14 research outputs found

    Development of consumers’ behavior business model on energy market

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    The pace of transformation in the electric power industry around the world is gaining momentum due to the rapid development of technology. The possibilities for choosing the electric power company, as well as consumers of their products, are increasing. The role of the distributed energy is enhancing, which contributes to the development of supply and demand in this market. In this regard, approaches to management in the energy markets are changing to address the problems of cross-subsidization. The introduction of new technologies in the management of generating and network facilities makes it possible to become “active consumers” in the energy market. The purpose of our study is to assess the impact of cross-subsidies on changing active consumers’ behavior in the energy market. We propose a mathematical model of the active consumers’ behavior in the energy market, which allows the participants of the energy market to make decisions to “buy” or to “produce their own” electrical energy and provides recommendations for determining the economic benefits for active consumers of the energy market. The results of our study showed that the proposed model could be effective for energy sales companies and regulators that carry out multi-agent modeling of consumers’ response to tariff mechanisms of demand-side management; it also can be useful for assessing the economic effect by consumers who participate in demand-side management. © 2018, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Magic in healing practice: A case study in Vietnam and its philosophical assessment

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    The use of magic and religion in healing practices in Vietnam is relatively popular. In the folklore and folk religion of Vietnam, it is often said that “In case of sickness, follow any feasible cures [co benh thi vai tu phuong]” in the sense that all means, including using religious beliefs and rituals, will be used to get healing for oneself or one’s relatives. When people or their relatives get sick, besides going to medical facilities, they will look for a shaman, necromancer, monks, even priests, bishops, and pastors to cure the illness they or their relatives are suffering from. Based on Mircea Eliade’s theory published in The Sacred and the Profane (Eliade, 2016), the article has the ambition to offer a different perspective on the use of magic (sometimes considered as a religious ritual by the subject) to cure disease. We employ both the comparative and analytical methods of study as we explore concrete cases of treatment of patients with different religious beliefs (Ms. T’s case of treatment, following Buddhist practices in comparison with the healing cases of the Mother Goddess Worship and the Catholic Church). The authors propose that a uniquely Vietnamese philosophy of life (Life-philosophy) serves as a constitutive basis for the adaptation of magic in healing practices, being itself formed and influenced by these practices. © 2021, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    Competitive Teacher for Higher Education: Risk-Based Models of its Development

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    The significance of the research is determined by its scientific and practical significance. The modern global transformation of the world, in particular, automation, greening, the growing complexity of global risks and challenges, a network-centric society, a digital environment and many other aspects have led to the fact that the society in which the individual lives his life can rightfully be called a VUCA world. The VUCA world is a world of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. This is the world of “turbulent time” or “perfect storm”, when all the factors complicating the situation converge at one time and at one point. Changes in the social, economic and geopolitical spheres associated with digitalization and a change in the technological structure start having a wider impact on many spheres including the education system. “Skills of the future” of both a specialist and a teacher are becoming an increasingly topical problem, while the issue related to the formation of a resource educational environment and the architectonics development of the required competences of the teacher’s personality in the face of the VUCA world come to the fore in the tasks of academic science. The article is aimed at solving the problem of determining the structure, content and conditions for the implementation of pedagogical support to enhance the competitiveness of a higher education teacher for a VUCA world, as well as ensuring the effective formation of teachers’ noxological competences for a VUCA world in the information and educational environment of a higher education institution. The designed pedagogical support will contribute to the effective organization of career development and professional growth of a higher education teacher for a VUCA world. The results of the study will make it possible to contribute to the development of the theory and methodology of higher education in terms of scientific substantiation and selection of the content to form a teacher’s noxological competence in the information and educational environment of a higher education institution for a VUCA world. Giving a more detailed content and precise structure of the teacher’s noxological competence and the proposed classification of modern risks of the educational environment will complement the theoretical foundations of pedagogical risk studies. A model of pedagogical support for the formation of noxological competences of future teachers which is to be theoretically substantiated will give an opportunity to determine the capabilities and technologies of using risk factors in pedagogical education. The expected results are believed to contribute to the solution to the problem of VUCA undertaken by the world social and humanitarian scientific community, which the modern education system in general faces and all subjects of the educational process, in particular

    Development of consumers’ behavior business model on energy market

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    The pace of transformation in the electric power industry around the world is gaining momentum due to the rapid development of technology. The possibilities for choosing the electric power company, as well as consumers of their products, are increasing. The role of the distributed energy is enhancing, which contributes to the development of supply and demand in this market. In this regard, approaches to management in the energy markets are changing to address the problems of cross-subsidization. The introduction of new technologies in the management of generating and network facilities makes it possible to become “active consumers” in the energy market. The purpose of our study is to assess the impact of cross-subsidies on changing active consumers’ behavior in the energy market. We propose a mathematical model of the active consumers’ behavior in the energy market, which allows the participants of the energy market to make decisions to “buy” or to “produce their own” electrical energy and provides recommendations for determining the economic benefits for active consumers of the energy market. The results of our study showed that the proposed model could be effective for energy sales companies and regulators that carry out multi-agent modeling of consumers’ response to tariff mechanisms of demand-side management; it also can be useful for assessing the economic effect by consumers who participate in demand-side management. © 2018, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Personality features and values orientations of university students with manipulative behaviour

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    The relevance of the study is conditioned by the fact that in recent decade the problem of preventing psychological violence among university students has arisen, which often manifests itself in the form of manipulative behavior. It is important to study the personality traits and value orientations of university students prone to manipulative behavior to develop effective programs for the prevention of this sociopsychological phenomenon. In the paper results of empirical research on prevalence and interrelation of personal features and valuable orientations among university students, inclined to manipulations in interaction with other people, in the educational environment are presented. It is established that students who are prone to manipulative behavior have such personal characteristics as high rigidity, low extraversion and sensitivity. Their value orientations are characterized by low importance of conformity, kindness, universalism and safety both at the level of normative ideals and at the level of individual priorities. © 2018

    The national mentality in the history of philosophy

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    The importance of the study discussed in the paper is determined by the fact that today the national renascence is increasingly viewed as one of the main features of human development. There is a widespread interest in the ethnic roots of both individuals and the whole nations. This interest is characterized by different degrees of intensity: from attempts to revive ancient customs, traditions, rituals to the desire of creating independent national states. It is common throughout the world that people have a strong desire to keep the identity, emphasize the feature of the mental attitude, and the surge of unprecedented national consciousness becomes obvious. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the social and philosophical meaning of the Russian form of the national mentality, or mind set, which has been considered by the author as a distinctive hallmark and collective vision on life and the world implemented through the attitudes of being disposed to adopt certain social and cultural values and norms that affect people’s behavior, social relations, and culture. The following conceptual methods of research have been used initially: the unity of historical and logical principles, the principle of contradiction, the principle of relativity. The theoretical basis of the research deals with the sociological research data obtained with the use of literature review method, primarily Russia’s philosophical heritage. The study conducted made it possible to present a comprehensive philosophical consideration of ‘mentality’ concept, as well as the mechanisms of impact and determinants involved in the transformation of Russian tolerance. The materials of the paper may be of practical significance and can be useful in developing and implementing methods and new technologies to form adaptive moods in the modern social environment, to manage social processes at different levels, to implement mass media programs and ICT in PR-technologies, to develop tolerant ideas, to prevent and resolve national and social conflicts, to make arrangements and conduct social and political actions. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved

    A philosophical view of organizational culture policy in contemporary universities

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    The identity and uniqueness of an educational institution, among other things, can be maintained through the creation and support of organizational culture. Due to team spirit created and maintained in universities they are able to compete not only in the Russian national education system but also confidently declare their projects in the world of global educational services. The purpose of the paper is to identify the features of organizational culture in the competitive environment of modern universities. The authors present their views on how the organizational culture of the university is created in this competitive environment. This process represents a well-planned policy that takes into account social demands, economic interests of the educational organization and its established traditions and values, continuity of human resources policy, and creation of conditions for further development of the academic staff professional interests and career paths. The practical implementation of the policy proposed will help create an educational corporation with the predominance and development of intellectual capital, academic freedom, thus providing further impetus for the development of Science. © 2019, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved

    Team esports as rehabilitation method in views of students with disabilities: Formation and development prospects

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    Scientific and technological progress has led to the emergence of computer technics and computer technologies. The growth rate of computerization contributes to the fact that more and more people are involved in work, communication and leisure activities through the internet. In particular, special attention should be paid to the use of computer technologies for healthy students and students with disabilities. The purpose of this article is to identify the features of social rehabilitation of students with disabilities. The article considers the possibilities of team esports in the representation of students with disabilities. It is proved that the potential of team esports lies in the fact that students with disabilities begin to develop active strategies and positive thinking, which gives them the strength to fight against difficulties. It is revealed that team esports is an opportunity to communicate and display adaptive skills. It is considered that students with disabilities gain self-confidence due to lively, interesting communication, which increases their chances of psychophysiological rehabilitation. It is determined that team esports has a positive effect on students with disabilities, developing their skills of social adaptation. It is revealed that out of the three forms of aggressive behaviour: physical, verbal, and indirect aggression, after being introduced to team esports, students with disabilities mostly abandoned verbal aggression, decreased resentment, and suspicion based on the belief that others intend to harm them. It is proved that by involving students in team esports, it was possible to correct the level of anxiety of students with disabilities. The high level of school, self-assessment, and interpersonal anxiety was adjusted to the lowest level

    The national mentality in the history of philosophy

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    The importance of the study discussed in the paper is determined by the fact that today the national renascence is increasingly viewed as one of the main features of human development. There is a widespread interest in the ethnic roots of both individuals and the whole nations. This interest is characterized by different degrees of intensity: from attempts to revive ancient customs, traditions, rituals to the desire of creating independent national states. It is common throughout the world that people have a strong desire to keep the identity, emphasize the feature of the mental attitude, and the surge of unprecedented national consciousness becomes obvious. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the social and philosophical meaning of the Russian form of the national mentality, or mind set, which has been considered by the author as a distinctive hallmark and collective vision on life and the world implemented through the attitudes of being disposed to adopt certain social and cultural values and norms that affect people’s behavior, social relations, and culture. The following conceptual methods of research have been used initially: the unity of historical and logical principles, the principle of contradiction, the principle of relativity. The theoretical basis of the research deals with the sociological research data obtained with the use of literature review method, primarily Russia’s philosophical heritage. The study conducted made it possible to present a comprehensive philosophical consideration of ‘mentality’ concept, as well as the mechanisms of impact and determinants involved in the transformation of Russian tolerance. The materials of the paper may be of practical significance and can be useful in developing and implementing methods and new technologies to form adaptive moods in the modern social environment, to manage social processes at different levels, to implement mass media programs and ICT in PR-technologies, to develop tolerant ideas, to prevent and resolve national and social conflicts, to make arrangements and conduct social and political actions. © 2018, Slovenska Vzdelavacia Obstaravacia. All rights reserved