11 research outputs found

    Question Above All Questions for Serbia in 2016 is the Reform of the State-Owned Enterprises

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    No matter how much we try, not everything depends on us, because we are part of the world - the global economy. But just because of that, we have to be clear about this, what is our real core problem: whether the state as “too big consumer”, as “soft as income,” or something else. In our country today is more than a debate on the consolidation of the measures of growth and development, which is also rational to ask a question the presence of Serbian strategy, or whether the research and the experience of others in this area. It is generally known that the market economy is an indispensable element of any well-ordered society, and Serbia at this point did little steps to get closer to such an economy than it was at the end of the previous government. The only thing that has been done is that it was started - not complete - financial consolidation, which is a necessary, because it is inevitable. However, fiscal consolidation is not reform, because it does not represent the transformation of the economy and society. In the center of each of the market economy and well-ordered society must be an individual, and an individual who cares about itself and shall bear all the consequences of their decisions, and thus the responsibility for them. For such a society apply firm rules of the game which is not carried out, and within each of them take care of themselves and their environment. The choice we are facing today in the Serbian society is a choice between establishing a full market economy and promoting various forms of pluralism in property relation

    Control as the Cost of Technological Support Management

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    Study emphasizes the importance of costs for the financial result of the company. Controlling of its generation, in all phases of doing business and work, is the first class assignment of those people in company whose duty is technological support to managing. Related to it, study especially insists on efficiency in controlling of all company’s costs

    Innovations in Business are Inevitable

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    Nowadays, management activity inevitably involves computer, lap top, mobile phone, Internet and IT application. Modern information availability approach is necessary component of a successful manager, especially having in mind the newest happenings on new technology market (lap top, notebook, I pack, USB, CD and other flash memories). There is no place for the old way of behaving in modern business

    Time to Change the Spending Model

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    Accurate and professionally based understanding of structural processes is extremely important in order to successfully direct the developmental course of our country, because with that further mistakes, that have accompanied our industry development so far, can be avoided. The solution for the further development of our industry should be found in the partnership between the private and the public business, while taking great care of other aspects of economic politics

    On Accounting Liability

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    Today a modern company bases its businesses on the principles of maintainable future. A modern company is, that means, in its work constantly orientated to expert and credible organizing, keeping up with and control of all its activities in such way that transparency never comes in doubt. For something like this, a responsible accounting department must be set in, and this study is dedicated to it

    Some Questions Regarding Profit Decentralization of a Company

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    The aim of company’s profit decentralisation is its greater economical efficiency and profit with the purpose of survival on the market. Тhat aim is achieved by organizing the centre of economical responsibility provided the company that, with the eternal organization, to be stated as the company of market economy. Decomposing on smaller companies, which are more flexibile on the market flexibility and prepared for the entire transformations with the partners, especially foreign and achieving greater profitability. Without the process of profit decentralization regarding company cannot achieve economical efficiency specific for market economy companies and as such they cannot count either on successful market position

    Outcomes of Up-To-Date Privitization

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    The paper presents data and observations related to the transition process carrying out in the Serbian economy. It exposes known concepts, efforts and difficulties encountered by the society in attempting to achive the transition results. There is also given a critical review of measures taken to date by the society in terms of implementation of privatization in our country, and estimation of their effects to privatization speed and results. Although there are positive movements in the transition of Serbian economy, it is expected that they could be better and bigger if the Government monetary and fiscal policies were less restrictive. Then, the competitiveness of our economy would also be better, because the foreign exchange policy would be different. With all that, privatization would not be just the bare change of the title, but it would be carried out by introduction of better (modern) technology

    Managerial Aspect of Liquidity and Solvency

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    Serbian commerce is nowadays facing problems which require a number of urgent actions and provisions which also imply new economic philosophy of our development. It also implies new scientific research which hasn’t been written about up until now, and which is very important for businesses and their success. New business models require new approach to business management, in other words its liquidity and solvency, which is the topic of this paper

    Reforms without Strategy

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    Can we see (any kind of an) end to our expectations? The end should be determined by the Government’s package deal: improving solvency; increasing economic activity; stimulating export growth and domestic products purchase; maintaining employment rate; tending to the debts that are increasingly coming in. The goal is, therefore, well-known – investments should be increased, because only with their help can the development be made sustainable and with that it can reach the level achieved by comparable countries in transition. And that is what we need and what, again, opens up the story about competitiveness, about how our economy could become competitive in some near future, and of course, how it could become an exporting economy. Export should be the generator of that healthy economy growth. It would be considered a huge success if, in the next ten years we could achieve yearly growth rate of about 5%, which is important for tending to the external debt. Because if it does not achieve social product growth rate of 5% per year, Serbia could get into serious problems, and tending to the debts could become unbearable. Specifically because of that we should do everything that can be done in order to, not only boost foreign investments but also increase domestic savings, which is an important development factor everywhere in the world. However, the attractiveness of our economy to the direct foreign investments is obviously low, because of still unresolved key obstacles to their entering our economy: there still is no explicit political conviction that strategic investors have to come. So, a question is posed: Which is, in the era of financial crisis, real measure of foreign direct investments inflow, especially since the expectations are very different, from those reserved, to those that are expecting an investment boom this year. Will, for example, as was announced until recently, Telekom Serbia be sold to Deutche Telecom? Is there an interest of big german partners to enter proprietary structure of: trade, information technologies, telecommunication, energetic, car-industry and construction industry of Serbia? Surely, it would be good to take an advantage of the expressed desire of German businessmen for greater cooperation, because such solutions can bring better results for both sides

    Implication of Better Economic Conditions

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    There is no economic growth and development where there is no clear economic policy and development strategy, that is where there are no defined priorities, nor mechanisms for a strong and systematic support to the domestic economy. The author of this study advises economic policy makers to forget the mantras of neoliberal policies that previous governments used as an excuse not to take anything and to resolutely turn their own economic development and building a strong industrial sector. That would be a shortcut to rapid economic development and bridging the decades of stalemate and stagnation. Serbia does not lack resourcefulness, but quality state apparatus, as well as guidance and assistance in the way that countries that have successfully developed did. The greatest sin of our economic policy in the last quarter of a century is a tragic neglect of industry, especially manufacturing, or as a result of all this, and the emergence of a deep ravine between production and consumption, and totally neglecting technological development. Therefore, we are firm in the belief that, in the case of seriously disturbed the economic structure of production at the expense of our future development must rely on priorities, among which would be the development of the manufacturing sector of the economy, and within it of agriculture and food industry, where our chances are objective and greatest