760 research outputs found

    Обрис проукраїнської державницької діяльності А. Шептицького

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    Prokop, N.M. (2015), “Essay of A. Sheptytskyi’s pro-Ukrainian state activity” [“Obraz proukrainskoi derzhavnytskoi diialnosti A. Sheptytskoho”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 3, pp. 35–41.Прокоп, Н. М. Обрис проукраїнської державницької діяльності А. Шептицького // Право і безпека. - 2015. - № 3 (58). - С. 35–41.Досліджено актуальні в сучасних умовах розвитку української держави погляди митрополита А. Шептицького та його суспільно-політичну та державну діяльність у період національно-визвольного руху на рубежі ХІХ–ХХ ст., становлення та занепаду УНР, затвердження більшовицької влади в Галичині. Акцентовано увагу на діяльності А. Шептицького, спрямованій на подолання розбіжностей в середовищі польського та українського національно-визвольних рухів, а також на єднання українського народу через об’єднання віруючих усіх християнських конфесій.Important for modern Ukrainian state building points of view of Metropolitan A. Sheptytskyi and his socio-political and state activities during the national liberation movement in the late ХІХ and early ХХ centuries, formation of the UPR, its disintegration and consolidation of Bolshevik power in Galicia are studied. Special attention is paid to his activities aimed at overcoming differences among Polish and Ukrainian national liberation movements, and the unity of Ukrainian nation by uniting believers of all Christian denominations. It is revealed that the active participation of Metropolitan A. Sheptytskyi in socio-political life, his state position has contributed to the specification and theoretical arrangement of Ukrainian national idea. Due to his intellectual prestige and hard work, he made tolerant attitude of European states to the aspirations of Ukrainian people to develop their national statehood; he also strengthened and developed Ukrainian state and national awareness and the will to fight for the independence of Ukrainian people against imperial states.Исследованы актуальные в современных условиях развития украинского государства взгляды митрополита А. Шептицкого и его общественно-политическая и государственная деятельность в период национально-освободительного движения на рубеже ХІХ–ХХ вв., становления и упадка УНР, утверждения большевистской власти в Галичине. Акцентировано внимание на деятельности А. Шептицкого, направленной на преодоление разногласий в среде польского и украинского национально-освободительных движений, а также на единение украинского народа через объединение верующих всех христианских конфессий

    Assessment of Durable SiC JFET Technology for +600 C to -125 C Integrated Circuit Operation

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    Electrical characteristics and circuit design considerations for prototype 6H-SiC JFET integrated circuits (ICs) operating over the broad temperature range of -125 C to +600 C are described. Strategic implementation of circuits with transistors and resistors in the same 6H-SiC n-channel layer enabled ICs with nearly temperature-independent functionality to be achieved. The frequency performance of the circuits declined at temperatures increasingly below or above room temperature, roughly corresponding to the change in 6H-SiC n-channel resistance arising from incomplete carrier ionization at low temperature and decreased electron mobility at high temperature. In addition to very broad temperature functionality, these simple digital and analog demonstration integrated circuits successfully operated with little change in functional characteristics over the course of thousands of hours at 500 C before experiencing interconnect-related failures. With appropriate further development, these initial results establish a new technology foundation for realizing durable 500 C ICs for combustion engine sensing and control, deep-well drilling, and other harsh-environment applications

    Patch Plate Materials Compatibility Assessment

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    Lunar dust proved to be a greater problem during the Apollo missions than was originally anticipated. The highly angular, charged dust particles stuck to seals, radiators, and visors; clogged mechanisms; and abraded space suits. As reported by Apollo 12 astronaut Pete Conrad "We must have had more than a hundred hours suited work with the same equipment, and the wear was not as bad on the training suits as it is on these flight suits in just the eight hours we were out.". Dust clinging to surfaces was also transport-ed into habitable spaces leading to lung and eye irritation of the astronauts. The Apollo astronauts were on the Lunar surface less than 24 hours and experienced many dust related problems. With the Artemis program, we are planning longer stays on the surface, with more activities that have the potential to put the astronauts and equipment in contact with greater quantities of Lunar dust. The success of these missions will depend on our understanding of material interactions with Lunar dust and the development of ways to mitigate dust effects in cases where exposure to dust will lead to failure of components, unacceptable loss of power or thermal control, unacceptable loss of visibility, or health issues. Through the Lunar Surface In-novation Initiative (LSII), we are initiating a Patch Plate Materials Compatibility Assessment project. The overall goal of the three year project is to develop passive approaches to mitigate Lunar dust adhesion to surfaces for technologies that are currently at TRL levels 2-3 to bring them to TRL level 5 through ground-based assessment, culminating in a demonstration flight experiment on a Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) lander in 2022-2023. This paper discusses the detailed technical objectives and approach for this project. References: Gaier, J.R. "The Effects of Lunar Dust on EVA Systems During the Apollo Missions," NASA/TM-2005-213610/REV1, (2005), Apollo 12 Technical Crew Debriefing, December 1, 1969, pp. 10-54

    Study of the island morphology at the early stages of Fe/Mo(110) MBE growth

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    We present theoretical study of morphology of Fe islands grown at Mo(110) surface in sub-monolayer MBE mode. We utilize atomistic SOS model with bond counting, and interactions of Fe adatom up to third nearest neighbors. We performed KMC simulations for different values of adatom interactions and varying temperatures. We have found that, while for the low temperature islands are fat fractals, for the temperature 500K islands have faceted rhombic-like shape. For the higher temperature, islands acquire a rounded shape. In order to evaluated qualitatively morphological changes, we measured averaged aspect ration of islands. We calculated dependence of the average aspect ratio on the temperature, and on the strength of interactions of an adatom with neighbors.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Proceedings of 11-th Symposium on Surface Physics, Prague 200

    Митрополит А. Шептицький в українському державотворенні 20–30-х років XX століття

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    Прокоп Н. М. Митрополит А. Шептицький в українському державотворенні 20–30-х років XX століття / Н. М. Прокоп // Актуальні проблеми держави і права : зб. наук. пр. / редкол.: В. В. Завальнюк (голов. ред.) [та ін.] ; відп. за вип. М. В. Афанасьєва. – Одеса : Видавничий дім "Гельветика", 2016. – Вип. 76. – С. 159-163.У статті досліджуються актуальні особливості громадсько-державницької діяльності митрополита А. Шептицького, який розпочав свою діяльність у період, що характеризувався швидким зростанням українських національно-визвольних сил у межах Австро-Угорщини та проведенням державно-правових реформ, які юридично закріпили право українського народу на освіту, публічне вживання української мови, організації місцевого самоврядування.Митрополит А. Шептицкий в украинском создании государства 20–30-х годов XX века. В статье исследуются актуальные особенности общественно-государственной деятельности митрополита А. Шептицкого, начавшего свою деятельность в период, который характеризовался быстрым ростом украинских национально-освободительных сил в пределах Австро-Венгрии и проведением государственно-правовых реформ, которые юридически укрепили право украинского народа на образование, публичное употребление украинского языка, организации местного самоуправления.Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky in Ukrainian state formation in 20-30s years of XX century. The article studies actual peculiarities of public and state activity of the Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky, who started his activity in the period that is characterized by a rapid growth of Ukrainian national-liberation forces within Austria-Hungary and state-legal reforms carrying-out that had legally consolidated the right of the Ukrainian people to education, public use of Ukrainian language, organization of local authorities