265 research outputs found

    Pressure dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation pectrum of beta''-(BEDT-TTF)4(NH4)[Cr(C2O4)3].DMF

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    The Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillation spectra of the beta''-(BEDT-TTF)4(NH4)[Cr(C2O4)\_3].DMF organic metal have been studied in pulsed magnetic fields of up to either 36 T at ambient pressure or 50 T under hydrostatic pressures of up to 1 GPa. The ambient pressure SdH oscillation spectra can be accounted for by up to six fundamental frequencies which points to a rather complex Fermi surface (FS). A noticeable pressure-induced modification of the FS topology is evidenced since the number of frequencies observed in the spectra progressively decreases as the pressure increases. Above 0.8 GPa, only three compensated orbits are observed, as it is the case for several other isostructural salts of the same family at ambient pressure. Contrary to other organic metals, of which the FS can be regarded as a network of orbits, no frequency combinations are observed for the studied salt, likely due to high magnetic breakdown gap values or (and) high disorder level evidenced by Dingle temperatures as large as about 7 K.Comment: To be published in European Physical Journal

    Modelo de desarrollo económico sostenible para las explotaciones agrícolas basado en un gobierno corporativo efectivo

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    During the last years of the post-crisis period, numerous barriers that have hindered the effective functioning of crisis integrated structures in the agro-industrial complex were especially hard. This situation forces top managers to apply the strategy of their division into highly specialized firms immediately after the consolidation of assets. The result of this situation is that the Russian agro-industrial complex loses the possibility of large-scale involvement of the scientific, technical and organizational potential of integrated structures, which, in theory, should act as the leaders in the modernization processes of the national agrarian economy. The next global economic crisis, weighed down by the sanctions of the United States, the EU and several other countries, exacerbated the problems of technological modernization temporary boundaries for agro-industrial complex, which at that time became a strategically important economy sector due to a significant decline of GDP in 2014-2015 and worsened the socio-economic situation of the Russian Federation in the international division of labor. All previous years, the approaches to the development of integrated structures were not of a systemic nature, were not always an effective result of random searches and the development of tools to increase their macroeconomic performance. This situation could not but veil the importance of large integrated formations in the implementation of agricultural sector modernization goals in the national economy.Durante los últimos años del período posterior a la crisis, numerosas barreras que han obstaculizado el funcionamiento efectivo de las estructuras integradas de crisis en el complejo agroindustrial fueron especialmente difíciles. Esta situación obliga a los altos directivos a aplicar la estrategia de su división en empresas altamente especializadas inmediatamente después de la consolidación de los activos. El resultado de esta situación es que el complejo agroindustrial ruso pierde la posibilidad de una participación a gran escala del potencial científico, técnico y organizativo de las estructuras integradas, que, en teoría, deben actuar como líderes en los procesos de modernización de la economía agraria nacional. La siguiente crisis económica mundial, agobiada por las sanciones de Estados Unidos, la UE y varios otros países, exacerbó los problemas de modernización tecnológica de los límites temporales del complejo agroindustrial, que en ese momento se convirtió en un sector económico estratégicamente importante debido a un disminución significativa del PIB en 2014-2015 y empeoró la situación socioeconómica de la Federación de Rusia en la división internacional del trabajo. Todos los años anteriores, los enfoques para el desarrollo de estructuras integradas no fueron de naturaleza sistémica, no siempre fueron un resultado efectivo de búsquedas aleatorias y el desarrollo de herramientas para aumentar su desempeño macroeconómico. Esta situación no podía sino la importancia de las grandes formaciones integradas en la implementación de los objetivos de modernización del sector agrícola en la economía nacional

    Compliance with corporate governance principles as element of Russian economy investment attractiveness

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    Over the last few years, the concept of corporate governance in relation to Russian economic realities has been used relatively recently. The concept of corporate governance in the economic practice of Russia was synonymous with production management in 1990-2000 At the same time, "good corporate governance" is a set of activities of public companies in order to ensure high demand for their shares and debt securities from portfolio investors. Corporate governance is a means of trust development both in individual companies and in the stock market of the country as a whole, which is of great importance for long-term investment attraction.  According to various global ratings of the countries (for example, to the rating of the financial conglomerate Morgan Stanley, the Russian stock market is classified as an emerging market that provides increased investment returns. The article attempts to determine the main priorities of institutional investors for corporate governance in Russia. The authors come to the conclusion that the development of the corporate governance system is one of the key factors increasing the investment attractiveness of Russian companies. Government regulators take measures to create corporate governance standards, one example of which is the recommendation to use the Corporate Governance Code approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia in 2014. In fact, the article highlights both positive and negative trends in the Russian practice of corporate governance. It provides the results of opinion polls among investors, which reveal their motivation to make investment decisions in the Russian market

    Language Indigenization in Terms of Language Contacts (Based on the Nigerian English Variant)

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    The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of the English language Indigenization procedure on the territory of Nigeria, one of the largest countries in West Africa. The research work has the complex system to analyze the cultural and linguistic processes, which are manifested in the study under the influence of cultural factors and its influence on the language functioning. The practical work part is based on the analysis of the language thematic groups “National food” and “National clothes” presenting the specific features of Nigerian English. The results show, Nigerian English has a wide range of words denoting local realities and reflecting the adaptation of the English language to the Nigerian culture peculiarities, which are the process of indigenization. All in all, English words with new lexical meanings, words from Nigerian languages, and Portuguese loanwords have been used for naming local food and clothing elements

    Геодивайдер 102–103° в.д. в современной структуре литосферы Центральной Азии

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    A quasi-linear zone of noticeable geological and geophysical changes, which coincides approximately with 102–103° E meridians, is termed by the authors as “geodivider”. Active submeridional faults are observed predominantly along the zone and coincide with its strike. Seismicity is most intensive in the central part of this zone, from the Lake Baikal to the Three Rivers Region at the Sino-Myanmar frontier. Transects with deep seismic sections and energy dissipation graphs show most sharply increasing seismic energy amounts and hypocenter depths in the western part of the geodivider which delimits (in the first approximation) the Central Asian and East Asian transitional zones between the North Eurasian, Indian and Pacific lithosphere plates. The transpression tectonic regime dominates west of the geodivider under the influence of the Hindustan Indentor pressure, and the transtension regime prevails east of it due to the Pacific subduction slab submergence and continuation. The regime change coincides with an abrupt increase in the crust thickness – from 35–40 km to 45–70 km – west of the geodivider, as reflected in the geophysical fields and metallogenic characteristics of the crust. The direction of P- and S-waves anisotropy together with the GPS data show decoupling layers of the crust and mantle in the southern part of the geodivider. According to our investigations, the 102–103° E geodivider is a regional geological-geophysical border that may be compared with the Tornquist Line, and, by its scale, with the Uralian and Appalachian fronts and some others large structures.Квазилинейная зона заметных геологических и геофизических изменений совпадает приблизительно с меридианами 102–103° в.д. Активные субмеридиональные разломы развиты в этой зоне, названной авторами геодивайдером 102–103° в.д. Наиболее интенсивная сейсмичность характеризует центральную часть геодивайдера от озера Байкал до региона Трех рек на границе Китая и Мианмар. Проведение трансектов с глубинными сейсмическими разрезами и графиками диссипации сейсмической энергии показывает преимущественно резкое возрастание объемов сейсмической энергии и глубины гипоцентров на западном крыле геодивайдера. Геодивайдер разделяет, в первом приближении, Центрально-Азиатскую и Восточно-Азиатскую транзитные зоны между Северо-Евразийской, Индийской и Тихоокеанской литосферными плитами. Тектонический режим транспрессии преобладает к западу от геодивайдера под влиянием давления Индостанского индентора, и режим транстенсии распространен к востоку от него, благодаря глубокому погружению и продолжению Тихоокеанского слэба. Смена режимов совпадает с резким увеличением мощности коры к западу от геодивайдера от 35–40 до 45–70 км, отражающимся в геофизических полях и коровых металлогенических характеристиках. Направление P- и S-волн анизотропии наряду с данными GPS показывает их несовпадение в различных слоях коры и мантии в южной части геодивайдера. По результатам наших исследований геодивайдер 102–103° в.д. представляет собой тип геолого-геофизической границы, сопоставимой с линией Торнквиста, по масштабу с Уральским и Аппалачским фронтами и с рядом других крупных структур

    Smart Cities in Future Energy System Architecture

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    The article analyzes new technologies, which establish modern trends for future electric power systems operation and development, and their impact on production, storage, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity. The article also studies trends and approaches to urban planning with an emphasis on energy infrastructure, where success in “smart city” and “smart grid” concepts implementation is considered as overarching question. The general requirements for smart power supply system are defined, problems that need to be solved are formulated, and a number of general recommendations are given for future development. Keywords: energy system, smart grid, smart cities JEL Classifications: L94; Q42; Q48; H5

    Indication for the coexistence of closed orbit and quantum interferometer with the same cross section in the organic metal (ET)4(H3O)[Fe(C2O4)3].C6H4Cl2: Persistence of SdH oscillations above 30 K

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    Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) and de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations spectra of the quasi-two dimensional charge transfer salt β\beta"-(ET)4_4(H3_3O)[Fe(C2_2O4_4)3_3]\cdotC6_6H4_4Cl2_2 have been investigated in pulsed magnetic fields up to 54 T. The data reveal three basic frequencies Fa_a, Fb_b and Fba_{b - a}, which can be interpreted on the basis of three compensated closed orbits at low temperature. However a very weak thermal damping of the Fourier component Fb_b, with the highest amplitude, is evidenced for SdH spectra above about 6 K. As a result, magnetoresistance oscillations are observed at temperatures higher than 30 K. This feature, which is not observed for dHvA oscillations, is in line with quantum interference, pointing to a Fermi surface reconstruction in this compound.Comment: published in Eur. Phys. J. B 71 203 (2009

    Language indigenization in terms of language contacts (based on the Nigerian English variant)

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    The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of the English language Indigenization procedure on the territory of Nigeria, one of the largest countries in West Africa. The research work has the complex system to analyze the cultural and linguistic processes, which are manifested in the study under the influence of cultural factors and its influence on the language functioning. The practical work part is based on the analysis of the language thematic groups "National food" and "National clothes" presenting the specific features of Nigerian English. The results show, Nigerian English has a wide range of words denoting local realities and reflecting the adaptation of the English language to the Nigerian culture peculiarities, which are the process of indigenizatio


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    Ample geologic and geophysical data provide the basis for distinguishing the 102–104° E geodivider in the North, Central and South Asia. The geodivider’s central part is confirmed by the data on seismicity, seismically active faults and the modern crust block structure. These data and historical and instrumentally identified earthquake epicenters were used for a more correct definition of the block boundaries and interblock zones in the central part of the geodivider and in its wings. Seismic energy is considerably increased (to 1011–1016 J) in the eastern part of the geodivider’s western wing, and rarely increased directly in the geodivider itself. Near the geodivider, a seismic energy increase is detected east of it only at the western border of the South-Eastern China Block. The authors analyzed deep seismic sections and constructed energy dissipation graphs along transects crossing the geodivider and its western wing. The analysis and the graphs show the predomination of left-lateral NW-striking slips in the north, thrusts to the east and southeast in the center, and right-lateral NE-striking slips in the south. The total seismic energy increases constantly to the west. In the central and northern segments of the geodivider’s central part and west of it, horizontal blocks displacements cause a direct influence on seismicity level increasing and changes in geodynamic regimes within the investigated territory of Central Asia. Changes in the horizontal displacement vector are accompanied by the change of tectonic strain regimes. Increased heat flow values to the east from the geodivider within the East Asian transit zone are probably related to the change of the geodynamic regimes in the same direction under the influence of the submerged Pacific slab. The data obtained by the Chinese and Russian researchers confirm delamination (stratification) processes in the Southeast Tibet crust during its interaction with the colder and thicker lithosphere of Southeast China, and displacement of its upper layers to the southeast and south, as we supposed in our earlier publications.Геораздел 102–104° в.д. выделяется по многочисленным геологическим и геофизическим при­знакам в Северной, Центральной и Южной Азии, подтверждаемым в его центральной части данными по сейсмичности, сейсмоактивным разломам и современному блоковому строению земной коры. На основании этих данных и по распространению эпицентров инструментально зафиксированных и исторических землетрясе­ний откорректированы границы блоков и межблоковых зон в центральной части геораздела и на его крыльях. Значительное возрастание объемов высвобождающейся сейсмической энергии до 1011–1016 Дж происходит в восточной части западного крыла геораздела, реже – непосредственно в нем, а к востоку от него – только на западной границе блока Юго-Восточного Китая вблизи геораздела. Проведенный авторами анализ глубинных сейсмических разрезов и графиков диссипации энергии вдоль трансектов, пересекающих геораздел и его западное крыло, показывает преобладание левосторонних сдвигов с северо-западным простиранием на севере, надвигов к востоку и юго-востоку в центре и правосторонних сдвигов с северо-восточным простиранием на юге. Общий уровень объема энергии постоянно возрастает к западу. Перемещения по горизонтали блоков в центральном и северном сегментах центральной части геораздела 102–104° в.д. и к западу от него по данным GPS оказывают непосредственное влияние на увеличение уровня сейсмичности и изменение геодинамических режимов в пределах изучаемых районов Центральной Азии. Смена направления векторов горизонтального перемещения сопровождается изменением режима тектонических напряжений. Установлено возрастание значений теплового потока к востоку от геораздела в Восточно-Азиатской транзитной зоне, предположительно связанное со сменой геодинамического режима в том же направлении под влиянием погруженного тихоокеанского слэба. Данные по сейсмической анизотропии и томографии литосферы, полученные китайскими и российскими исследователями, подтверждают процессы деламинации коры Юго-Восточного Тибета при ее взаимодействии с более холодной и мощной литосферой Юго-Восточного Китая и перемещение ее верхних слоев к юго-востоку и к югу, предполагавшееся в более ранних работах авторов