66 research outputs found

    Two-photon Raman-type self-induced transparency for few-cycle laser pulses

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    Clinical and immunophenotypic aspects of common variable immunodeficiency in adults

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    Features of expression of differentiation markers of peripheral blood lymphocytes were studied by flow cytofluorimetry in combination with clinical manifestations in 30 adult patients (12 men and 18 women, mean age 37.5±12.3 years) with the established diagnosis of сommon variable immunodeficiency (CVID). The examination of patients was carried out in the period of obvious absence of infectious and inflammatory diseases. It was found that the dominant immunophenotype in adult patients with СVID is an increase in the blood content of T cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD3+CD8+) with high expression of activation markers HLA- DR+ and CD38+ and a decrease in isotype-switched B lymphocytes IgD-27+ (in almost 100% of the examined individuals). The maximum degree of increase in the number of T killers was observed in patients with a low level of B lymphocytes (CD19+ less than 6%, p = 0.005) and a minimum concentration of IgG in the blood serum (less than 2 g/l, p = 0.02). The content of isotype-switched B cells correlated with the level of IgG, as well as the total concentration of serum immunoglobulins A, M and G (p = 0.02; p = 0.003). In adult СVID patients with the combined clinical phenotype “infectious syndrome + autoimmune disease”, the content of isotype-switched B lymphocytes, IgG and the total concentration of Ig in the blood is significantly lower (p = 0.04; p = 0.03 and p = 0.02), and activated T killers with HLA-DR+ and CD38+ expression are higher (p% = 0.01; rabs = 0.02 and p% = 0.004; rabs = 0.001, respectively) compared to patients with isolated infectious – inflammatory syndrome. We also found that among patients with the lowest number of isotype-switched IgD- 27+ B cells (less than 5%) and serum IgG concentration (less than 2 g/l), the incidence of lymphoproliferative syndrome is higher (p = 0.04 and p = 0.01, respectively). Thus, the low content of isotype-switched memory B lymphocytes in peripheral blood is most characteristic of patients with a more severe clinical phenotype of СVID

    Antimicrobial activity of methylene blue and toluidine blue O covalently bound to a modified silicone polymer surface

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    Methylene Blue or Toluidine Blue O were covalently bound to an activated silicone polymer by means of an amide condensation reaction. UV-visible absorption spectra confirmed that the dye was surface bound. The new polymers with covalently attached dye display significant bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis with a 99.999% reduction in viable bacteria after four minutes exposure to a low power laser


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    The aim of the work – to analyze the effectiveness of educational work among foreign students at the department of emergency and urgency medical care in order to assimilate their clinical knowledge and practical skills in emergency medicine, as well as assess the prospects for the introduction of modern virtual teaching and control programs. The main body. Approved modern teaching methods with foreign students at the department of urgency and emergency medical care in particular single academic day, conducting classes in a training simulation training center, using of modern European virtual training programs, group and individual classes with foreign students, taking into account their ethnically-religious peculiarities are quite promising directions in the pedagogical process. Method of single academic day gives an opportunity not only to analyze deeply theoretical questions, but also to introduce training elements of simulation and training acquisition of practical skills. The high methodological level of the educational process, availability of university teaching center for simulation training in adapted European virtual programs and wide involvement of students in the scientific, educational and training process provide a high final level of their theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Conclusion. The system of single academic day enables to take into account the ethno-cultural and religious features of foreign students and introduce simulation-training acquisition of practical skills.Мета роботи – аналіз ефективності навчально-виховної роботи серед іноземних студентів на опорній кафедрі невідкладної та екстреної медичної допомоги щодо засвоєння ними клінічних знань та практичних навичок із невідкладної медицини, а також оцінка перспективи впровадження нових сучасних віртуальних навчально-контролюючих програм. Основна частина. Апробовані на кафедрі невідкладної та екстреної медичної допомоги сучасні навчально-виховні методики роботи з іноземними студентами (єдиного навчального дня, проведення занять у навчальному симуляційно-тренінговому центрі, використання сучасних європейських віртуальних навчальних програм, групові та індивідуальні заняття з іноземними студентами з урахуванням їх етнічно-релігійних особливостей) є досить перспективними напрямками в педагогічному процесі. Так, використання в навчальному процесі на кафедрі системи єдиного навчального дня протягом 6 годин дає змогу не лише глибоко проаналізувати зі студентами теоретичні питання за темою заняття, але й впровадити в навчання елементи симуляційно-тренінгового засвоєння практичних навичок. Високий методичний рівень забезпечення навчального процесу на кафедрі, наявність університетського навчально-тренінгового центру симуляційного навчання за адаптованими європейськими віртуальними навчально-контролюючими програмами та широке залучення студентів-гуртківців у науковий, навчальний та тренінговий процес дозволяють забезпечити високий кінцевий рівень засвоєння ними теоретичних знань та практичних навичок. Висновок. Навчання за системою єдиного навчального дня дає змогу враховувати етнокультурні та релігійні особливості іноземних студентів та впровадити елементи симуляційно-тренінгового засвоєння практичних навичок

    Alteration of the phospho- or neutral lipid content and fatty acid composition in Listeria monocytogenes due to acid adaptation mechanisms for hydrochloric, acetic and lactic acids at pH 5.5 or benzoic acid at neutral pH

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    This study provides a first approach to observe the effects on Listeria monocytogenes of cellular exposure to acid stress at low or neutral pH, notably how phospho- or neutral lipids are involved in this mechanism, besides the fatty acid profile alteration. A thorough investigation of the composition of polar and neutral lipids from L. monocytogenes grown at pH 5.5 in presence of hydrochloric, acetic and lactic acids, or at neutral pH 7.3 in presence of benzoic acid, is described relative to cells grown in acid-free medium. The results showed that only low pH values enhance the antimicrobial activity of an acid. We suggest that, irrespective of pH, the acid adaptation response will lead to a similar alteration in fatty acid composition [decreasing the ratio of branched chain/saturated straight fatty acids of total lipids], mainly originating from the neutral lipid class of adapted cultures. Acid adaptation in L. monocytogenes was correlated with a decrease in total lipid phosphorus and, with the exception of cells adapted to benzoic acid, this change in the amount of phosphorus reflected a higher content of the neutral lipid class. Upon acetic or benzoic acid stress the lipid phosphorus proportion was analysed in the main phospholipids present: cardiolipin, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphoaminolipid and phosphatidylinositol. Interestingly only benzoic acid had a dramatic effect on the relative quantities of these four phospholipids