96 research outputs found

    Pembiayaan Pendidikan di Era Otonomi Daerah: Masalah dan Prospek

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    Otonomi Daerah yang dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2001 membawa Perubahan besar dalam pengelolaan pendidikan. Di era otonomi daerah, Pemda bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan sektor pendidikan di semua jenjang di luar pendidikan tinggi (SD, SLTP, SLTA). Dari sisi substansi, Pemda bertanggung jawab atas hampir segala bidang yang terkait dengan sektor pendidikan (kecuali kurikulum dan penetapan standar yang menjadi kewenangan Pusat). Studi ini bertujuan untuk: (1) melihat Perubahan yang terjadi dalam hal pola pembiayaan pendidikan setelah diberlakukannya otonomi daerah, (2) melihat perkembangan kemampuan Pemda untuk membiayai sektor pendidikan yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya, (3) melihat berbagai masalah yang muncul dalam pembiayaan pendidikan di era otonomi daerah, serta (4) merumuskan serangkaian rekomendasi guna mengatasi berbagai masalah yang muncul tersebut. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pelimpahan keuangan dari Pusat ke Daerah dalam rangka pengelolaan sektor pendidikan baru sampai pada taraf pemenuhan kebutuhan rutin, khususnya gaji pegawai, (2) secara relatif, kemampuan Pemda untuk membiayai sektor pendidikan tidak mengalami perbaikan dengan diberlakukannya otonomi daerah, bahkan tidak sedikit daerah yang justru mengalami penurunan, (3) masalah utama yang melatarbelakanhi persoalan pembiayaan pendidikan di era otonomi daerah adalah rendahnya akuntabilitas publik (public accountability), baik di level Pusat maupun di level daerah. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut, paling tidak ada dua solusi yang ditawarkan oleh studi ini, yakni: (1) alokasi dana APBN untuk pembangunan sektor pendidikan sebaiknya dilakukan melalui mekanisme Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK) sektor pendidikan, bukan melalui DIP departemen teknis (Depdiknas), serta (2) Pemda sebaiknya mempertimbangan implementasi sistem earmarking dalam pembiayaan sektor pendidikan di daerah

    Local Response to Decentralization and Its Impact on the Business Environment

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    The main objective of the study is to find out the impact of implementation of regional autonomy policy in Indomesia. The study is a combination between desk study (secondary data analysis) with small field survey in three districts (Yogyakarta, Bantul and Makassar). One of the main findings is that the central government clearly has not completed its big works to issue many regulations to make the policy effective and to avoid possible negative impact of the implementation of the policy. At district level, there are two contradictory responses by local governments. First, there is a spirit to release tight regulations on the business activities through (especially) one stop service office. But, on the other hand, the other spirit is to gain more local revenue from business activities. Meanwhile, the private sector (especially small medium enterprises) is in the “wait and see” position. Their main concern is whether the government (either at central level or local level) has an intention to “disturb” their market (rather than to levy them without disturbing the market). The big question to balance the interest of all agents is how to increase (local) revenue of local government without burdening the private sector. One of the possible answers to the question is to re-formulate the balancing fund allocation, particularly related to the distribution of corporate income tax. That is needed to make a clear link between enabling business environment with local government interest

    Ragam Permintaan Potensial Terhadap Ekowisata Spiritual Pada Masyarakat Bogor

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    Spirituality is not only able to control human's individual desire in raising and spending wealth, but it can also become a social force that significantly influence economic behaviors at community level, especially in the demand aspect and decision to consume any kind of product and service. This study was conducted toward various groups of income levels and religious backgrounds among community that resides in the district and the city of Bogor in order to gain a deeper understanding regarding the demand for eco- spiritual tourism as well as the correlation of its influencing factors. The survey showed that the income levels of Bogor community has no correlation toward their current potential demand to conduct spiritual tourism, which averaged at five visits/person/year. However, respondents' income levels are positively correlated with the value of willingness to pay a spiritual tourism trip, which indicates that the increase in income of respondents will be followed by a greater willingness to pay for doing spiritual tourism. Therefore, the findings could be useful as a source of ideas for any involved parties to transform and optimize the potential demand into actual demand and to develop eco –spiritual tourism market through customer segmentation based on income levels

    Peramalan Inflasi di Wilayah Purwokerto dengan Metodologi Box-Jenkins

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    Basically, inflation constitutes a problem than solution because its impact to all economic conditions. Inflation phenomena in Purwokerto is necessary to research. Inflation in this region is more unstable than other cities. December 2008, even other cities had deflation situation, positive inflation occurred in Purwokerto.Estimated inflation shows that Purwokerto inflation have no trend condition. By assumption no cycles factor, statistically inflation have seasonal and irregular term pattern. From average seasonal factor, it is identified that higher inflation than other months will occur to January, February, March, June, and July. While in irregular term factor, it is identified extreme inflation was occur on March 2005, September 2005, October 2005, December 2005, and July 2008. Increasing of petroleum price was related to those extreme inflation.Inflation forecasting analysis shows better differentiation for estimated inflation is on 1st degree. From alternatives modeling, estimated inflation model is statistically better if it includes autoregressive factors for 1st and 2nd month before and moving average from 1st to 5th month before. Keyworlds: inflation, box-jenkins methodology, serial decompositio

    Diseminasi Model Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa melalui Pengelolaan Agrowisata

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    Pengalihan fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi kawasan agrowisata mendesak masyarakat desa masuk perangkap ketunakismaan dan ketunakaryaan, yang pada gilirannya berdampak terhadap kemiskinan berlarut. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji hubungan sosial pada proses diseminasi model pemberdayaan masyarakat desa melalui pengelolaan agrowisata berbasis sumberdaya lokal. Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan secara sengaja di empat kawasan yang menjadi sentral pengembangan agrowisata di wilayah Kabupaten Banyumas dan Kabupaten Purbalingga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah s

    Kajian Kualitas Air Dan Penggunaan Sumur Gali Oleh Masyarakat Di Sekitar Sungai Kaliyasa Kabupaten Cilacap

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    Sungai Kaliyasa mengalami penurunan kualitas dan diduga mempengaruhi kualitas air sumur gali. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji: 1) kualitas air sumur gali, parameter fisika, kimia, dan mikrobiologi dibandingkan dengan Permenkes RI No.416/Menkes/Per/IX/1990, 2) perilaku masyarakat, dan 3) hubungan perilaku masyarakat dengan kualitas air sumur gali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semua air sumur gali tidak berbau, TDS, mangan, dan pH memenuhi baku mutu, sedangkan warna, besi, klorida, dan total coliform tidak memenuhi baku mutu. Perilaku masyarakat secara umum tidak baik. Perilaku masyarakat secara signifikan berhubungan dengan kualitas air sumur gali di sekitar Sungai Kaliyasa. Hal yang dapat disarankan yaitu: 1) masyarakat membuat IPAL, 2) pemerintah dan masyarakat dapat merubah perilaku masyarakat. Kata Kunci: Kualitas air, sumur gali, perilaku masyarakat, Sungai Kaliyasa. Water quality of Kaliyasa River has decreased and suspected to affect water quality dug well. Research's aim review: 1) water quality dug wells, physics, chemical, and microbiology parameters compared with Permenkes RI No.416/Menkes/Per/IX/1990, 2) society behavior, and 3) societies behavioural relationship with water quality dug well. Observational result showed that all water quality dug well are odorless, TDS, manganese, and pH accomplished the quality standard. While the color, iron, chloride, and total coliform parameters were not accomplish the quality standard. Society's behaviour commonly was inauspicious. Society behaviour significantly associated with water quality dug well around Kaliyasa River. Suggestions: 1) society makes WWTP, 2) government and society can change society behaviour

    Analisis Daya Saing Industri Pariwisata untuk Meningkatkan Ekonomi Daerah: (Kajian Perbandingan Daya Saing Pariwisata antara Surakarta dengan YOGYAKARTA)

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    The purpose of this study are measuring tourism competitiveness in Surakarta region and determining the contribution of tourism for economic region. This cases are compared with Yogyakarta region as benchmark region for tourism in Indonesia. The study is important because it contributes to PAD (Pendapatan Asli Daerah) and gives impact on related industries such as: travel agent, hotel, restaurant, and small industries. The analysis of this study used Competitiveness Monitor (CM), that is the popular measurement to determine tourism competitiveness. It was used more than 200 countries and it is developed by World Travel and Tourism Council (WWTC). The indicators of CM are Human Tourism Indicator, Price Competitiveness Indicator, Infrastructure Development Indicator, Environment indicator, Technology Advancement Indicator, Human Resources Indicator, Openess Indicator, dan Social Development Indicator. From these indicators, we measure tourism competitiveness index and classify the region in green, grey or red area of tourism competitiveness. The result of analysis indicates the Surakarta region is classified in grey area region of tourism competitiveness. The result also indicates the position of tourism competitiveness of Surakarta region with Yogyakarta region. The government have to develop the tourism sector by analysis the indicators which determine the tourism competitiveness because the tourism sector gives the added revenues for the region. It is very important, which ever Adisumarmo airport (Surakarta) is one of the International airport in Indonesia
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