303 research outputs found

    The Location Measurement Unit (LMU): An Application of Embedded Systems in Mobile Location Estimation

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    Embedded systems are commonly available in many electronic devices where they add special functionalities, features and high levels of efficiency to the general operation of these devices. Embedded systems consist of hardware, software, and an environment. The hardware comprises mainly the processing cores that are typically either microcontrollers or digital signal processors (DSP). The key characteristic of these systems, however, is being dedicated to handle a particular task. Since the embedded system is dedicated to specific tasks, design engineers can optimize it to reduce the size and cost of the product and increase the reliability and performance. This paper takes a deep look into the procedures for the design of embedded systems and the fields of application of these systems, with a special emphasis on a mobile network entity called the Location Measurement Unit (LMU) which is used for location measurements in 3G wireless networks

    Image Segmentation and Classification for Medical Image Processing

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    Segmentation and labeling remains the weakest step in many medical vision applications. This paper illustrates an approach based on watershed transform which are designed to solve typical problems encountered in various applications, and which are controllable through adaptation of their parameters. Two of these modules are presented: the lung cancer detection, a method for the segmentation of cancer regions from CT images, a watershed algorithm for image segmentation and brain tumor detection from MRI images. Various GLCM features along with some statistical features are used for classification using Neural network and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We describe the principles of the algorithms and illustrate their generic properties by discussing the results of both applications in 2D MRI images of Brain tumor and CT images of lung cancer

    Image Processing for Medical Image Analysis: A Review

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    Image processing techniques are used widely in medical areas for improving the image in earlier detection and treatment stages, it is very important to discover the abnormality issues in given images, specially in various cancer, tumours such as lung cancer, breast cancer, etc. Image quality and accuracy is the main factors of this work, image quality improvement and assessment are depending on the enhancement stage where pre-processing techniques is used. The principal objectives of this course are to provide basic introduction and techniques for medical image processing and to promote for further study and research in medical image processing

    Detecting Malicious Applications from the cloud by using user feedback method

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    As in recent period of computers and internets, mobiles devices, Smartphone’s plays a vital role in human day to day activities. Also now a days Smartphone’s & tablets are becoming very popular especially android based Smartphone’s are gaining much more popularity as compared to Apple’s iOS. These Smartphone’s having lot of applications and features based on only internet but these new emerging features of these devices give opportunity to new malwares & threats. Android is comparatively new OS hence its makes very hard to detect and prevent these viruses and malwares attacks by using some basic traditional mechanisms. So security of these Smartphone’s is now becoming very popular issue of researchers. The lack of standard security mechanism in Android applications is very useful to hackers. So to overcome these various pitfalls we use cloud services as a security weapon for providing decent security system for Android applications

    GUI Testing On Android Application

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    As Android phones is been used widely for different types of applications. But the people who stay in rural areas do not afford the high range mobile phones which support all the functionality. In this application system implementing Marathi/Hindi support for all versions (especially for older version). In this application system have provided with Hindi/Marathi keypad for messenger as well as dialler instead of 1, 2 and 3, a, b, c. It will reflect in Marathi/Hindi. As we know that in regular android phones we cannot make a call on just looking to a photo of dialler, but in this application system can have a look on photo to whom the number belong and can make a call on a single click without having the knowledge of the user phone number. System developed a new application called as N-indicator that is Nashik indicator, it will contain all the information of train routes, bus routes with it is fare, auto rates with it fare, visitor’s place, hotels with its fare. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15011

    Design and Analysis of Two Spindle Amber Charkha- A Review

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    The Charkha is a small device which can be used to spin fiber, such as cotton, into yarn. Fabric from this yarn can be used to make all sorts of clothing. Increasing demands of the cotton fabrics, now a days, has made it necessary to increase the production of cotton fabrics. To increase the production it is necessary to study the factors affecting the performance of the women workers working on Amber charkha. Most of the Amber charkha in rural areas are hand operated (i.e. they run with the help of human energy input). This paper highlights some of the factors which are responsible for their performance. The various factors that are affecting the productivity are technical factor, their weight and cost of the two spindle amber charkha. Each of these factors plays an important role in the overall performance of the workers. The detailed study is carried out to design and analysis of two spindle of Amber charkha. The basic necessity of this study is to minimize its weight and price which would help the workers for achieving better productivity with work satisfaction

    Attendance System Using Face Recognition and Class Monitoring System

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    In this paper, we propose a system that takes the attendance of students in the lecture. This system takes the attendance automatically using face recognition. However, it is difficult to estimate the attendance exactly using each result of face recognition independently because the face detection rate is not sufficiently high. In our paper, we propose a method for estimating the attendance exactly using all the results of face recognition obtained by continuous observation. Continuous observation improves the performance for the estimation of the attendance. We constructed the attendance system based on face recognition, and applied the system to classroom lecture. In our system, we are using raspberry pi. we use OpenCv library which is installed in pi for face detection and recognition. The camera is connected to raspberry pi and student database is stored in the pi. With the help of this system time will reduce and attendance will be marked. In this paper first review similar works in the field of attendance system and recognition of face. Then, it showing our system structure and plan. At the last, experiments are implemented to provide as manifest to support our plan. The result shows that uninterrupted observation improved the performance for the approximation of the attendance

    Burden of Stroke in Europe:An Analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study Findings From 2010 to 2019

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    BACKGROUND:While most European Regions perform well in global comparisons, large discrepancies within stroke epidemiological parameters exist across Europe. The objective of this analysis was to evaluate the stroke burden across European regions and countries in 2019 and its difference to 2010.METHODS:The GBD 2019 analytical tools were used to evaluate regional and country-specific estimates of incidence, prevalence, deaths, and disability-adjusted life years of stroke for the European Region as defined by the World Health Organization, with its 53 member countries (EU-53) and for European Union as defined in 2019, with its 28 member countries (EU-28), between 2010 and 2019. Results were analyzed at a regional, subregional, and country level.RESULTS:In EU-53, the absolute number of incident and prevalent strokes increased by 2% (uncertainty interval [UI], 0%–4%), from 1 767 280 to 1 802 559 new cases, and by 4% (UI, 3%–5%) between 2010 and 2019, respectively. In EU-28, the absolute number of prevalent strokes and stroke-related deaths increased by 4% (UI, 2%–5%) and by 6% (UI, 1%–10%), respectively. All-stroke age-standardized mortality rates, however, decreased by 18% (UI, −22% to −14%), from 82 to 67 per 100 000 people in the EU-53, and by 15% (UI, −18% to −11%), from 49.3 to 42.0 per 100 000 people in EU-28. Despite most countries presenting reductions in age-adjusted incidence, prevalence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life year rates, these rates remained 1.4×, 1.2×, 1.6×, and 1.7× higher in EU-53 in comparison to the EU-28.CONCLUSIONS:EU-53 showed a 2% increase in incident strokes, while they remained stable in EU-28. Age-standardized rates were consistently lower for all-stroke burden parameters in EU-28 in comparison to EU-53, and huge discrepancies in incidence, prevalence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life-year rates were observed between individual countries.<br/
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