11 research outputs found


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    The research problem was to find answer to the question: how did the role of practical tasks and activities in the education of students with moderate/severe disabilities is an important one. A review of current and past theories of cognitive development focusing on the role of experiential learning because for today’s students with disabilities there is a stronger emphasis on practical skills and motor skills development opportunities than on traditional learning approaches. Home Economics and Its Technologies is one of the subjects in today’s curriculum where time is allocated to activity-based learning and experiences. Occupational therapy has a positive effect on the child’s psyche, helps to manage and organise the child’s impulses, renews and promotes appropriate work habits, helps organise his/her activities and reduces the child’s focus on his/her own shortcomings or disabilities


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    Modern educational process is a qualitative condition in preparation of children with special educational needs for school. Information and communication technologies incorporation in the educational process is a requirement of modern learning environment. Preparation of children with special needs for school, inclusive education and individual approach is possible with innovative methods in the educational process in preschool. On one hand, information and communication technologies are learning environment improvement factors, as well as a challenging factor for teachers affecting teachers’ professional competence development

    Quality of Life Using Music Therapy Elements for People with Intellectual Disabilities

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    Quality of life include all aspects of the way we live our lives. They allow us to fulfil our needs and aspirations. On the basis of results of the research possibile to make a confirmation that music, sociocultural activities using music therapy elements for  people with intellectual  disabilitiess influented expanding possibilities self-expression, activating self-action, stimulating self-conception. Said elements of socialization  impowering those people self – realizing through cultural — artistic activities, sociocultural projects. That one componded efective „normal“ and intellectually disabled  citizens communication and cooperation. Thus possible life quality optimization for people with mental deseases in abilities limited space


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    This paper examines the background to the use of experiential learning with students with moderate/severe disabilities. The role of practical tasks and activities in the education of these students is an important one. There has been a change in the concept of learning, away from the behaviourist notions of teachers as purveyors of knowledge and students as passive receivers. Cognitive, humanistic, social and constructivist learning theories stress the importance of making sense or meaning from experiences. A review of current and past theories of cognitive development focusing on the role of experiential learning, the impact of the surrounding environment, active participation, scaffolding support for learning, the impact of emotions and the development of attitudes as well as the place of interaction, reflection and feedback is linked to implications for practice


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    The purpose of the research is to investigate the relationship between the leadership and job engagement. The study is built on research activities and there are used both theoretical and empirical methods. Qualitative and quantitative methods in the form of questionnaires are used during the study. Transformational leadership is the independent variable in this study and the instrument used to measure leadership is the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Bass Avolio, 1997). Questionnaire A Great Place To Work – What Makes Some Employers So Good And Most So Bad? (Bakingems Kofmans, 2005) as an instrument has been used to explain what makes a company a good place to work and offers specific strategies for fostering a positive work environment and the instrument used to. The statistical programme used for the analyses and presentation of data in this research is the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. In conclusion: transformational leadership is more likely to increase the levels of job engagement as opposed to transactional leadership, the results from this study support interesting directions for future research.


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    Inclusive education is an essential component, which provides people with special needs state of society in the future. Nowadays   education, bringing together scientists, psychologists, educators theories and knowledge, gives off the focus early intervention idea. Early help is different sectoral expert professional advice and support. Fundamental of early intervention is inter-institutional cooperation that promote child development and socialization. Child's preparation to school is directly related to the timely, early assistance and support measures. Quality of inclusive education depends on all the parties of professional competence

    Children with Visual Imparments in the Transition Period from Preschool to Primary School

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    In today`s educational system, the transition from pre-school to primary school is considered as a traditional, however, the transition between education is related to a change in the child`s life. Preschool children`s readiness for school has always been a pressing problem for both: in school practice and in theory of pedagogy. This paper analyses the key theories, dealing with child development and learning processes, interaction with others and surrounding environment impacts on child development. A new perspective, which is closely related to these previously mentioned theories, is equivalent to the ecosystem approach, with is defined as a new approach with a view on children`s with visual impairments transition „pre-school – primary school” successful overcoming is needed on planned and targeted support

    Inclusion, Legislation and Practice: Educating Students With Disabilities – the Australian and Latvian Experiences

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    In Australia and Latvia the inclusion debate has changed the face of education. This change has been brought about by legislative edicts, challenges to traditions which segregate students and by confronting teacher beliefs. This article explores the experiences of the education system in Australian, specifically the state of New South Wales (NSW), in addressing inclusion. Parallels between the Australian and Latvian experiences are identified. Finally the retreat by the NSW system away from the confusion surrounding the use of the term inclusion to the concept of every student, every school is detailed.

    The family and pre-school collaboration role for the child's preparation to school

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    The child's preparation for school is a period of laying the foundations for a child's future social inclusion. Children's preparation for school is as important a problem as the child's comprehensive development of pre-school age. Preparation for school is a continuous process that starts from the arrival of the child's pre-school and continues until the transition for school. Preparation for school is a socialization process that is child self-determination in the new social environment basis. Socialization, comprehensive child's preparation for school is a very important problem that exists preschools for students with visual impairments. Modern education is a main objective the child's individuality educational support. The child's personality development can be only in a family and pre-school collaboration

    Rendering of help to pupils of special and particular needs at Latvia education system

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    AbstractProblem StatementIn Latvia, the most extensive spectrum of problems, that the teacher meets at school at daily routine, exist within the category of pupils of special needs, when working with the most different pupils, including the pupils of special needs who receive the services incorporated into the special education. When registering the pupils at schools, especially the children of special needs and also of particular needs, the school must consider what to change in order to provide feasibility for the pupil of special needs to study nearer to the place of abode and also to „learn something“.There exist closely two ways of rendering special help in Latvia:•Special education establishments activity;•Special and particular help and support to pupils at all-round education establishments (within incorporative environment).Latvia pedagogues have no united attitude regarding which form of education would be the best for the pupils of special and particular needs.Purpose of Study is to do the analysis of special education ways existing in Latvia and to clear up the parents’ opinion regarding the extent to which the pupil of special needs, studying at the educational establishment most useful to him, are provided of the possibility to receive help of qualified professionals, of the possibility to receive the knowledge, to develop social life and working skills, to prepare for work and life in society, to receive special correction and rehabilitation.Materials and methods. Survey of scientific and informative literature. The analysis of Latvia experience of help rendering to the pupils of special needs. For the clarification of the opinion of pupils’ parents, the mediatizing was use – the quantitative method.ConclusionsFrequently the introductory solutions are in the hands of the schools and the pedagogues themselves establishing the most useful to their situations assistance system