67 research outputs found

    Omental well-differentiated liposarcoma: US, CT and MR findings

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    Liposarcomas are the most common of sarcoma tumours, they are usually located in the lower limbs, retroperitoneum, or abdominal cavity; up to date, only a few cases of omental liposarcoma with different histotype have been described. We present a case of omental well-differentiated liposarcoma and discuss imaging findings on ultrasound, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance to differentiate omental liposarcomas from other abdominal tumour entities

    Incidenza della sclerosi multipla in Toscana: uno studio basato su dati amministrativi

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    INTRODUZIONE L’Italia è un’area ad elevato rischio di sclerosi multipla (SM) con una prevalenza stimata di 75.000 casi e un’incidenza di 2.000 casi annui. Gli ultimi dati pubblicati sull’incidenza sono 5,5 casi/105 a Padova (2000-09), 6,6 a Genova (1998-2007) e 9,7 in Sardegna (2003-07). In Toscana è presente un registro regionale della SM ma, ad oggi, non è rappresentativo dell’intera popolazione. Una possibile alternativa per studiare l’epidemiologia è attraverso i dati amministrativi. Questi, infatti, coprono l’intera popolazione residente e vengono raccolti di routine in un modo standardizzato ai fini della gestione del servizio sanitario. Il nostro scopo è calcolare l’incidenza della SM in Toscana utilizzando dati amministrativi. METODI Per il calcolo dell’incidenza abbiamo creato il seguente algoritmo: ospedalizzazione in reparto per acuti e con diagnosi primaria di SM, esenzione attiva per SM, e prescrizione di farmaci specifici. I casi incidenti sono stati identificati come quei casi catturati dall’algoritmo non tracciati in precedenza nei flussi amministrativi, e la data della prima traccia è stata considerata quale data di diagnosi della SM. Da questa coorte di soggetti abbiamo selezionato i pazienti con un’età ≤ 55 anni, residenti in Toscana al momento della diagnosi e presenti in anagrafe da almeno 10 anni (o nati in Toscana se età <10). Abbiamo calcolato i tassi grezzi e standardizzati e gli intervalli di confidenza (IC) al 95% per gli anni 2011-2015. RISULTATI Abbiamo identificato, negli anni analizzati, 1.056 nuovi casi con un’incidenza che varia da 5,04/105 nel 2011 a 6,02 casi/105nel 2015 (Tab 1). Nelle donne l’incidenza è circa due volte più alta rispetto agli uomini con un range che va da 6,48 a 7,96/105 nelle donne, e da 3,49 a 3,93/105 negli uomini. CONCLUSIONI L’incidenza calcolata risulta elevata, soprattutto nelle donne, ma comunque in linea ai dati pubblicati in altre Regioni, al di là dei bias metodologici legati all’uso di dati amministrativi

    Comparación de dos técnicas de estimación del consumo y digestibilidad en pastoreo de Panicum coloratum L. diferido

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    Voluntary intake (OMI) and digestibility (OMD) of organic matter were estimated on a deferred pasture of Panicum coloratum L., using grazing rams, by two different methods. Four treatments, corresponding to tour forage allowances (in g. DM. Kg-1 ot liveweight.day-1) were established: T1: 15; T2: 30; T3: 45; T4: 60. Six Pampinta rams by treatment grazed during 22 days, being the last 6 days the measurement period The first method estimated OMI as the difference between initial and final biomass (OMldir), and digestibility (OMDdir) from OMldir, and fecal organic matter production (F). The second method of estimation used Iignin as internal marker. The organic matter digestibility (OMO~ was estimated through the concentrations of Iignin in diet and faeces, and the voluntary intake (OMILDA), from (OMDLDA) and F. No differences (p&gt;0.05) between treatments could be detected in any of the measured variables. The OMI, as estimated through both methods, were highly correlated (r = 0.97; p&lt;0.01). II seems Iikely that Iignin ls a suitable internal marker in Panicum coloratum L. Both, digestibility and voluntary in lake of grazing animals can be estimated through this technique, with good precision.Sobre una pastura de Panicum coloratum L. diferida, se estimó el consumo voluntario (CMO) y la digestibilidad (DMO) de la materia orgánica, por dos métodos distintos, utilizando ovinos en pastoreo. Se establecieron cuatro tratamientos, correspondientes a cuatro asignaciones forrajeras (en g MS.Kg-1 de peso vívo.dia-1): T1: 15; T2: 30; T3: 45; T4: 60. En cada tratamiento pastorearon 6 carneros Pampinta durante 22 días, con cambio diario de parcela, correspondiendo los 6 últimos al período de medición. En el primer método, el CMO se estimó por diferencia entre la biomasa inicial y final (CMOdir), y la digestibilidad (DMOdir a partir de CMOdir, y la producción de materia orgánica en heces (H). El segundo método de estimación fue a través de la utilización de Iignina como marcador interno. Se estableció la digestibilidad de la materia orgánica (DMOLDA) a través de la concentración de Iignina en dieta y heces, y el consumo voluntario (CMOLDA) a partir de DMOLDA y H. En ninguna de las variables estimadas se encontraron diferencias (p&gt;0,05) entre tratamientos. El CMO, estimado a través de ambos métodos, tuvo alta correlación (r = 0,97; p&lt;0,01). También el grado de asociación de la DMO fue alto, aunque algo menor entre los métodos (r = 0,84; p&lt;0,01). La Iignina tiene buen comportamiento como marcador interno en Panicum coloratum L. Mediante esta técnica, puede estimarse la digestibilidad y el consumo voluntario de animales en pastoreo con buena precisión

    About an unique case of embryocarcinoma with nasal onset.

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    Primary extragonadal germ cell tumours (PEGCT) are rare neoplasms with generally poor prognosis, different behavior, and natural course compared to their gonadal counterparts. Both primary and salvage treatment of these tumours constitute a challenge. Embryocarcinoma (EC) constitutes one of the subtypes of germ cell tumours. Its site of primary onset can either be gonadal or extragonadal, more frequent in infancy and childhood, the sacral and cranial regions being the most affected, while gonadal sites (ovary and testis) are more frequently involved in childhood. The authors observed a case of EC with nasal onset in a young male, never reported before in the literature. The patient underwent 6 courses of chemotherapy and further surgery by means of an endoscopic approach, without postsurgical sequelae. A 5-years follow-up, with periodic controls, laboratory tests and imaging, all without signs of recurrence, confirmed that this unusual location of EC responded exclusively to primary chemotherapy, while earlier studies proved EC being responsive, in other sites of onset, to a combination of chemotherapy, radical surgical excision of the neoplasm, and radiotherapy

    Exploring machine learning algorithms to identify heart failure patients: The tuscany region case study

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    Heart failure patients have become an important challenge for the healthcare system, since they represent a medical, social and economic problem. Early heart failure diagnoses can be very useful to improve patients' quality of life and to reduce the resources consumption, but they can be complex for the general practitioners. Data mining and machine learning techniques can really help in this field. The aim of this study is to validate some machine learning models to identify heart failure patients, starting from administrative data, and to make them transparent and interpretable. Despite the lack of clinical data, not available in Italy, but the most employed for the identification of heart failure patients, the results are comparable with the state-of-the-art ones and the models outperform the performances already obtained in Tuscany
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