12 research outputs found

    Machine for the Production of Grated Horseradish

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    Import 23/07/2015PROKEŠ, R. Stroj na výrobu krouhaného křenu: Diplomová práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruování, 2015, 64 s. Vedoucí práce: Učeň, O. Diplomová práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem krouhacího stroje, který bude sloužit ke zpracování křene. Vstupní surovina je křen, zbavený nečistot ve stavu po předešlém očištění a ostrouhání. Velikost vstupní suroviny ϕ15 až ϕ60 mm, délka 150 až 300 mm. Krouhací zařízení je tvořeno bubnem s krouhacími drážky. Nakrouhaný křen je následně nasycen konzervačním práškem. Prášek je dopravován šnekovým dopravníkem. Křen dále postupuje na dopravní pás, kde je nanesen jedlý olej. Výstupní surovina je nakrouhaný a zakonzervovaný křen o ϕ1 až 1,2 mm.PROKEŠ, R. Machine for the Production of Grated Horseradish: Master thesis. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Production Machines and Design, 2015, 64 p. Thesis supervisor: Učeň, O. This master thesis deals with the structural design of grated machine that will be used for the processing of horseradish. Feedstock is horseradish, free from impurities in the state after a previous cleaning and processing. Size feedstock is ϕ 15 to ϕ 60 mm and length 150 to 300 mm. Slicing device is formed by a drum having a grating groove. After slicing is horseradish saturated with conserved powder. The powder is transported by a screw conveyor. Horseradish continues to the conveyor belt, where is applied edible oil.The output material is a conserved and grated horseradish to size ϕ 1 to 1.2 mm.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívýborn

    Effect of the cleaning process on physical properties for different malting barley seed varieties

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the barley cleaning process in relation to physical properties. The knowledge of the range of changes in the physical parameters of processed material and their mutual relationships is required for the design and implementation of various technological processes. In this study were compared the input and output commodities in the primary postharvest cleaning process of undesirable components-occurring as admixtures of fine and coarse barley impurities as well as the barley component itself. An efficient cleaning process ensuring barley grain quality is a basic step in beer production. Therefore, seven bred varieties of brewing barley (Malz, Sebastian, Francin, KWS Irina1, KWS Irina2, Bojos, and Laudis) were tested for the qualitative assessment of the cleaning process. Physical parameters such as granulometry, bulk and tapped density, angle of repose, internal and wall friction angle, and flow functions were determined for all samples. In order to identify whether the barley variety or the sample cleaning significantly influences the determined physical properties, two-way ANOVA was applied. The results imply that barley cleaning had the main influence on wall friction angle, while the barley variety had a significant effect on effective internal friction. Moreover, the mechanical postharvest cleaning process reduces the overall wall friction.Web of Scienc


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    Import 26/06/2013PROKEŠ, R. Kladkostroj: bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruování, 2013, 51 s. Vedoucí práce: Učeň, O. Bakalářská práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem jeřábové kočky, která bude sloužit k pohybu s břemenem ve výrobní hale. Jeřábová kočka se pohybuje po jednonosníkovém mostovém jeřábu rychlosti pojezdu 20 [m/min]. Pojezd jeřábové kočky tvoří elektropřevodovka, která pohání dvě kola. Maximální nosnost dopravovaného břemene je 10 [t]. Zdvih břemene zajišťuje elektropřevodovka s brzdou do zdvihové výšky 15 [m] rychlosti zdvihu 8 [m/min]. Bakalářská práce obsahuje výpočty zdvihu a pojezdu jeřábové kočky a dále jsem provedl pevnostní kontrolu kritických míst navržené nosné konstrukce.PROKEŠ, R. Hoist: Bachelor’s thesis. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Production Machines and Design, 2013, 51 p. Bachelor’s thesis supervisor: Učeň, O. This Bachelor’s thesis is engaged in structural design of the travelling crab, which will be used for movement with load in the production hall. The travelling crab moves at single-girder overhead cranes and travelling speed is 20 [m/min]. Running gear of the travelling crab contains the electric gearbox, which drives two wheels. Maximal load capacity of transported load is 10 [t]. Lift of the load ensures the electric gearbox with the brake to lifting height of 10 [m], and lifting speed of 8 [m/min]. The Bachelor’s thesis included calculation of lifting, movement of the travelling crab and stress analysis of critical points of designed construction.340 - Katedra výrobních strojů a konstruovánívýborn

    Řízení zásob technologického materiálu

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    Investment appraisal methods and procedures

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    Impact of the Change of Friction Parameters on the Mineral Processing

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    Vlastnosti sypké hmoty májí vliv na dopravu, skladování a manipulaci s touto hmotou. Je tedy nezbytné znát parametry, které tyto vlastnosti ovlivňují. Velikost částic, vlhkost a tvar částic jsou základní parametry, které dokáží ovlivnit výše uvedené. Práce se proto zaměřuje právě na vliv změny těchto parametrů sypké hmoty. Zákonitost změny vlhkosti a tvaru částic sypké hmoty byla vyhodnocena pro 5 různých velikostních frakcí, kdy vlhkost byla určována v rozmezí 0-30 % a tvar částic byl posuzován po obroušení. Za tímto účelem se studie zabývá měřením mechanicko-fyzikálních vlastností se zaměřením na úhel vnitřního tření a tokovost. Z důvodu různých tlaků při skladování sypké hmoty, bylo měření provedeno pro čtyři různá normálová zatížení. Poznatky byly následně využity pro výzkum v oblasti úpravárenského procesu separace pomocí sítovací techniky. Byl sledován vliv změny vlhkosti na propad částic oky sít s ohledem na změnu velikostní frakce a amplitudy kmitu. Poznatky byly aplikovány do procesu recyklace materiálu povrchu tenisových kurtů složených z antukového materiálu. Z naměřených a vyhodnocených dat se vliv změny vlhkosti sypké hmoty projevil nejvíce na nejmenší velikostní frakci, kdy i velmi malá změna vlhkosti v řádu desetin procent strmě ovlivnila tokovost v závislosti na vnitřním tření. Po navýšení vlhkosti v řádu procent docházelo k ustálení stavu toku. Byla stanovena hraniční hodnota, nad kterou voda v sypké hmotě způsobila zlepšení tokových vlastností a snížení úhlu vnitřního tření. Pro větší velikostní frakce se naopak vliv změny vlhkosti projevily až při jejich vyšších hodnotách (12.5 %) a ani při 30 % nedošlo ke změně charakteru chování. Vliv změny normálového zatížení se naopak projevuje s rostoucí velikostí částic, což je patrné na změně charakteru závislosti tokovosti na úhlu vnitřního tření pro frakci 1-1.4 mm. Chování sypké hmoty při sítování kopíruje výše uvedené výsledky a stanovuje tímto míru efektivity procesu. Závěrečná recyklace materiálu vykazuje odchylky od originálního materiálu v podobě snížení kompresibility materiálu.The properties of the bulk material affect the transport, storage, and handling of the bulk material. It is therefore essential to know the parameters that affect these properties. Particle size, moisture content and particle shape are the basic parameters that can influence the above. Therefore, this paper focuses on the effect of changing these parameters of the bulk material. The regularity of change in moisture content and shape of the bulk particle was evaluated for 5 different particle size fractions. When moisture content was determined in the range of 0-30% and shape was assessed after grinding. For this purpose, the study deals with the measurement of mechanical and physical properties focusing on the angle of internal friction and flowability. Due to the different bulk storage pressures, measurements were made for four different normal loads. The findings were subsequently applied to research in the field of separation treatment using sieving technology. The effect of moisture content variation on the particle drop through the sieve mesh was investigated with respect to the change in size fraction and amplitude of the oscillation. The findings were applied to the material recycling process of tennis court surfaces composed of clay material. From the measured and evaluated data, the effect of the change in moisture content of the bulk material was most pronounced at the smallest size fraction, where even a very small change in moisture content of a few tenths of a percent steeply affected the flow rate as a function of internal friction. After an increase in moisture content of the order of percent, the flow condition stabilized. A threshold value was established above which water in the bulk material caused an improvement in flow properties and a reduction in the internal friction angle. For the larger size fractions, on the other hand, the effect of moisture content change was only apparent at their higher values (12.5%) and even at 30% there was no change in behavioral character. The effect of the change in normal load, on the other hand, becomes more pronounced with increasing particle size, which can be seen in the change in the character of the flow rate dependence on the angle of internal friction for the 1-1.4 mm fraction. The behavior of the bulk material during sieving reproduces the above results and thus establishes a measure of the efficiency of the process. The final recycling of the material shows deviations from the original material in the form of a reduction in the compressibility of the material.542 - Katedra hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivyhově

    The application of statistical methods in Controlling

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    Wood pellets transport with vibrating conveyor: Experimental for DEM simulations analysis

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    This work presents a comprehensive overview of the mechanical-physical parameters of the transport material affecting the vibratory transport. For this purpose, spruce pellets of different lengths, oak rods and spruce crush were tested. The determined parameters were particle size distribution and shape, internal friction, static and dynamic angle of repose. The samples were transported by a patented validation vibrating conveyor. Various settings were used. The results show that by changing the shape, it is possible to reduce friction or resistance as well as energy intensity during transport. It was observed that perfect shapes and lighter particles have lower friction, but a more pronounced bounce. Therefore, it does not form a typical pattern during transport, as in the case of an imperfectly shaped one. There is also included a simulation of the discrete element method. The study shows the possibility of the vibration machine where the material can be conveyed either directionally or sorted.Web of Science111art. no. 1660

    The pelletization and torrefaction of coffee grounds, garden chaff and rapeseed straw

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    Waste biomass pelletization is a suitable process for obtaining energy dense solid fuel. If the pellets are further processed by torrefaction, both their qualitative and energy parameters are changed. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the torrefaction process on pellets made from coffee grounds, garden chaff and rapeseed straw. Mechanical parameters, such as the pellet durability index, the wettability index of the pellets, their water moisture resistance, hardness, or specific and bulk density were determined for evaluation. Furthermore, pellet energy parameters such as the heat of combustion, calorific value, or elemental analysis were compared. Pelletization of the above-mentioned waste biomass and the torrefaction of the pellets were carried out in pilot plants. The first results showed that the torrefaction process for all samples increased the values of the heat of combustion or the values of the carbon content. The energy value of the pellets increases. The higher heating value of torrefied coffee ground pellets reached 26 MJ kg−1. The ash content also increases with these values. A simple energy balance has been carried out. Therefore, the study shows an insight into the energy use of coffee grounds and chaff from the garden compared to the results of the rapeseed straw pellets for the pelletization and torrefication process.Web of Science21035434

    Hard gelatine capsules: DEM supported experimental study of particle arrangement effect on properties and vibrational transport behaviour

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    Hard gelatine capsules remain a relevant dosage form for today's pharmaceutical manufacturing. A wide range of colour and print options supports marketing, brand image and patient loyalty. However, the filling of these cap-sules with various modern dosage forms and combinations thereof may affect their further processing. Therefore, a detailed study was carried out to assess the effect of mechanical-physical properties on the behaviour of differ-ently filled hard gelatine capsules. Capsules filled with powder, free or fixed particles presenting drug microforms and also hard gelatine capsules themselves were evaluated. Basic mechanical-physical characterisation was per -formed on all samples. Furthermore, their transport on the vibrating conveyor was assessed and simulated using DEM. The results showed a significant influence mainly by the degree of capsule imbalance, i.e., the arrangement of particles in the capsule. It was found that the hard gelatine capsules showed an average of 15.6 degrees lower values for the effective angle of internal friction compared to the powdered vitamin mixture, and in parallel, an average of 14.7 degrees lower values for the static angle of repose were also recorded. The results of the experiments on the vi-brating conveyor at a frequency setting of 15 Hz showed three times longer transport time for the vitamin mix-ture compared to the capsules. Increasing the frequency evened out these differences.Web of Science405art. no. 11752