1 research outputs found

    Preparing Students to Learn about Antiracism: Voices from Four Undergraduate Antiracist Learners

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    The authors, a professor and four undergraduates, add the dimension of preparing students for antiracist learning and to become antiracist learners to the ongoing scholarly dialogue about antiracist curricula, pedagogy, and learning outcomes, hoping to open a robust area of scholarship and practice that will include the voices of students. They consider this “pedagogy of preparation” to be an important step to readying students for the demanding intellectual, emotional, and ethical work of antiracist learning. Because college students will become the antiracist leaders in the generations to come, they need to be prepared to be antiracist learners in their classes. And if antiracist educators want to aim for the most effective pedagogies and learning outcomes, they need to understand and then help students to prepare for what Kendi (2019) refers to as “the grueling journey” of becoming an antiracist (p. 11)