878 research outputs found

    Large-deviation theory for a Brownian particle on a ring: a WKB approach

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    We study the large deviation function of the displacement of a Brownian particle confined on a ring. In the zero noise limit this large deviation function has a cusp at zero velocity given by the Freidlin-Wentzell theory. We develop a WKB approach to analyse how this cusp is rounded in the weak noise limit

    Discrete-time thermodynamic uncertainty relation

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    We generalize the thermodynamic uncertainty relation, providing an entropic upper bound for average fluxes in time-continuous steady-state systems (Gingrich et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 120601 (2016)), to time-discrete Markov chains and to systems under time-symmetric, periodic driving

    Phase transitions in persistent and run-and-tumble walks

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    We calculate the large deviation function of the end-to-end distance and the corresponding extension-versus-force relation for (isotropic) random walks, on and off-lattice, with and without persistence, and in any spatial dimension. For off-lattice random walks with persistence, the large deviation function undergoes a first order phase transition in dimension d>5d> 5. In the corresponding force-versus-extension relation, the extension becomes independent of the force beyond a critical value. The transition is anticipated in dimensions d=4d=4 and d=5d=5, where full extension is reached at a finite value of the applied stretching force. Full analytic details are revealed in the run-and-tumble limit. Finally, on-lattice random walks with persistence display a softening phase in dimension d=3d=3 and above, preceding the usual stiffening appearing beyond a critical value of the force