6 research outputs found

    Calving of a tidewater glacier driven by melting at the waterline

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    We present a study of the development of a thermo-erosional notch at the waterline and its influence on calving of Hansbreen, a medium-sized grounded tidewater glacier in southern Svalbard. The study is based on the results of undercut notch melt modelling, based on measurements of sea-water properties, repeated terrestrial laser scans and analysis of time-lapse camera images. There is a strong correlation between observed calving activity and modelled melt rate of the undercut notch. Measured depths of the undercut reach 4 m and vary greatly over time. The calving activity of Hansbreen was significantly lower in 2011 than in 2012, due to the persistent presence of the ice pack in Hornsund fjord, which cooled the sea surface and suppressed the wave action. Calving on Hansbreen is controlled by a local imbalance of forces at the front, due to thermo-erosional undercutting at the sea waterline. Calving activity is therefore sensitive to changes in sea-water temperature and wave height. It may be expected that calving rates will rise with increased advection of warm oceanic water to the Arctic

    Multidecadal (1960–2011) shoreline changes in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard)

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    A section of a gravel-dominated coast in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard) was analysed to calculate the rate of shoreline changes and explain processes controlling coastal zone development over last 50 years. Between 1960 and 2011, coastal landscape of Isbjørnhamna experienced a significant shift from dominated by influence of tide-water glacier and protected by prolonged sea-ice conditions towards storm-affected and rapidly changing coast. Information derived from analyses of aerial images and geomorphological mapping shows that the Isbjørnhamna coastal zone is dominated by coastal erosion resulting in a shore area reduction of more than 31,600 m2. With ~3,500 m2 of local aggradation, the general balance of changes in the study area of the shore is negative, and amounts to a loss of more than 28,000 m2. Mean shoreline change is −13.1 m (−0.26 m a−1). Erosional processes threaten the Polish Polar Station infrastructure and may damage of one of the storage buildings in nearby future

    Interannual variability in hydrography and water mass distribution in Hornsund, an Arctic fjord in Svalbard

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    Progressing warming in the Arctic and increased extreme weather events can significantly influence the hydrography of Svalbard fjords, leading to changes towards more Atlantic-type waters in the fjords. In this paper, we look into the hydrographic conditions in Hornsund, the southernmost fjord on the west coast of Svalbard, by analysing high-resolution CTD measurements collected in July during cruises with the RV Oceania between 2001 and 2015. These observations revealed high interannual variability in temperature, salinity and distribution of water masses, mainly due to differences in timing of the transition between winter and summer conditions but also as a result of changing environmental factors such as air temperature and sea-ice cover. Hornsund shows weak Atlantic Water occupation, probably due to strong influence of the Sørkapp Current along the southern coast of Spitsbergen. The main basin of the fjord was much more influenced by waters entering the fjord from outside than the inner basin, Brepollen, which was mainly characterized by the presence of locally formed Winter Cooled Water (WCW). The amount and properties of WCW in Brepollen revealed high variability after 2006, and no WCW in July 2012. The results of our study show that Hornsund is highly variable and susceptible to recently observed atmospheric and oceanic extreme events in the Svalbard region

    Kongsfjorden and Hornsund hydrography – comparative study based on a multiyear survey in fjords of west Spitsbergen

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    A recent study has shown increased warming in the fjords of west Spitsbergen. Their location is critical, as they are situated along the main northward pathway of Atlantic Water (AW) which is a great source of heat to the Arctic Ocean and the fjords. In the light of ongoing warming, we aim to discuss differences between the fjords under northward transformation of oceanic waters. We compared summer hydrographic conditions in two fjords located in two opposite ends of west Spistbergen: Hornsund in the south and Kongsfjorden in the north. The study is based on high resolution CTD measurements collected during Arctic cruises between 2001 and 2015. The emphasis was put not only on differences in water temperature, salinity and water masses but also the freshwater content (FWC), AW transport and heat delivery to the fjords. In general, the water in Kongsfjorden is on average 1°C warmer and its salinity is higher by 0.5 compared to Hornsund. It is also characterized by two times greater transport of AW and heat delivery to the fjord. On the other hand, Hornsund reveals two times higher FWC. Both fjords undergo a gradual warming due to an increased presence of Atlantic origin waters. The ongoing warming is accompanied by an increase in variability of temperature and salinity dependent on the domination of the Sørkapp Current (SC) or the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC) on the West Spitsbergen Shelf (WSS). Nonetheless, Hornsund remains more Arctic-type fjord compared to Kongsfjorden, due to stronger blocking by SC

    Multidecadal (1960–2011) shoreline changes in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard)

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    A section of a gravel-dominated coast in Isbjørnhamna (Hornsund, Svalbard) was analysed to calculate the rate of shoreline changes and explain processes controlling coastal zone development over last 50 years. Between 1960 and 2011, coastal landscape of Isbjørnhamna experienced a significant shift from dominated by influence of tide-water glacier and protected by prolonged sea-ice conditions towards storm-affected and rapidly changing coast. Information derived from analyses of aerial images and geomorphological mapping shows that the Isbjørnhamna coastal zone is dominated by coastal erosion resulting in a shore area reduction of more than 31,600 m2. With ~3,500 m2 of local aggradation, the general balance of changes in the study area of the shore is negative, and amounts to a loss of more than 28,000 m2. Mean shoreline change is −13.1 m (−0.26 m a−1). Erosional processes threaten the Polish Polar Station infrastructure and may damage of one of the storage buildings in nearby future