151 research outputs found

    Event-by-event study of prompt neutrons from 239Pu(n,f)

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    Employing a recently developed Monte Carlo model, we study the fission of 240Pu induced by neutrons with energies from thermal to just below the threshold for second chance fission. Current measurements of the mean number of prompt neutrons emitted in fission, together with less accurate measurements of the neutron energy spectra, place remarkably fine constraints on predictions of microscopic calculations. In particular, the total excitation energy of the nascent fragments must be specified to within 1 MeV to avoid disagreement with measurements of the mean neutron multiplicity. The combination of the Monte Carlo fission model with a statistical likelihood analysis also presents a powerful tool for the evaluation of fission neutron data. Of particular importance is the fission spectrum, which plays a key role in determining reactor criticality. We show that our approach can be used to develop an estimate of the fission spectrum with uncertainties several times smaller than current experimental uncertainties for outgoing neutron energies up to 2 MeV.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figure

    Proton-Rich Nuclear Statistical Equilibrium

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    Proton-rich material in a state of nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) is one of the least studied regimes of nucleosynthesis. One reason for this is that after hydrogen burning, stellar evolution proceeds at conditions of equal number of neutrons and protons or at a slight degree of neutron-richness. Proton-rich nucleosynthesis in stars tends to occur only when hydrogen-rich material that accretes onto a white dwarf or neutron star explodes, or when neutrino interactions in the winds from a nascent proto-neutron star or collapsar-disk drive the matter proton-rich prior to or during the nucleosynthesis. In this paper we solve the NSE equations for a range of proton-rich thermodynamic conditions. We show that cold proton-rich NSE is qualitatively different from neutron-rich NSE. Instead of being dominated by the Fe-peak nuclei with the largest binding energy per nucleon that have a proton to nucleon ratio close to the prescribed electron fraction, NSE for proton-rich material near freeze-out temperature is mainly composed of Ni56 and free protons. Previous results of nuclear reaction network calculations rely on this non-intuitive high proton abundance, which this paper will explain. We show how the differences and especially the large fraction of free protons arises from the minimization of the free energy as a result of a delicate competition between the entropy and the nuclear binding energy.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    The Ultraviolet flash accompanying GRBs from neutron-rich internal shocks

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    In the neutron-rich internal shocks model for Gamma-ray Burts (GRBs), the Lorentz factors (LFs) of ions shells are variable, so are the LFs of accompanying neutron shells. For slow neutron shells with a typical LF tens, the typical beta-decay radius reads R_{\beta,s} several 10^{14} cm, which is much larger than the typical internal shocks radius 10^{13} cm, so their impact on the internal shocks may be unimportant. However, as GRBs last long enough (T_{90}>20(1+z) s), one earlier but slower ejected neutron shell will be swept successively by later ejected ion shells in the range 10^{13}-10^{15} cm, where slow neutrons have decayed significantly. We show in this work that ion shells interacting with the beta-decay products of slow neutron shells can power a ultraviolet (UV) flash bright to 12th magnitude during the prompt gamma-ray emission phase or slightly delayed, which can be detected by the upcoming Satellite SWIFT in the near future.Comment: 6 pages (2 eps figures), accepted for publication in ApJ

    The difficulty in using orphan afterglows to measure gamma-ray burst beaming

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    If gamma-ray burst (GRB) emission is strongly collimated then GRBs occur throughout the Universe at a rate much higher than is detected. Since the emission from the optical afterglow is thought to be more isotropic than the gamma-ray emission, it has been hypothesized that a search for orphan afterglows (those without the triggering GRB) would allow strong constraints to be placed on the degree of GRB collimation. We show here that, within the context of leading models of GRB jet evolution, measurement of the GRB beaming angle using optical orphan searches is extremely difficult, perhaps impossible in practice. This is because in the leading model of GRB jets, the effective afterglow beaming angle scales with the jet angle for small angles, and so the ratio of detected orphan afterglows to GRBs is independent of the jet opening angle. Thus, the number of expected afterglow detections is the same for moderate jet angles (e.g. 20 deg) as for arbitrarily small jet angles (<< 0.1 deg). For nearly isotropic GRB geometry, or for radio afterglow searches in which the jet has become non-relativistic, the ratio of afterglows to GRBs may give information on collimation. However, using a simple model we estimate the expected number of orphan detections in current supernova surveys, and find this number to be less than one, for all jet opening angles. Even for future supernova surveys, the small detection rate and lack of dependence on collimation angle appear to ruin the prospects of determining GRB beaming by this method. Radio searches may provide the best hope to find the missing orphans.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Ap

    Nuclear Composition of Gamma-Ray Burst Fireballs

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    We study three processes that shape the nuclear composition of GRB fireballs: (1) neutronization in the central engine, (2) nucleosynthesis in the fireball as it expands and cools, and (3) spallation of nuclei in subsequent internal shocks. The fireballs are found to have a neutron excess and a marginally successful nucleosynthesis. They are composed of free nucleons, alpha-particles, and deuterium. A robust result is the survival of a significant neutron component, which has important implications. First, as shown in previous works, neutrons can lead to observable multi-GeV neutrino emission. Second, as we show in an accompanying paper, neutrons impact the explosion dynamics at radii up to 10^{17} cm and change the mechanism of the GRB afterglow emission.Comment: 33 pages, accepted to Ap
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