530 research outputs found

    Explaining the Health Gap Between Canadian- and Foreign-Born Older Adults: Findings from the 2000/2001 Canadian Community Health Survey

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    Previous research (Gee, Kobayashi, Prus, 2004) indicates that foreign- born older adults (65 years and older) have poorer health than their Canadian-born counterparts. Using data from the 2000/2001 Canadian Community Health Survey, the current study tests two hypotheses to explain the health gap between these two groups. Findings indicate support for the differential vulnerability hypothesis but not for the differential exposure hypothesis in explaining the health gap between Canadian- and foreign-born older adults. What this suggests is that differences in health status between these two groups, rather than being the result of different social locations and/or lifestyle behaviours, can instead be attributed to the different “reactions” of Canadian- and foreign- born older adults to various social and lifestyle determinants of health.health, immigrants, aging

    Ethnic Inequality in Canada: Economic and Health Dimensions

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    This study examines ethnic based differences in economic and health status. We combine existing literature with our analysis of data from the Canadian Census and National Population Health Survey. If a given sub-topic is well researched, we summarize the findings; if, on the other hand, less is known, we present data placing them in the context of whatever literature does exist. Our findings are consistent with existing literature on ethnic inequalities in Canada. Recent immigrants with a mother tongue other than English or French are among the most economically disadvantaged in Canadian society, though the results vary depending on gender and ethnic background. In fact economic inequality according to type of occupation can be attributed to gender rather than ethnicity; that is, the Canadian labour force continues to be more gender- than ethnically-differentiated. Yet recent immigrants, especially from Asia, are advantaged in health outcomes compared to Canadian-born persons – the “healthy immigrant” effect. Interestingly they are less likely to report having a physical check-up and, for women (especially Asian-born women), a mammogram within the last year compared to their Canadian-born counterparts. Given the significance of both gender and ethnicity as predictors of well-being, future research should examine the intersection between the two identity markers and their relationship to social inequality.ethnicity, immigration, language, gender, income, occupation, health

    Ethnic Differences in Health: Does Immigration Status Matter?

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    This study examines health differences between first-generation immigrant and Canadian-born persons who share the same the ethnocultural origin, and the extent to which such differences reflect social structural and health-related behavioural contexts. Data from the 2000/2001 Canadian Community Health Survey show that first generation immigrants of Black and French race/ethnicity tend to have better health than their Canadian-born counterparts, while the opposite is true for those of South Asian, Chinese, and south and east European and Jewish origins. West Asians and Arabs and other Asian groups are advantaged in health regardless of country of birth. Health differences between ethnic foreign- and Canadian-born persons generally converge after adjusting for socio-demographic, SES, and lifestyle factors. Implications for health care policy and program development are discussed.self-rated health; functional health; ethnicity; race; immigration

    Morphological predictors of sleep apnoea severity

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) does not always depend on obesity but on a certain morphological configuration. The study objective was to verify a hypothesis about a relation between anthropometric features and OSA occurrence and severity. Materials and methods: The study involved 138 patients, who had reported in Department and Clinic of Otolaryngology, Warsaw Medical University, due to suspected OSA. Each patient underwent morphological evaluation according to visual analogue scales. The assessment involved nasal septum morphology evaluation according to a 4-grade scale, palate morphology evaluation according to the 4-grade Friedman scale, whereas the facial profile, oropharyngeal isthmus, and the shape of the nasopharynx were assessed according to our own 3-grade scale. Results: Statistical analysis confirmed the high concordance of the basic polysomnographic parameters with the Friedman scale and the shape of the oropharyngeal isthmus. Conclusions: 1. The modified Mallampati score as well as evaluation of the shape of the oropharyngeal isthmus demonstrated high concordance with the basic polysomnographic parameters. 2. The neck circumference is a significant predictor of the apnoea-hypopnoea index value in males suffering from the OSA syndrom

    Examining the gender, ethnicity, and age dimensions of the healthy immigrant effect: Factors in the development of equitable health policy

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    This study expands on previous research on the healthy immigrant effect (HIE) in Canada by considering the effects of both immigrant and visible minority status on self-rated health for males and females in mid-(45-64) and later life (65+). The findings reveal a strong HIE among new immigrant middle-aged men, particularly non-Whites. For older men of color the reality is strikingly different: they are disadvantaged in health compared to their Canadian-born counterparts, even when a number of demographic, economic, and lifestyle factors are controlled. Health outcomes for immigrant women are in contrast to that of immigrant men. Among middle-aged women, immigrants, regardless of their ethnicity or number of years since immigration, are much more likely to report poor health compared to the Canadian-born. And, for older women, recent non-white immigrants are more likely to report better health compared to Canadian-born women, although this finding is explained by differences in demographic, economic, and lifestyle factors. Overall, the findings demonstrate the importance of considering the intersections of age, gender, and ethnicity for policymakers in assessing the health of immigrants

    Location of the narrowest area of the pharynx regarding body mass index and obstructive sleep apnoea severity

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    Background: Among authors studying morphological determinants of the obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) controversies exist on the location of the narrowest area within the pharynx, critical for development of obstruction. Those disagreements primarily revolve around differences between obese and nonobese OSA patients. Determination whether the location and size of the narrowest area within the pharynx differentiates the obese and nonobese OSA patients. Materials and methods: A population of 55 subjects was investigated after being diagnosed with OSA in the Polysomnography Laboratory of the Department and Clinic of Otolaryngology in the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland. Additionally a head computed tomography (CT) was performed in all the subjects. The CT images were used to do several crucial measurements which described the geometry of the facial skeleton as well as soft tissues of the head. The obtained results were correlated with apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) and body mass index (BMI) values. The data were statistically analysed. Results: The distance between the hard palate and posterior pharyngeal wall parallel to the horizontal plane as well as the shortest distance between the soft palate and posterior pharyngeal wall significantly differentiated patients in the subgroups by AHI but not by BMI. Conclusions: Pharyngeal obstruction at the level of the hard and soft palate differentiates patients with severe OSA from patients with mild and moderate OSA regardless of BMI

    On the Cooling of Electrons in a Silicon Inversion Layer

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    The cooling of two-dimensional electrons in silicon-metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistors is studied experimentally. Cooling to the lattice is found to be more effective than expected from the bulk electron-phonon coupling in silicon. Unexpectedly, the extracted heat transfer rate to phonons at low temperatures depends cubically on electron temperature, suggesting that piezoelectric coupling (absent in bulk silicon) dominates over deformation potential. According to our findings, at 100 mK, electrons farther than 0.1 mm from the contacts are mostly cooled by phonons. Using long devices and low excitation voltage we measure electron resistivity down to 100 mK and find that some of the "metallic" curves, reported earlier, turn insulating below about 300 mK. This finding renders the definition of the claimed 2D metal-insulator transition questionable. Previous low temperature measurements in silicon devices are analyzed and thumb rules for evaluating their electron temperatures are provided.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Discussion corrected and a few references adde

    Prispevek k studiju uporabnosti Dennstedtove metode za sezigorganskih spojin z visoko v sebnostjo dušika

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    Opisana je modificirana Dennstedtova metoda, po kateri je mogoce dolocati vsebnost vodika in ogljika tudi organskim substancam z visoko vsebnostjo dusilka, tako da dusikove okside, ki motijo, vezemo na hidroksilamonium fosfa

    The quetiapine active metabolite N-Desalkylquetiapine and the neurotensin NTS1 receptor agonist PD149163 exhibit antidepressant-like effects on operant responding in male rats

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the most common mood disorder in the United States and European Union; however, the limitations of clinically available antidepressant drugs have led researchers to pursue novel pharmacological treatments. Clinical studies have reported that monotherapy with the atypical antipsychotic drug quetiapine produces a rapid reduction in depressive symptoms that are apparent following one week of quetiapine treatment, and it is possible that the active metabolite N-Desalkylquetiapine, which structurally resembles an antidepressant drug, produces antidepressant effects. Neuropharmacological evaluations of the neurotensin NTS1 receptor agonist PD149163 are suggestive of antidepressant efficacy, but the effects of a NTS1 receptor agonist in an antidepressant animal model have yet to be reported. The present study examined the antidepressant-like effects of the N-Desalkylquetiapine, the neurotensin NTS1 receptor agonist PD14916, quetiapine, the tricylic antidepressant drug imipramine, the atypical antipsychotic drug risperidone, and the typical antipsychotic drug raclopride on responding in male Sprague-Dawley rats trained on a differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate (DRL) 72 s operant schedule, a procedure used for screening antidepressant drugs. Quetiapine, PD149163, risperidone, and imipramine exhibited antidepressant-like effects by increasing the number of reinforcers earned, decreasing the number of responses emitted, and shifting the interresponse time (IRT) distributions to the right. N-Desalkylquetiapine produced a partial antidepressant-like effect by decreasing the number of responses emitted and producing a rightward shift in the IRT distributions, but it did not significantly alter the number of reinforcers earned. The typical antipsychotic drug raclopride decreased both reinforcers and responses. These data suggest that N-Desalklyquetiapine likely contributes to quetiapine’s antidepressant efficacy and identifies NTS1 receptor activation as a potential novel pharmacologic strategy for antidepressant drugs

    Improved method for calculation of parameters of electromagnetic and power processes in electric circuits with steel in saturation mode

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    The reasons for increased degree of saturation of magnetic system of electric machines with a long error-free running time are substantiated. It is proved that application of the conventional methods of calculation of electromagnetic and power processes parameters at practical degrees of saturation results in inadmissible errors. During the process of the problem solution an improved parameter calculation method applicable under the considered conditions is grounded. A sufficient degree of coincidence of the calculation results with the experimental data as to integral parameters and instantaneous power and electromagnetic characteristics is obtained.Обґрунтованo причини підвищення ступеню насичення магнітної системи електричних машин із тривалим наробітком на відмову. Доведено, що застосування існуючих методів розрахунків параметрів електромагнітних та енергетичних процесів при ступенях насичення, що зустрічаються на практиці, приводить до неприпустимих похибок. У процесі розв'язку задачі обґрунтовано уточнений метод розрахунку параметрів, застосовний у розглянутих умовах. Отриманий достатній ступінь збігу результатів розрахунків з даними експериментів за інтегральними параметрами та миттєвими енергетичними й електромагнітними характеристиками.Обоснованы причины повышения степени насыщения магнитной системы электрических машин с продолжительной наработкой на отказ. Доказано, что применение существующих методов расчета параметров электромагнитных и энергетических процессов при встречающихся на практике степенях насыщения приводит к недопустимым погрешностям. В процессе решения задачи обоснован уточненный метод расчета параметров, применимый в рассматриваемых условиях. Получена достаточная степень совпадения результатов расчетов с данными экспериментов по интегральным параметрам и мгновенным энергетическим и электромагнитным характеристикам