18 research outputs found

    Seleksi in Vitro Dan Pengujian Mutan Tanaman Pisang Ambon Kuning Untuk Ketahanan Terhadap Penyakit Layu Fusarium

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    Fusarium wilt of banana (Musa spp.) caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) is the most seriousproblem faced in banana cultivation in terms of plantproductivity and fruit quality. Mutation breeding is one of thealternative method that can be applied in producing newbanana cultivar. Mutants can be induced by chemicalmutagen such as ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) followed byin vitro selection and then evaluation of the mutants tofusarium wilt disease in glasshouse and Foc infected field.The aim of this research was obtained EMS induced and invitro selected mutants of banana var. Ambon Kuning andevaluated Foc disease resistant clones in glasshouse andFoc infected field. The first step to obtain the explants forthis research was initiation and formation of multiple budclumps (MBC) using MS basal media supplemented with 5,10, and 20 mg/l of benzyladenin. Plant regeneration of MBCwas also studied by using MS media containing 0, 0.2, and 1mg/l of benzyladenin. To induce mutagenesis, MBC wassoaked in 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5% (v/v) EMS for 1, 2, and 3 hours.The assesment of resistant MBC mutants to Fusariumphytotoxin was conducted by using fusaric acid (FA) asselection agent in concentration of 30, 45, and 60 ppm.Putative mutant plants produced by in vitro selection werefurther tested using spore solution of Foc race 4 inglasshouse. Meanwhile, Foc resistance assesment in theinfected field was conducted in Pasirkuda ExperimentalStation, Bogor Agricultural University. The results showedthat MBC can be formed in MS basal media supplementedwith 10 or 20 mg/l benzyladenin. The EMS played a role inobtaining mutants by producing 68 MBC putative mutantstolerant to Foc based on FA selection. Further evaluation inthe glasshouse was obtained 64 Foc resistant plants from391 putative mutants produced by in vitro selection.Evaluation in the Foc infected field showed six clonessurvived until generative phase (12 month of age)

    Resistance and Phenotypic Character of Chili M2 Mutant Lines Against Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus

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    Chilli veinal mottle virus infection (ChiVMV) could reduce the quality and 60–100% of yield losses of Chili. Among the Chilivarieties released, no one has been resistant to ChiVMV, mainly due to a high variation of ChiVMV strains and not well mapped.Therefore, finding a new source of ChiVMV resistant genes is pivotal role in order to assembly new varieties. Approach throughin vitro mutation induction using mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) is one of the efforts to increase genetic diversity.Previous studies has successfully acquired 800 M2 lines through callus induction of Gelora variety with EMS. This study aimed toobtain M2 lines resistant to ChiVMV and having a good agronomical characters. A total of 800 Chili M2 lines that derived from ChiliM2 mutations using mutagen EMS has been tested in greenhouse to ChiVMV resistance and studied character phenotype. Theresults showed that of the 800 lines, there were 28 strains obtained showed a response tolerant and resistant to ChiVMV. Eightmutant lines of which have good agronomic characters. The mutant lines are M2.100, M2.108, M2.200, M2. 122, M2.238, M2.353,M2.420, and M2.517. Eight lines will be selected and further observed to obtain Chili promising lines that are resistant to ChiVMVand high yielding

    Isolasi, Identifikasi, dan Karakterisasi Cendawan Blas Pyricularia Oryzae Hasil Rejuvenasi

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    Penyakit blas yang disebabkan oleh cendawan Pyricularia oryzae (Po) merupakan salah satu penyakit penting pada pertanaman padi di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan cendawan patogen blas yang berasal dari hasil rejuvenasi simpanan benih, media agar, dan jaringan daun padi. Selain itu, identifikasi koleksi isolat blas yang ditujukan untuk penyimpanan jangka panjang dan karakterisasi kespesifikan tiap isolat terhadap lokus spesifik gen virulensi. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan 22,7% isolat yang tersimpan dalam media agar masih menunjukkan tipikal miselium Po. Kespesifikan pola pita DNA genomik total isolat yang dianalisis berdasarkan primer penyandi gen spesifik virulensi Cut1, Erg2, dan Pwl2, diperoleh sebanyak enam haplotipe meliputi B-001 (1 isolat), C-011 (1 isolat), D-111 (8 isolat), F-110 (1 isolat), G-100 (3 isolat), dan H-101 (2 isolat). Tidak ditemukan haplotipe A-000 dan E-010 pada isolat Po yang dianalisis. Dalam hubungannnya dengan patogenisitas, mayoritas cendawan Po mempunyai gen Cut1, Pwl2, dan Erg2. Di antara total isolat cendawan Po, gen yang paling besar ditemukan proporsinya adalah gen Pwl2 (87,5%) diikuti Cut1 (75%) dan Erg2 (62,4%)

    Resistance and Phenotypic Character of Chili M2 Mutant Lines Against Chilli Veinal Mottle Virus

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    Chilli veinal mottle virus infection (ChiVMV) could reduce the quality and 60–100% of yield losses of chili. Among the chilivarieties released, no one has been resistant to ChiVMV, mainly due to a high variation of ChiVMV strains and not well mapped.Therefore, finding a new source of ChiVMV resistant genes is pivotal role in order to assembly new varieties. Approach throughin vitro mutation induction using mutagen ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) is one of the efforts to increase genetic diversity.Previous studies has successfully acquired 800 M2 lines through callus induction of Gelora variety with EMS. This study aimed toobtain M2 lines resistant to ChiVMV and having a good agronomical characters. A total of 800 chili M2 lines that derived from chiliM2 mutations using mutagen EMS has been tested in greenhouse to ChiVMV resistance and studied character phenotype. Theresults showed that of the 800 lines, there were 28 strains obtained showed a response tolerant and resistant to ChiVMV. Eightmutant lines of which have good agronomic characters. The mutant lines are M2.100, M2.108, M2.200, M2. 122, M2.238, M2.353,M2.420, and M2.517. Eight lines will be selected and further observed to obtain chili promising lines that are resistant to ChiVMVand high yielding

    Karakterisasi dan Identifikasi Isolat Bakteri Endofitik Penghambat Jamur Patogen Padi

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    Disease caused byfungal pathogens often causing damage on rice crop. Thisstudy was aimed to characterize 10 endohytic bacterial isolatesin suppression of rice pathogenic fungi. Characterization by invitro test showed several endophytic isolates effective againstfungal pathogen Rhizoctonia solani (Rs) and Pyriculariaoryzae (Po). The bacterial culture filtrates could inhibit radialgrowth of fungal colonies with the Rs ranged percentageinhibition of 32.9-99.4%, whilst inhibition against Po wereranged from 3-98.2%, respectively. Based on chitinase assay,it was indicated that gram negative bacteria of E 76 isolateproduced clear zone and highest chitinolytic index. Theanalysis to the base sequence (total 1,322 bp) using 16s rRNAgene sequencing revealed that E76 isolates had 99% similaritywith Burkholderia sp

    Pengaruh Media terhadap Produksi Prodigiosin Isolat Bakteri Entomopatogen Serratia marcescens Asal Wereng Batang Cokelat

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    Prodigiosin, the red pigment producedby the bacterium Serratia marcescens, is a secondarymetabolite of the family tripyrrole that has been widely usedas an antibiotic in the multifunction treatment ofantibacterial as well as antifungal. This study was aimed tostudy the effect of Luria-Bertani (LB) broth and nutrientbroth (NB) media suplemented with several concentrationsof FeSO4 and CaCO3 on the production and characteristic ofprodigiosin derived from S. marcescens. The study wasarranged in a completely randomized factorial design withfour replications. The LB and NB media were supplementedwith 0, 2.5, 5, and 10 mM CaCO3 and 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mMFeSO4. Results showed a red pigment produced by S.marcescens when cultured on both LB and NB media. Redlikepigmentation was varied when supplemented withdifferent concentration of Fe2+ and Ca2+. The higher theconcentration of Fe2+, the more intense the red color,conversely, the higher the concentration of Ca2+, the lighterthe red color. The interaction was found between the mediaand concentrations of CaCO3 and FeSO4 on the productionof prodigiosin. The highest prodigiosin production wasobtained on NB media supplemented with FeSO4.Meanwhile, the addition of CaCO3 did not affect theprodigiosin production. An addition of 1 mM FeSO4 to LBand NB media produced crude prodigiosin of 486.0 mg/mland 489.0 mg/ml, respectively. Based on purification bycolumn chromatography using silica gel, the prodigiosinproduction on LB and NB media was 378 mg/ml and 450mg/ml, with the purity level of 77.8% and 92%, respectively.Detection of prodigiosin by thin-layer chromatography usingsilica gel showed the red pigment had Rf value of 0.83 andbioautography assay showed there was an antibacterialactivity against Xanthomanas oryzae pv. oryzae