9 research outputs found

    Se nourrir par l’agriculture périurbaine à São Paulo

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    Cet article propose une analyse géographique des relations ville campagne à São Paulo, articulée au courant d’études sur la justice alimentaire. Dans un contexte où les politiques publiques sont influencées par les paradigmes de transition, l’enjeu de la relocalisation de l’alimentation semble favorable à une revalorisation de l’agriculture périurbaine. À São Paulo, métropole émergente d’un pays des Suds marqué par une forte polarisation socio-spatiale, les enjeux socio-économiques, symboliques et politiques d’une reterritorialisation de l’approvisionnement méritent d’être interrogés. Notre hypothèse est que l’agriculture périurbaine, peu soutenue par les politiques publiques, pourrait contribuer à suppléer à un système alimentaire inégalitaire et à créer un « vivrier marchand » qui bénéficierait aux habitants pauvres de la métropole. Ces populations défavorisées vivent dans des marges caractérisées comme des déserts alimentaires et sont les plus touchées par les maladies nutritionnelles (diabète, obésité) causées par la malnutrition.This article offers a geographical analysis of rural town relations articulate to the studies on food justice in São Paulo. In a context where public policies are influenced by transitional paradigms, the issue of relocating food seems favorable to a revaluation of peri-urban agriculture. In São Paulo, emerging metropolis of a South country marked by strong socio-spatial polarization, the challenges of supply chain’s re-territorialisation deserve to be interviewed. They are in the same time socio-economic, health, symbolic and political. Our hypothesis is that peri-urban agriculture, little supported by public policies, nevertheless contributes to supplementing an unequal food system and to creating a "market food crop" which benefits above the poor inhabitants of the metropolis. Those disadvantaged populations live in urban fringes defined as food desert. They are particularly affected by nutritional diseases as diabetes and obesity caused by malnutrition

    Justice alimentaire et justice foncière à São Paulo: une agriculture urbaine de subsistance dans les marges

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    International audienceBy relying on the case of São Paulo, this article seeks to develop a critical look at urban farming and its potential for contributing to food justice. While this activity constitutes a means of subsistence for urban communities, it is also underlain by principles relating to land ownership, which tend to divert attention from its primary role in food systems. There is an important need first to fight against land inequalities and bad housing in São Paulo, before considering urban farming as a lever for food justice. For this study, I made use of qualitative surveys carried out between 2018 and 2022 in São Paulo, during which I conducted 118 interviews with farmers, consumers, shopkeepers, associations and politico-administrative institutions. My results show at first a socio-economic dichotomy between well-off city dwellers who use community gardens and farmers who practise urban farming on the margins of the city. I maintain that the issue of food justice affects the latter and is filtered through a policy of institutional action and visibility. In conclusion, I argue that urban farming is a potential lever for food justice which is still highly constrained by inequalities and land speculation in São Paulo.S’appuyant sur le cas de São Paulo, cet article cherche à développer unregard critique sur l’agriculture urbaine en interrogeant son potentiel pourcontribuer à étendre la justice alimentaire. Si cette pratique constitue unevoie de subsistance pour les populations, elle est aussi une activitéaccaparée par des logiques foncières qui tendant à la détourner de son rôlepremier dans les systèmes alimentaires. J’insiste alors sur la nécessité delutter d’abord contre les inégalités foncières et le mal-logement à São Pauloavant d’envisager l’agriculture urbaine comme un levier de justicealimentaire. Pour cette étude, je mobilise des enquêtes qualitatives menéesentre 2018 et 2022 à São Paulo durant lesquelles j’ai réalisé 118 entretiensavec des agriculteurs, des consommateurs, des commerçants, desassociations et des institutions politico-administratives. Mes résultatsmontrent d’abord une dichotomie socio-économique entre les citadins aisésprésents dans les jardins communautaires et les agriculteurs qui pratiquentl’agriculture urbaine dans les marges. Je suggère alors que l’enjeu de lajustice alimentaire se pose en priorité pour cette deuxième catégoried’acteurs et qu’il passe par une politique d’action et de visibilitéinstitutionnelle. En conclusion, j’argue que l’agriculture urbaine est unlevier potentiel de justice alimentaire encore fortement contraint par lesinégalités et la spéculation foncières à São Paulo

    Un système alimentaire métropolitain à São Paulo

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    This article examines the place of wholesale markets in the food system of São Paulo and assesses their potential in terms of urban governance for the metropolis. Wholesale markets polarize food produced on a continental scale and ensure a constant supply to the margins. However, the highly centralized nature of food distribution also demonstrates the fragility of a deterritorialised production system that tends to encourage distant areas to the detriment of the metropolitan market garden belt. We will use this example to question the resilience and sustainability of the food system in São Paulo and discuss the implementation of urban food governance

    Se nourrir par l’agriculture périurbaine à São Paulo

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    This article offers a geographical analysis of rural town relations articulate to the studies on food justice in São Paulo. In a context where public policies are influenced by transitional paradigms, the issue of relocating food seems favorable to a revaluation of peri-urban agriculture. In São Paulo, emerging metropolis of a South country marked by strong socio-spatial polarization, the challenges of supply chain’s re-territorialisation deserve to be interviewed. They are in the same time socio-economic, health, symbolic and political. Our hypothesis is that peri-urban agriculture, little supported by public policies, nevertheless contributes to supplementing an unequal food system and to creating a "market food crop" which benefits above the poor inhabitants of the metropolis. Those disadvantaged populations live in urban fringes defined as food desert. They are particularly affected by nutritional diseases as diabetes and obesity caused by malnutrition

    Un système alimentaire métropolitain à São Paulo

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    This article examines the place of wholesale markets in the food system of São Paulo and assesses their potential in terms of urban governance for the metropolis. Wholesale markets polarize food produced on a continental scale and ensure a constant supply to the margins. However, the highly centralized nature of food distribution also demonstrates the fragility of a deterritorialised production system that tends to encourage distant areas to the detriment of the metropolitan market garden belt. We will use this example to question the resilience and sustainability of the food system in São Paulo and discuss the implementation of urban food governance

    Annuaire 2009-2010

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    Annuaire 2010-2011

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