structures adjacent to the wall of neighboring gastrointestinal segment were documented on diagnostic imaging. Conclusions: Ultrasound and computed tomography are the methods of choice in the evaluation of gastrointestinal duplication cysts. Apart from the diagnosis of the duplication cyst, an important issue is the detection of concomitant developmental pathologies, including pancreatic heterotopy

    The Potential of Traditional Norwegian KVEIK Yeast for Brewing Novel Beer on the Example of Foreign Extra Stout

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    The development of craft brewing has spurred huge interest in unusual and traditional technologies and ingredients allowing the production of beers that would fulfil consumers’ growing demands. In this study, we evaluated the brewing performance of traditional Norwegian KVEIK yeast during the production of Foreign Extra Stout beer. The content of alcohol of the KVEIK-fermented beer was 5.11–5.58% v/v, the extract content was 5.05–6.66% w/w, and the pH value was 4.53–4.83. The KVEIK yeast was able to completely consume maltose and maltotriose. The mean concentration of glycerol in KVEIK-fermented beers was higher than in the control sample (1.51 g/L vs. 1.12 g/L, respectively). The use of KVEIK-type yeast can offer a viable method for increasing the concentration of phenolic compounds in beer and for boosting its antioxidative potential. The beers produced with KVEIK-type yeast had a total phenol content of 446.9–598.7 mg GAE/L, exhibited antioxidative potential of 0.63–1.08 mM TE/L in the DPPH• assay and 3.85–5.16 mM TE/L in the ABTS•+ assay, and showed a ferric ion reducing capacity (FRAP) of 3.54–4.14 mM TE/L. The KVEIK-fermented bears contained various levels of volatile compounds (lower or higher depending on the yeast strain) and especially of higher alcohols, such as 3-metylobutanol, 2-metylobutanol, and 1-propanol, or ethyl esters, such as ethyl acetate or decanoate, compared to the control beers. In addition, they featured a richer fruity aroma (apricot, dried fruit, apples) than the control beers fermented with a commercial US-05 strain