384 research outputs found

    Currents of Arbitrary Spin in AdS3AdS_3

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    We study conserved currents of any integer or half integer spin built from massless scalar and spinor fields in AdS3AdS_3. 2-forms dual to the conserved currents in AdS3AdS_3 are shown to be exact in the class of infinite expansions in higher derivatives of the matter fields with the coefficients containing inverse powers of the cosmological constant. This property has no analog in the flat space and may be related to the holography of the AdS spaces.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, no figures; minor changes, version to appear in Phys.Lett.

    Coordinate-Free Action for AdS3 Higher-Spin-Matter Systems

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    A coordinate-free action principle for the N=2 supersymmetric model of spin 0 and spin 1/2 matter fields interacting via Chern-Simons higher spin gauge fields in AdS3 is formulated in terms of star-product algebra of two oscillators. Although describing proper relativistic dynamics the action does not contain space-time coordinates. It is given by a supertrace of a forth-order polynomial in the 3d higher spin superalgebra. The theory admits a free parameter characterizing the inequivalent vacua associated with the parameter of mass m of the matter fields. For the case of the massless matter, the model has a form of the noncommutative 2d Yang-Mills theory with some infinite-dimensional gauge group. The limit m\to\infty corresponds to the SU(\infty) 2d Yang-Mills theory.Comment: LaTeX, 14 pages, no figures; revised version to be published in Phys.Lett.

    Gauge invariant Lagrangian formulation of massive higher spin fields in (A)dS_3 space

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    We develop the frame-like formulation of massive bosonic higher spins fields in the case of 3-dimensional (A)dS(A)dS space with the arbitrary cosmological constant. The formulation is based on gauge-invariant description by involving the Stueckelberg auxiliary fields. The explicit form of the Lagrangians and the gauge transformation laws are found. The theory can be written in terms of gauge-invariant objects similar to the massless theories, thus allowing us to hope to use the same methods for investigation of interactions. In the massive spin 3 field example we are able to rewrite the Lagrangian using the new the so-called separated variables, so that the study of Lagrangian formulation reduces to finding the Lagrangian containing only half of the fields. The same construction takes places for arbitrary integer spin field as well. Further working in terms of separated variables, we build Lagrangian for arbitrary integer spin and write it in terms of gauge-invariant objects. Also, we demonstrate how to restore the full set of variables, thus receiving Lagrangian for the massive fields of arbitrary spin in the terms of initial fields.Comment: 12 page

    Domain Walls with Strings Attached

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    We have constructed a bulk & brane action of IIA theory which describes a pair of BPS domain walls on S_1/Z_2, with strings attached. The walls are given by two orientifold O8-planes with coincident D8-branes and `F1-D0'-strings are stretched between the walls. This static configuration satisfies all matching conditions for the string and domain wall sources and has 1/4 of unbroken supersymmetry.Comment: 12 pages, JHE
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