6 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Lys6 poly-ubiquitin specificity by the L. pneumophila deubiquitinase LotA

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    The versatility of ubiquitination to control vast domains of eukaryotic biology is due, in part, to diversification through differently linked poly-ubiquitin chains. Deciphering signaling roles for some chain types, including those linked via K6, has been stymied by a lack of specificity among the implicated regulatory proteins. Forged through strong evolutionary pressures, pathogenic bacteria have evolved intricate mechanisms to regulate host ubiquitin during infection. Herein, we identify and characterize a deubiquitinase domain of the secreted effector LotA from Legionella pneumophila that specifically regulates K6-linked poly-ubiquitin. We demonstrate the utility of LotA for studying K6 poly-ubiquitin signals. We identify the structural basis of LotA activation and poly-ubiquitin specificity and describe an essential “adaptive” ubiquitin-binding domain. Without LotA activity during infection, the Legionella-containing vacuole becomes decorated with K6 poly-ubiquitin as well as the AAA ATPase VCP/p97/Cdc48. We propose that LotA’s deubiquitinase activity guards Legionella-containing vacuole components from ubiquitin-dependent extraction. Chemical Immunolog

    Identification and characterization of diverse OTU deubiquitinases in bacteria

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    Manipulation of host ubiquitin signaling is becoming an increasingly apparent evolutionary strategy among bacterial and viral pathogens. By removing host ubiquitin signals, for example, invading pathogens can inactivate immune response pathways and evade detection. The ovarian tumor (OTU) family of deubiquitinases regulates diverse ubiquitin signals in humans. Viral pathogens have also extensively co-opted the OTU fold to subvert host signaling, but the extent to which bacteria utilize the OTU fold was unknown. We have predicted and validated a set of OTU deubiquitinases encoded by several classes of pathogenic bacteria. Biochemical assays highlight the ubiquitin and polyubiquitin linkage specificities of these bacterial deubiquitinases. By determining the ubiquitin-bound structures of two examples, we demonstrate the novel strategies that have evolved to both thread an OTU fold and recognize a ubiquitin substrate. With these new examples, we perform the first cross-kingdom structural analysis of the OTU fold that highlights commonalities among distantly related OTU deubiquitinases.Chemical Immunolog