20 research outputs found

    Effects of mycotoxints on germination and 1000-grain weight of Winter wheat

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    Three winter wheat cultivars, PKB-Lepoklasa, Yugoslavija and Francuska, were differently susceptible to Fusarium spp., widely used in the production and processing, were selected for the experiment. Three treatments were applied to these cultivars: the artificial inoculation with the isolates Fusarium spp; wheat protection with the fungicide on the basis of active ingredients of flutriafol and carbendasim (85+135g L –1) where the spontaneous infection in different wheat pheno-phases is monitored. The same cultivar from the same location didn’t includ in experiment. Experiments were performed three years. Phytopatologic estimate were two times during the period of vegetation. During three years of researching PKB Lepoklasa had 100% infected plants with fungi Fusarium spp., while cultivar Yugoslavia 85%, Francuska 65%. The presence of fungi resulted the reduced germination, as mycotoxins inhibited the proteins synthesis. The development of fungi in wheat plants resulted grain’s wilt due to the damage of burial procession. The fungi of the genus Fusarium spp. produce many mycotoxins, while the presence of trichothecene type B-deoxynivalenol. Moreover, zearalenone and fumonisin were determined.Ispitivane su tri sorte ozime pšenice različito osetljive na Fusarium spp, a široko korišćene u proizvodnji i preradi: PKB-Lepoklasa, Jugoslavija i Francuska. Na ovim sortama primenjena su tri tretmana: veštačka inokulacija izolatima Fusarium spp, zaštita pšenice fungicidom na bazi aktivnih materija flutrijafol+karbendazim (85 + 135g/L) i praćene su spontane infekcije u različitim fenofazama razvoja pšenice. Kontrolna je bila ista sorta, sa istog lokaliteta, neobuhvaćena ogledima. Ogledi su trajali tri godine. Fitopatološka ocena izvršena je dva puta u toku vegetacije. Sorta Jugoslavija imala je u proseku 85% inficiranih biljaka, Francuska 65%, a PKB-Lepoklasa je u sve tri godine imala 100% infekciju gljivama Fusarium spp. Prisustvo gljiva izazvalo je smanjenu klijavost, jer mikotoksini inhibiraju sintezu proteina. Razvoj gljiva na biljkama pšenice doveo je do uvenuća zrna zbog oštećenja sprovodnog sistema. Gljive iz roda Fusarium spp izazivaju produkciju mnogih mikotoksina a utvrđeno je prisustvo trihotecena tipa B-deoksinivalenola zearalenona i fumonizina

    Quality of seeds dependent from plumpness, year produce, locality and genotypes of winter wheat

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    Energy seed germination has been for all under proof variety on winniwing fan from 2.8 mm from 83 to 88 %. Significance series energy germination is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.5 mm, from 82 to 88 %. Attendant energy germination on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 80 to 81 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 73 to 75 %. Seed germination for all under proof variety on winniwing fan from 2.8 mm is investigation from 86 to 93 %. Series seed germination is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.5 mm, from 85 to 90 %. Attendant germinating faculty on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 83 to 86 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 77 to 81 %. Non-standard seedling for all under proof variety on winniwing fan from 2.8 mm steam are herself from 2.2 to 2.4 %. Thread number non-standard seedling is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.5 mm, from 2.1 to 2.2 %. Prosecute non-standard seedling is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 2.8 to 3.6 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 3.7 to 3.8 %. Attendant germinating faculty on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 86 to 90 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 81 to 85 %. Fixture is high significant difference between year field experience relative non-standard seedling, location, genotype and interaction between under proof treatment. At energy saving effort germination fixture is high significant difference between location, interaction year x location and location x genotype. Significant difference at germinating faculty fixture is between under proof genotypes, interaction year x genotype and locality x genotype, high significant difference between location and interaction genotype x location.Energija klijanja semena bila je za sve ispitivane sorte na rešetu od 2.8 mm, od 83 do 88 %. Značajno niža energija klijanja utvrđena je na rešetu od 2.5 mm, od 82 do 88 %. Sledi energija klijanja na rešetu od 2.2 mm, od 80 do 81 % i na rešetu od 2.0 mm, od 73 do 75 %. Klijavost semena za sve ispitivane sorte na rešetu od 2.8 mm ustanovljena je od 86 do 93 %. Nešto niža klijavost semena utvrđena je na rešetu od 2.5 mm, od 85 do 90 %. Sledi klijavost na rešetu od 2.2 mm, od 83 do 87% i na rešetu od 2.0 mm, od 77 do 81 %. Nenormalni klijanci za sve ispitivane sorte na rešetu od 2.8 mm kretali su se od 2.2 do 2.4 %. Niži broj nenormalnih klijanaca utvrđen je na rešetu od 2.5 mm, od 2.1 do 2.2 %. Slede nenormalni klijanci na rešetu od 2.2 mm, od 2.8 do 3.6 % i na rešetu od 2.0 mm od 3.7 do 3.8 %. Ustanovljena je visoko značajna razlika između godina ispitivanja u odnosu na nenormalne klijance, lokalitete, genotipove i interakcije između ispitivanih tretmana.Kod energije klijanja ustanovljena je visoko značajna razlika između lokaliteta, interakcije godina x lokalitet i lokalitet x genotip. Značajna razlika kod klijavosti ustanovljena je između ispitivanih genotipova, interakcija godina x genotip i lokalitet x genotip, visoko značajna razlika između lokaliteta i interakcija genotip x lokalitet

    Controling weeds in wheat and stubble field

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    Weed control is achieved only by utiliying herbicides and adequate agritechnical measures for wheat, with the use of herbicides against dominant types of weeds in a rotating system of plant and vegetable cultures. The most certain solution to the problem of weeds in wheat is stop sprouting and spreading of resistant weeds. The solution to the problem is facilitated by using a system of rotating plant types and the introduction of specific herbicides based on fluoroxipire, amidosulfurine, florasuluam and cinidon ethyl, depending on appearance of problem weeds. Within the system of wheat management, regional and global models for controlling weeds for periods over 5 years are formed, which implies fundamental changes to the introduction of novel technologies, transgenic cultivars and new herbicides.U radu je prikazan model suzbijanja korova u pšenici, stepen efikasnosti i selektivnosti herbicida i integralne zaštite ratarskih useva na regionalnom i globalnom nivou. Problem otpornih, rezistentnih korova se pojednostavljuje i rešava rotacijom useva i herbicida sa različitim načinima delovanja, te uvođenjem odgovarajućih agromera, novih specifičnih herbicida za suzbijanje ruderalnih i problematičnih korova u pšenici. Na taj način sprečava se nicanje i širenje rezistentnih korova u sistemu smene useva pšenice, šećerne repe, soje, kukuruza i soje

    Sowing crops and treating wheat in the Republic of Serbia in 2005/2006

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    The use of the seed not declared reached more than fifty percent. There was a period of deficiency in mineral fertilizers, but when appeared on the market the prices were to high. The growing of wheat starts in autumn when our region is subject to many climatic extremes, although, on the world map, it is marked as a favorable one. Farming activities are very numerous in the season when the wheat production is being established. In autumn the sowing lasts over two months, while the optimum sowing time is twenty days. In the course of the last decade, hardly fifty percent of sowing was performed within the optimal time, which is very bad. Late sowing priggers poor quality operations before and after the sowing, the shortening of vegetation and an inadequate preparation of crops for the coming winter period. So, in the autumn of 2005., only 30 percent. Mechanization was a bottleneck for agricultural production and wheat production over the last decade and a half. Further increase and stabilization of wheat yields in the Republic of Serbia can be attained if the growing technology is raised to a higher level.Na osnovu analize klimatskih faktora i primenjene tehnologije gajenja u jesen proizvodne 2005/2006. godine u Republici Srbiji, padavina je bilo značajno više nego što je uobičajeno. Jesenji period bio je topliji od višegodišnjeg proseka. Broj kišnih dana bio je značajno veći od višegodišnjeg proseka. Do 25. oktobra zasejano je samo 30% planiranih površina, zatim do kraja oktobra 48%, 15. novembra 70%, do kraja novembra 81% i do 6. decembra 82%. Plan setve verovatno sa 18% neće biti ostvaren. U vreme zasnivanja ove proizvodnje velika je koncentracija poslova u ratarstvu. U jesen setva traje preko dva meseca, a optimalni rok je dvadeset dana. Poslednjih deceniju i po jedva se poseje pedeset procenata u optimalnom roku setve. Kasna setva povlači za sobom loš kvalitet operacija pre i posle setve, nejednolično i dugo nicanje lošu pripremu useva za ulazak u zimski period i skraćenje vegetacije. Tehnologija proizvodnje pšenice koja je dokazana i prihvaćena kod naših proizvođača se ne ispunjava. Imamo edafske i klimatske resurse za proizvodnju ozime pšenice, znanje i iskustvo. Usko grlo u proizvodnji pšenice je nedostatak po obimu i strukturi poljoprivredne mehanizacije i motivisanost ljudskog faktora. Navedeni nedostatci u primenjenoj tehnologiji gajenja, kao i klimatski činioci, uticaće na visinu prinosa proizvodne 2005/2006. godine. Ako ne bude povoljan zimski, prolećni i letnji period, prinosi ozime pšenice mogu biti niski ili maksimalno prosečni, sa čime ne bi trebalo da budemo zadovoljni. Povećanje i stabilizacija prinosa pšenice u Republici Srbiji moći će da se ostvari ako se ispoštuje proverena i dokazana tehnologija proizvodnje, i podigne na viši nivo

    Yield of grain and some yield components during different way of seed-protection at different variety of winter wheat

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    Researching was done in field condition with three variety of winter wheat and seven ways of seed protection. Researching shown that the way of seed protection was factor that have significance influence on researched characteristics. Our researching shown that among the same way of protection hadn't been significance difference among researched variety of wheat in number plants and spike per m2, coefficient of productive bushing and grain yield . Number plants per m2 arrised from 484 at variety PKB-Christina to 520 at variety Vizija. According to the way of protection per m2 arrised from 487 at treatment Tilletia tritici+ Sumi 8 to 517 at electronic way of protection. The number of spike per m2 arrised from 721 at variety PKB-Christina to 732 at variety Pobeda. According to the researched ways of protection the number of spike is established from 711 at control to the 746 at treatment with Tlletia tritici. Coefficient of productive bushes is established was 1,43 at variety Vizija to 1,49 at variety Pobeda. According to the way of seed protection coefficient of productive bushes as established at control 1,44 to treatment Tilletia tritici + Sumi 8. 1,50. Yield of grain is established at variety Vizija 7,03t/ha and variety Pobeda 7,69t/ha. According to the way of grain yield protection was 7,19 t/ha and at control was 7,56 t/ha with Dividendom 030 protection.Istraživanja su izvedena u poljskim uslovima, sa tri sorte ozime pšenice i sedam načina zaštite semena. Utvrđeno je da je način zaštite semena faktor koji znatno utiče na ispitivana svojstva. U okviru istog načina zaštite nema razlika u broju biljaka i klasnova po m2, u koeficijentu produktivnog bokorenja i prinosu zrna. Broj biljaka po m2 kretao se od 484 kod sorte PKB-Christna do 520 kod sorte Vizija, broj klasova po m2 od 721 kod sorte PKB-Chistina do 732 kod sorte Pobeda, koeficijent produktivnog bokorenja od 1.43 kod sorte Vizija do 1.49 kod sorte Pobeda, a prinos zrna od 7.03 t/ha kod sorte Vizija do 7.69 t/ha kod sorte Pobeda. U odnosu na način zaštite broj biljaka po m2 kretao se od 487 kod tretmana Tilletia tritici + divikonazol, do 517 kod elektronskog načina zaštite, broj klasova od 711 kod kontrole do 746 kod tretmana sa Tilletia tritici, koeficijenat produktivnog bokorenja od 1.44 kod kontrole do 1.50 kod tretmana Tilletia tritici + divikonazola, a prinos zrna od 7.19 t/ha kod kontrole do 7.56 t/ha kod zaštite sa difenokonazolom

    Quality and plumpness of seeds of different genotypes of Winter wheat

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    Investigation is thirteen at Kikinda and twelve at Zajecar variety winter wheat difference per patch bush, altitude stem, position leaves, length of vegetation, quality and yield grain. Essay is designate at the experimental field Agriculture Station at Kikinda and at the experimental field Centre for Agriculture and Technology Investigation at Zajecar, in the course of 2002/03 and 2003/04. Vegetation cycle. Relative plumpness of seed indicate herself of being for all under proof variety on winniwing fan from 2.8 mm, from 47.5 to 71.8 % seeds. Significance thread per cent seeds is to parcel out on winniwing fan from 2.5 mm, from 19.2 to 27.9 %. Attendant mass seeds on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 6.2 to 10.8% and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 1.3 to 2.3%. Cumulative production germinating faculty seminal for all under proof variety on winniwing fan from 2.8 mm is established from 89 as far as 95 %. Little series cumulative production seed germination is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.5 mm, from 88 to 93 %. Attendant germinating faculty on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 86 to 90 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 81 to 85 %. Fixture is high significant difference between year field experience relative plumpness seminal cumulative production germinating faculty, location, genotype and interaction between under proof treatment. Significant difference at germinating faculty fixture is between under proof genotypes, interaction year x genotype and location x genotype, high significant difference between location and interaction genotype x location.U Kikindi je ispitivano trinaest, a u Zaječaru dvanaest različitih sorti ozime pšenice. Ogled je postavljen na oglednom polju Poljoprivredne stanice u Kikindi i oglednom polju Centra za poljoprivredna i tehnološka istraživanja u Zaječaru, u toku 2002/03. i 2003/04. vegetacione periode. U odnosu na krupnoću semena, pokazalo se da je za sve ispitivane sorte na rešetu od 2.8 mm izdvojeno od 47.5 do 71.8% semena. Značajno niži procenat semena izdvojen je na rešetu od 2.5 mm,. Sledi masa semena na rešetu od 2.2 mm i na rešetu od 2.0 mm. Ukupna klijavost semena za sve ispitivane sorte na rešetu od 2.8 mm ustanovljena je od 89 do 95%. Niža klijavost utvrđena je na rešetu od 2.5 mm a zatim sledi ukupna klijavost na rešetu od 2.2 mm i na rešetu od 2.0 mm. Ustanovljena je veoma značajna razlika između godina ispitivanja u odnosu na krupnoću semena, ukupnu klijavost, lokalitete, genotipove i interakcije između ispitivanih tretmana. Značajna razlika kod ukupne klijavosti ustanovljena je između ispitivanih genotipova, interakcija godina x genotip i lokalitet x genotip, visoko značajna razlika između lokaliteta i interakcija genotip x lokalitet

    Ispitivanje kvaliteta semena ozime pšenice u periodu 2000-2005. godine

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta semena jedanaest sorti ozime pšenice: Pobeda, Evropa 90, NS Rana 5, Renesansa, Pesma, Proteinka, Balkan, KG-56, KG-100, Gruža i Takovčanka. Analizirano je 120 uzoraka semena ozime pšenice u prometu u periodu od 2000 do 2005 godine. Ocenjivani su sledeći parametri: procenat čistoće semena, masa 1000 semena, energija klijavosti, ukupna klijavost, vlažnost semena i broj zrna korova u 1000 grama semena. Seme je pripadalo kategoriji prve sortne reprodukcije. Rezultati su pokazali da je prosečna čistoća bila 99,3%, masa 1000 semena 41,4 g, energija klijanja 89%, ukupna klijavost 93%, vlažnost semena 11,9%, broj zrna korova u uzorcima je 0,5 i zdravstveno stanje ispravno, što zadovoljava zakonom propisane vrednosti

    Stimulatori klijavosti semena Origanum heracleoticum L. i Origanum vulgare L.

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    This paper studies the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3), herbal preparation (LAB1) and the pre-cooling treatment (Ph) on seed germination of Origanum heracleoticum L.and Origanum vulgare L. As a control variant, seed treatment with distilled water was used. The highest germination energy (EK), germination after 14 days (14D) and a total germination values (UK) were achieved with seeds of O. heracleoticum treated with 400ppm GA3 (50.3%, 57.3% and 64.8%, respectively) and the lowest values were observed with 3-day pre-cooling treatment (28.3%, 28.8% and 28.8%, respectively). The highest values for all seed quality parameters for O. vulgare were achieved by the treatment with the highest GA3 concentration, 1000 ppm (60.0%, 67.0% and 74.8%, respectively), while the lowest germination values were recorded in 4-day pre-cooling treatment (26.0%, 26.8% and 27.5%, respectively). Overall, higher germination was observed in seeds of O. vulgare. The best germination stimulitor for both species proved to be gibberellic acid (GA3) - a hormone of plant origin, followed by the herbal preparation (LAB1), then the control variant (DW). On the other hand, the most unfavourable to stimulate germination proved to be pre-cooling treatment (Ph), which had no impact on the increase of seeds germination.U radu je ispitivan uticaj giberelinske kiseline (GA3), pripravka od lekovitog bilja (LAB1) i prethodnog hlađenja (Ph) na klijavost semena vrsta Origanum heracleoticum L. i Origanum vulgare L. Kao kontrolna varijanta, korišćen je tretman semena destilovanom vodom (DW). Najveća energija klijanja (EK), klijavost nakon 14 dana (14D) i ukupna klijavost (UK) vrste O. heracleoticum ostvarene su kod semena tretiranog sa 400 ppm GA3 (50,3%, 57,3%, odnosno 64,8%), a najmanje vrednosti istih parametara su zabeležene pri tretmanu sa trodnevnim prethodnim hlađenjem (28,3%, 28,8%, odnosno 28,8%). Najveće vrednosti za sve ispitivane parametre kvaliteta semena vrste O. vulgare ostvarene su pri najvećoj GA3 koncentraciji od 1000 ppm (60,0%, 67,0%, odnosno 74,8%), dok su najmanje vrednosti kodove biljne vrste zabeležene pri tretmanu semena prethodnim četvorodnevnim hlađenjem (26,0%, 26,8% i 27,5%). Ukupno gledano, veću klijavost imalo je seme vrste O. vulgare

    Quality of seeds dependent from plumpness, year produce, locality and genotypes of winter wheat

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    Energy seed germination has been for all under proof variety on winniwing fan from 2.8 mm from 83 to 88 %. Significance series energy germination is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.5 mm, from 82 to 88 %. Attendant energy germination on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 80 to 81 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 73 to 75 %. Seed germination for all under proof variety on winniwing fan from 2.8 mm is investigation from 86 to 93 %. Series seed germination is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.5 mm, from 85 to 90 %. Attendant germinating faculty on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 83 to 86 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 77 to 81 %. Non-standard seedling for all under proof variety on winniwing fan from 2.8 mm steam are herself from 2.2 to 2.4 %. Thread number non-standard seedling is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.5 mm, from 2.1 to 2.2 %. Prosecute non-standard seedling is investigation on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 2.8 to 3.6 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 3.7 to 3.8 %. Attendant germinating faculty on winniwing fan from 2.2 mm from 86 to 90 % and on winniwing fan from 2.0 mm from 81 to 85 %. Fixture is high significant difference between year field experience relative non-standard seedling, location, genotype and interaction between under proof treatment. At energy saving effort germination fixture is high significant difference between location, interaction year x location and location x genotype. Significant difference at germinating faculty fixture is between under proof genotypes, interaction year x genotype and locality x genotype, high significant difference between location and interaction genotype x location.Energija klijanja semena bila je za sve ispitivane sorte na rešetu od 2.8 mm, od 83 do 88 %. Značajno niža energija klijanja utvrđena je na rešetu od 2.5 mm, od 82 do 88 %. Sledi energija klijanja na rešetu od 2.2 mm, od 80 do 81 % i na rešetu od 2.0 mm, od 73 do 75 %. Klijavost semena za sve ispitivane sorte na rešetu od 2.8 mm ustanovljena je od 86 do 93 %. Nešto niža klijavost semena utvrđena je na rešetu od 2.5 mm, od 85 do 90 %. Sledi klijavost na rešetu od 2.2 mm, od 83 do 87% i na rešetu od 2.0 mm, od 77 do 81 %. Nenormalni klijanci za sve ispitivane sorte na rešetu od 2.8 mm kretali su se od 2.2 do 2.4 %. Niži broj nenormalnih klijanaca utvrđen je na rešetu od 2.5 mm, od 2.1 do 2.2 %. Slede nenormalni klijanci na rešetu od 2.2 mm, od 2.8 do 3.6 % i na rešetu od 2.0 mm od 3.7 do 3.8 %. Ustanovljena je visoko značajna razlika između godina ispitivanja u odnosu na nenormalne klijance, lokalitete, genotipove i interakcije između ispitivanih tretmana.Kod energije klijanja ustanovljena je visoko značajna razlika između lokaliteta, interakcije godina x lokalitet i lokalitet x genotip. Značajna razlika kod klijavosti ustanovljena je između ispitivanih genotipova, interakcija godina x genotip i lokalitet x genotip, visoko značajna razlika između lokaliteta i interakcija genotip x lokalitet

    Nasleđivanje visine primarnog stabla kod hibrida pšenice F1, F2 i povratnih generacija

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    Five parent wheat varieties were crossed, three were used as mother (Rescler, Car -3601 and Briocard), and two as fathers (Father and PKB-Prelivka) in the aim to create hybrids. A total of six sets was produced (3x2) for analysis: parents (PI and P2) and generations of wheat hybrid (F1, BC1, BC2 and F2). Parents varieties, hydrides of F1; F2 generations, and hybrids of BC1, and BC2 backcross generations differed significantly and very significantly of height of primarily stem. Possible way of inheritance in F1 and F2 generation for the height of primary stem are intermediacy and partial dominance. For the height of primary stem it was concluded that genetic variance predominate to the environment variance. In that way it was got relatively height values of heritability in wide sense. In inheritance of height of primary stem significant role play additive component of genetic variance. The analysis of combination abilities showed that varieties Rescler possesses the best combining abilities for the height of primary stem. Next crossing of this varieties could get perspective lines in later generation.Ukršteno je pet roditeljskih sorti pšenice, od kojih su tri korišćene kao majka (Rescler, Car-3601 i Briocard) i dve kao otac (Francuska i PKB-Prelivka) radi stvaranja hibrida. Dobijeno je ukupno šest setova (3x2) roditelja (P1 i P2) i generacija hibrida pšenice (F1, BC1,BC2 i F2) za analizu. Roditeljske sorte, F1,F2 hibridi i hibridi povratne generacije BC1 i BC2 značajno ili vrlo značajno se razlikuju po visini primarnog stabla. Mogući načini nasleđivanja u F1 i F2 generaciji za visinu primarnog stabla su intermedijarnost i parcijalna dominacija. Za visinu primarnog stabla utvrđeno je da genetička varijansa preovlađuje u odnosu na ekološku varijansu. U tom smislu dobijene su relativno visoke vrednosti heritabilnosti u širem smislu. U nasleđivanju visine primarnog stabla značajnu ulogu ima aditivna komponenta genetičke varijanse. Analiza kombinacionih sposobnosti pokazala je da je sorta Rescler najbolji opšti kombinator za visinu primarnog stabla. Daljim ukrštanjem ove sorte mogu se dobiti perspektivne linije u kasnijim generacijama