605 research outputs found

    An analysis of some physical factors affecting the local distribution of the shorttail shrew (Blarina brevicauda) in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan

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    Microclimates and local distribution of small mammals on the George Reserve, Michigan

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    On the positive eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a non-negative matrix

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    The paper develops the general theory for the items in the title, assuming that the matrix is countable and cofinal.Comment: Version 2 allows the matrix to have zero row(s) and rows with infinitely many non-zero entries. In addition the introduction has been rewritte

    Some Structural and Thermal Characteristics of Snow Shelters

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    Reports investigations of dome-shaped shelters constructed in Alaska during winter 1955-56, some of loose, unconsolidated snow at the Arctic Aeromedical Laboratory, near Fairbanks, others of snow blocks on sea ice at Barter Island (70 08 N, 143 40 W). Pneumatic forms such as inflated weather balloons were useful, but not indispensable, in the loose snow type. Due to compaction, the density of the snow increased during construction from 0.22 gm/cu cm to 0.28 gm/cu cm and the hardness range from 8-80 gm/sq cm to 200-850 gm/sq cm Air temperatures in and outside both occupied and unoccupied shelters of this type (tabulated) demonstrate the efficacy of snow as an insulator and thermal advantages derived from ground heat. Inside temperature close to that at the ground surface, remained nearly constant (15-20 F) while outside temperatures ranged from -12 to -40 F Shelters were warmer during occupancy. In the snow-block shelters built on bare sea ice and on an 18 in deep drift, temperatures varied from 10-19 F at the top, 7-20 F in the center, and 7-18 F at the floor, while outside temperatures ranged from -2 to -5 F; thus subnivean warmth on sea ice can also be utilized. The temperature in a 2.5 ft deep trench in a drift, covered with a roof of horizontal snow blocks, was 20-24 F at the sleeping level 6 in above the floor

    Atmosphere Resource Recovery and Environmental Monitoring Trace Contaminant Control Through FY 2012

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    Trace contaminant control has been a concern of spacecraft designers and operators from early in the progression of manned spaceflight. Significant technological advancement has occurred since the first designs were implemented in the 1960s, culminating in the trace contaminant control system currently in use aboard the International Space Station as part of the atmosphere revitalization system

    Optimizing crop production through control of water and salinity levels in the soil

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    Sizable investments have been made and continue to be made throughout the world to develop irrigation potentials. Recent food shortages have heightened the concern for obtaining greater returns to irrigation through improved water management and use. A knowledge of how plant growth cycles relate to moisture and salinity levels in the root zone is prerequisite to developing practical ways of maintaining optimum conditions for maximum production per unit of water concerned. This research further defines the role of irrigation timing and salinity management on crop production, and proposes practical techniques for predicting the crop response to management measures. Some of the advantages and special features of the research program outlined by the report are listed as follows: 1. The experimental design is unique in that a sprinkler line is used as a single source of water. This approach provides large volumes of yield data as influenced by water supplies available to the crop. These data will provide information on the following: a. Accurate evaluation of the basic water requirements of crops. b. The optimal sequencing of deficits during crop growth stages. c. The establishment of yield versus evapotranspiration relationships over the entire range of wter supply from rainfall (dryland) to over-irrigation. d. An evaluation of soil water holding capacities in terms of its contributions to the water needs of the crop. This information provides guidance on how to best utilize the root system of a given crop type as a water gathering tool in terms of time during the growing season. For example, planting date, plant spacing, and fertilizer practices will be influenced by this information. 2. The experimental layout is versatile in that it lends itself to a study of the effects on plant growth of input parameters other than water, such as fertility levels and plant spacing. 3. The design can be readily adapted to accommodate several varieties and/or species in the same experiment. 4. The research results are practical and generally applicable to a wide range of crop, climate, soil, and water supply (non site specific and site specific) conditions. 5. The research provides a clear demonstration (both visual and quantitative) of the beneficial effects of proper management practices on crop production. 6. The research deals with both domestic and international water problems involving crop production, namely, the influence of available soil measure and soil salinity on plant yields. 7. The research techniques are readily adaptable to application in developing countries. a. A sprinkler system for irrigation is not necessary though desireable. b. The research procedures are simple, inexpensive, easy to perform, and yet provide much information. 8. The research involves the join efforts of several institutions and utilizes highly experienced research principal investigators who have a proven record of effectively working together as an integrated team. 9. The validity of the research approach and the viability of the results have been demonstrated by current research. The main tasks remaining are to broaden the crop base and to test and demonstrate the applicability of the results to other areas throughout the world

    Background frequencies for residue variability estimates: BLOSUM revisited

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Shannon entropy applied to columns of multiple sequence alignments as a score of residue conservation has proven one of the most fruitful ideas in bioinformatics. This straightforward and intuitively appealing measure clearly shows the regions of a protein under increased evolutionary pressure, highlighting their functional importance. The inability of the column entropy to differentiate between residue types, however, limits its resolution power.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this work we suggest generalizing Shannon's expression to a function with similar mathematical properties, that, at the same time, includes observed propensities of residue types to mutate to each other. To do that, we revisit the original construction of BLOSUM matrices, and re-interpret them as mutation probability matrices. These probabilities are then used as background frequencies in the revised residue conservation measure.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We show that joint entropy with BLOSUM-proportional probabilities as a reference distribution enables detection of protein functional sites comparable in quality to a time-costly maximum-likelihood evolution simulation method (rate4site), and offers greater resolution than the Shannon entropy alone, in particular in the cases when the available sequences are of narrow evolutionary scope.</p

    Fractal-dimensional properties of subordinators

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    This work looks at the box-counting dimension of sets related to subordinators (non-decreasing Lévy processes). It was recently shown in Savov (Electron Commun Probab 19:1–10, 2014) that almost surely limδ→0U(δ)N(t,δ)=t , where N(t,δ) is the minimal number of boxes of size at most δ needed to cover a subordinator’s range up to time t, and U(δ) is the subordinator’s renewal function. Our main result is a central limit theorem (CLT) for N(t,δ) , complementing and refining work in Savov (2014). Box-counting dimension is defined in terms of N(t,δ) , but for subordinators we prove that it can also be defined using a new process obtained by shortening the original subordinator’s jumps of size greater than δ . This new process can be manipulated with remarkable ease in comparison with N(t,δ) , and allows better understanding of the box-counting dimension of a subordinator’s range in terms of its Lévy measure, improving upon Savov (2014, Corollary 1). Further, we shall prove corresponding CLT and almost sure convergence results for the new process

    Transcriptomic Evidence That Longevity of Acquired Plastids in the Photosynthetic Slugs Elysia timida and Plakobranchus ocellatus Does Not Entail Lateral Transfer of Algal Nuclear Genes

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    Sacoglossan sea slugs are unique in the animal kingdom in that they sequester and maintain active plastids that they acquire from the siphonaceous algae upon which they feed, making the animals photosynthetic. Although most sacoglossan species digest their freshly ingested plastids within hours, four species from the family Plakobranchidae retain their stolen plastids (kleptoplasts) in a photosynthetically active state on timescales of weeks to months. The molecular basis of plastid maintenance within the cytosol of digestive gland cells in these photosynthetic metazoans is yet unknown but is widely thought to involve gene transfer from the algal food source to the slugs based upon previous investigations of single genes. Indeed, normal plastid development requires hundreds of nuclear-encoded proteins, with protein turnover in photosystem II in particular known to be rapid under various conditions. Moreover, only algal plastids, not the algal nuclei, are sequestered by the animals during feeding. If algal nuclear genes are transferred to the animal either during feeding or in the germ line, and if they are expressed, then they should be readily detectable with deep-sequencing methods. We have sequenced expressed mRNAs from actively photosynthesizing, starved individuals of two photosynthetic sea slug species, Plakobranchus ocellatus Van Hasselt, 1824 and Elysia timida Risso, 1818. We find that nuclear-encoded, algal-derived genes specific to photosynthetic function are expressed neither in P. ocellatus nor in E. timida. Despite their dramatic plastid longevity, these photosynthetic sacoglossan slugs do not express genes acquired from algal nuclei in order to maintain plastid function

    Comprehensive Survey of SNPs in the Affymetrix Exon Array Using the 1000 Genomes Dataset

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    Microarray gene expression data has been used in genome-wide association studies to allow researchers to study gene regulation as well as other complex phenotypes including disease risks and drug response. To reach scientifically sound conclusions from these studies, however, it is necessary to get reliable summarization of gene expression intensities. Among various factors that could affect expression profiling using a microarray platform, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in target mRNA may lead to reduced signal intensity measurements and result in spurious results. The recently released 1000 Genomes Project dataset provides an opportunity to evaluate the distribution of both known and novel SNPs in the International HapMap Project lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). We mapped the 1000 Genomes Project genotypic data to the Affymetrix GeneChip Human Exon 1.0ST array (exon array), which had been used in our previous studies and for which gene expression data had been made publicly available. We also evaluated the potential impact of these SNPs on the differentially spliced probesets we had identified previously. Though the 1000 Genomes Project data allowed a comprehensive survey of the SNPs in this particular array, the same approach can certainly be applied to other microarray platforms. Furthermore, we present a detailed catalogue of SNP-containing probesets (exon-level) and transcript clusters (gene-level), which can be considered in evaluating findings using the exon array as well as benefit the design of follow-up experiments and data re-analysis