46 research outputs found

    Few Islands Approximation of Hamiltonian System with divided Phase Space

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    It is well known that typical Hamiltonian systems have divided phase space consisting of regions with regular dynamics on KAM tori and region(s) with chaotic dynamics called chaotic sea(s). This complex structure makes rigorous analysis of such systems virtually impossible and significantly complicates numerical exploration of their dynamical properties. In this paper we outline a new approach for the analysis of Hamiltonian systems with divided phase space. These systems are approximated by a sequence of Hamiltonian systems having an increasing (but finite) number of KAM islands. The islands in the approximating systems are sub-islands of the islands in the initial system with an infinite number of KAM-islands. We apply this approach to two-dimensional billiards and demonstrate that it works. In particular the statistical characteristics of the approximating systems tend to the ones for the whole system when the number of islands in the approximating systems grows. Therefore our approach opens up a new way for numerical and analytical studies of the dynamics of Hamiltonian systems with divided phase space.Comment: 8 pages (RevTex), 9 figures; version as accepted by Experimental Mathematic

    Identification of lung sliding: a basic ultrasound technique with a steep learning curve

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    Introduction. One of the basic premises of sonographic lung imaging is the concept of lung sliding. Identification of clear lung sliding excludes pneumothorax (PTx) at that specific local point. Methods. Fifty-seven 4th year medical students were given a 20-minute lecture on sonographic identification of lung sliding and exclusion of PTx. After the lecture, students were asked to correctly position the probe, identify shown structures and on each attempt (six attempts in a row) state whether lung sliding is present or not. Results. There were 57 students in the sample. Fifty students (87.7%) successfully positioned the probe (all 4 positions) for PTx identification. All but five students (91.2%) recognized the anatomic structures of the thorax. Mean number of correctly identified cases per student was 5.1 ± 1.1. In 292 (85.4%) cases, the answer was correct. In 298 (87.1%) cases, students were confident in the correct answer. Students who were confident in the right answer gave the right answer significantly more often when compared to others (90.3% vs. 52.3%, p < 0.001). Sensitivity of this method for 4th year medical students was 82.6% and its specificity was 87.9%. For correct identification of lung sliding in the sixth attempt, students on average needed 4.5 correct attempts. Conclusion. Our study suggests that 4th year medical students with no prior experience in lung ultrasonography can easily acquire knowledge and skills needed to detect thoracic wall structures and identify lung sliding with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity

    Kreativni pokret u učionici kao unapređenje funkcioniranja učenika u različitim područjima

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    The study focuses on students’ emotion expression during geometry teaching including creative movement (experimental group or EG) and without it (control group or CG). The sample (N = 104) was made up of primary school (second-grade) students: 66 were assigned to the EG and 38 to the CG. Of these, 12 students from the EG and 8 from the CG were randomly selected for observation of emotion: type, intensity, triggering situation, and response of others. For the observed students, the intensity of emotion expression was also measured by the facial expression recognition software FaceReader. All of the students self-assessed their contentedness with the teaching. The students in the EG and the CG expressed various emotions, with joy being the most prevalent, followed by anger. The most frequent situations triggering joy were activities in the EG and the CG. The intensity of joy was higher in the EG than in the CG when assessed by observation, but there was no significant difference when assessed by FaceReader. The intensity of anger expression was at a similar level in both groups. Both students and teachers responded to students’ joy expression, but only the students responded to anger expression in the EG and the CG. The students in both groups expressed a high level of contentedness with the teaching.Kreativni pokret predstavlja aktivan pristup učenju koji studentima omogućuje da kroz pokret i ples izraze i kreiraju različite obrazovne sadržaje. Predstavlja mogućnost integriranja umjetnosti i pokreta u proces učenja. U studijskoj godini 2015./16. provedeno je istraživanje, uključujući i učenike drugog razreda osnovne škole (N = 104) tijekom nastave Matematike (geometrije). Studijom se pokušalo utvrditi utvrditi kako je korištenje kreativnoga pokreta povezano s funkcioniranjem učenika u različitim područjima: kognitivnom, socijalnom, emocionalnom, tijelu/fizičkom. Te su veze uspostavljene usporedbom skupine učenika u kojoj je provedena nastava, integrirajući kreativni pokret (eksperimentalnu skupinu) s grupom učenika u kojoj nastava nije uključivala kreativni pokret (kontrolna skupina). Podaci su prikupljeni različitim mjernim instrumentima, dok je tjelesna aktivnost mjerena narukvicama BodyMedia Core. Rezultati, između ostalog, pokazuju visoko zadovoljstvo nastavnim programom kod obje skupine učenika, ali veća potrošnja energije i dugoročno poznavanje geometrije u eksperimentalnoj grupi učenika poučavanih korištenjem kreativnoga pokreta

    Regular and Irregular States in Generic Systems

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    In this work we present the results of a numerical and semiclassical analysis of high lying states in a Hamiltonian system, whose classical mechanics is of a generic, mixed type, where the energy surface is split into regions of regular and chaotic motion. As predicted by the principle of uniform semiclassical condensation (PUSC), when the effective \hbar tends to 0, each state can be classified as regular or irregular. We were able to semiclassically reproduce individual regular states by the EBK torus quantization, for which we devise a new approach, while for the irregular ones we found the semiclassical prediction of their autocorrelation function, in a good agreement with numerics. We also looked at the low lying states to better understand the onset of semiclassical behaviour.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures (as .GIF files), high quality figures available upon reques

    Administration of intravenous morphine for acute pain in the emergency department inflicts an economic burden in Europe

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    Background: Acute pain is among the leading causes of referral to the emergency department (ED) in industrialized countries. Its management mainly depends on intensity. Moderateto- severe pain is treated with intravenous (IV) administered opioids, of which morphine is the most commonly used in the ED. We have estimated the burden of IV administration of morphine in the five key European countries (EU5) using a micro-costing approach. Scope: A structured literature review was conducted to identify clinical guidelines for acute pain management in EU5 and clinical studies conducted in the ED setting. The data identified in this literature review constituted the source for all model input parameters, which were clustered as analgesic (morphine), material used for IV morphine administration, nurse workforce time and management of morphine-related adverse events and IV-related complications. Findings: The cost per patient of IV morphine administration in the ED ranges between €18.31 in Spain and €28.38 in Germany. If costs associated with the management of morphine-related adverse events and IV-related complications are also considered, the total costs amount to €121.13–€132.43. The main driver of those total costs is the management of IV-related complications (phlebitis, extravasation and IV prescription errors; 73% of all costs) followed by workforce time (14%). Conclusions: IV morphine provides effective pain relief in the ED, but the costs associated with the IV administration inflict an economic burden on the respective national health services in EU5. An equally rapid-onset and efficacious analgesic that does not require IV administration could reduce this burden

    Prehospital monitoring in resuscitation : today and the future

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    There is growing evidence that early detection and response to physiological deterioration can improve outcome for patients. Working out-of-hospital, we often find ourselves in diagnostic dilemmas, thus more reliable data could change our actions as well as give better assessment of patient\u27s condition. Therefore, we are always exploring new perspectives that could be transferred from experimental laboratory settings to our primary working area in the field to help us improve decision-making leading to better outcome. In the following sections, we represent our previous studies about the utility of continuous capnometry and the importance of point-of-care ultrasound in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and discuss about the possible future use of transthoracic and transesophageal ultrasound, point-of-care biochemical monitoring, tissue oxygen saturation, pupillometry, and mixed and central venous oxygen saturation monitoring in the prehospital setting