6 research outputs found
A Dynamic Absorber for Gear Systems Operating in Resonance and Instability Regions
There are many practical situations where resonances and instabilities in piniongear systems are difficult to predict in the design stage due to the unreliability of estimating the mesh stiffness and damping parameters. This paper presents a procedure for the design of an optimal dynamic absorber system which can be used in conditions where preliminary analysis shows that high dynamic tooth loads are likely to occur. The optimal parameters for the absorber are given in a generalized form in order to simplify its design for a particular gear system. Introduction In the previous paper (reference The dynamic equations of motion for the absorber system are developed in non-dimensional form to determine the pertinent variables necessary for general description of the absorber system. The conditions for uncoupling these equations are specified. The decision parameters to be considered in the optimization of the design are specified. A pattern search is employed to evaluate the optimal parameters for different gear system conditions and the results are given as design charts. The response of the optimal absorber shows its effectiveness even when the theoretical uncoupling conditions are not met
valuation of Dynamic Factors for Spur anl Helical Gears
This paper deals with, the development, of a generalized dynamic factor for spur and helical gears operating away from system resonances. The experimental results of the tests reported in the previous paper [I] 1 are used in conjunction with mathematical simulation of the gear system and geometrical analysis of the tooth meshing action to develop a semi-empirical formula for dynamic tooth load. The formula takes into consideration the gear geometry and manufacturing parameters as well as the dynamic characteristics of the system