7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Dana Proyek Pembinaan Industri terhadap Nilai Investasi pada Sektor Industri di Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Ringkasan Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh dana proyek pembinaan terhadap nilai investasi sektor industri di Kabupaten Dati II Banyumas. Untuk itu lebih dihipotesiskan bahwa dana proyek pembinaan industri mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap nilai investasi sektor industri di Kabupaten Dati II Banyumas. Dalam membuktikan hipotesis telah dilakukan analisis regresi yang hasilnya memberikan persamaan sebagai berikut : log y = log 3,913 + 0,792 log x sesuai persamaan tersebut, ternyata pengaruh dana proyek pembinaan ( x ) bersifat positif terhadap investasi sektor industri ( y ) ditunjukan oleh koefisiensi regresi b = 0,792. demikian pula hasiltest statistikkoefisien regresi ( tb ) diperoleh t – hitung 3,506. besarnya t – hitung ini lebih besar dari t – tabel pada tingkat keyakinan 95 persen dan derajat kebebasan ( n – k ) = ( 6 – 2 ) yang besarnya ( + ) 2,78. Hal ini berarti X ( Dana Proyek Pembinaan ) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Y ( Investasi Sektor Industri ). Dengankata lain peranan dana proyek pembinaan cukup besar dalam menumbuhkan iklim investasi sektor industri di Kabupaten dati II Banyumas. Mengingat bahwa dana proyek pembinaan mempunyai arti positif dan berperan dalam menggalahkan investasi, maka bagi pemerintah dalam hal ini Kantor Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan perlu tetap mengintensifkan pembinaan terhadap pengembangan sektor industri, terutama industri kecil. Uitu dana pembinaan perlu tetap ditingkatkan kearah yang lebih menggairahkan iklim investasi pada sektor industri. Peningkatan investasi juga perlu diimbangi dengan prioritas pengembangan ekspor industri kecil untuk dapat mengantisipasi pasar internasional yang semakin kompetitif

    Pengaruh Modal pada Industri Kecil Rumah Tangga Gula Kelapa dan Luas Lahan Usaha Tani Padi terhadap Pendapatan Keluarga Petani Pemilik di Desa Karangsari Kecamatan Cilongok Kabupaten Banyumas

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    ABSTRAC In thevillage Karangsari Cilongok Banyumas District as wel as farmers, they also tried to dive in the industry of small household palm sugar. In conducting this effort can bemade by the head of the family itself or by the members of his family like wife, son,brother-in-law and others who lived in one house. The pro--blem is what determines thestrategic factors on income families. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of venture capi-tal coconut andsugar industries of farming land area of family income. Besides, how the degree of difference between the two sources of family income. The hypothesis that the venture capital industry and vast coconut sugar farm and affected significantly (significant) to the family income. Besides, the source of family income derived from small scale industries of palm sugar households larger than the originating source of the farming business. To prove the truth of the hypothesis, performed a multiple regressionanalysis approach and produce the following equation Y = 0,33 + 0,481 X1 + 0,726 X2 Fit multiple linear regression equation, it appeared that the paddy land area (X2) greater impact on family income (Y) compared with the effect of capital (X1), ie respectively - 0.726 and 0.481 respectively. Test above equation produces the F test count 6.428 and greater than F table 3.49 on a 5% error rate and degree of freedom (3-1), (23-3). The amount of F count> F table means both venture capital industry as well as farm land area affected in a meaningful (significant) toward family income.Thus the hypothesis is acceptable family income derived from coconut sugar industry average Rp. 2,096,883. While originating from agricultural activities is Rp. 1,957,191; per month. Thus the hypothesis was accepted because the palm sugar industry can contribute to family income greater than rice farming. The implications of both the above conclusion is that for those on a narrow area farmers, increase revenues through palm sugar industry needs to be maintained to memcukupi for family needs. As for the class of large land farmers have more pressing expenses in system costs that do business for the outcome. So far, productivity has been good results achieved in accordance with the productivity of farmers and the land is narrow, but the net income it receives is not appropriate when compared with net income of farmers and the land is narro

    Mari Mengenal Saham , Sebagai Alternatif Investasi

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    ABSTRACS Lets know portion as an alternative of investation In the high inflation, the kind of investation like portion can be an alternative of investation in 2011. How to play portion so we not wiped out? Why an investor make an mistake that make them bankrupt? Inflation and loan make economy aspek being hot. Moreover, inflation being a hot topic in many newspapers in the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. Since the inflation terminology was used by the people, it\u27s being an enemy for our currency. One of ivestation type that grow approach the inflation level is portion (IHSG growth is 16,39% in 2010). So, we know portion as an alternative of investation in 2011, especially for people who never know about it like an old sphorism β€œ Not know it then not love it”. The study about financial behavior shows that many people makes big mistake with their money. In this part, and this paper report how to change this behavior. In this part we will test 4 important things according to psicological effect that make the investor make mistake. Maybe the important things for you know that many people broken down of their financial has been formed moreover before they make a financial decission. Emotionally for their economic decission they formed theriselves to fail, they even not realize it. And when they realized that they was fail, they doesn\u27t know what is the caused. In this part, we will study why many people make a bad decission. There is a small debate when people act emotionally when they make a financial decission. Then we can see two strongest emotion when it has correlation with money, it is Fear and Greed. Fear means we have no confidence to the market. The reason why many people doesn\u27t invest their money in portion is because they afraid portion cost and market down. Now, everyone know that portion will not down without reason. But it will down because national/intenational problem.

    Menelusuri Jejak Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kita

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    Economic growth in the year 2007, it actually could be higher or can reach the target in the Budget Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) of 6 percent, if not a decline in economic growth that is big enough in the last three months of 2007. Special processing industry sector in the years before the economic and monetary crisis hit. Indonesia started in 1997, experiencing high growth, in between 10 to 11 percent, so it can become a locomotive for growth in trade, hotels and restaurants, construction sector, transportation and communication sector and sectors that include sector "service" other. In the year 2007 compared with the year 2006 has been also changes the contribution of several economic sectors, namely substantial decline in the agricultural sector from 14.66 percent in 2004 to 13, 41 percent. Furthermore the role of the manufacturing industry declined from 28, 28 per cent to 28.05 per cent, electricity, gas and water declined from 0.98 percent to 0.92 percent, the trade sector, hotels and restaurants dropped 15.83 percent to 15.74 percent, the financial sector, corporate rentals and services declined from 8.60 percent to 8.36 percent and services sector - services declined from 10.38 percent to 10.10 percent. In the year 2007 figures of Gross Domestic Product per capita is estimated at Rp12.450, 7 thousand or an increase of 19.11 percent compared per-capita Gross Domestic Product 2006. Measured by the United States dollar, the Gross Domestic Product per capita increased from U.S. 1160.7in2006toU.S. 1160.7 in 2006 to U.S. 1308.1 in 2007. While the Gross National Product per capita in 2007 reached USD 12,061.4 thousand, or 9.53 percent increase from 2006. While the Gross National Product per capita in 2007 reached USD 12,061.4 thousand, or 19.53 percent increase from the year 2006

    Pengaruh Pajanan Asap Terhadap Jumlah Candida Pada Rongga Mulut (Studi Pada Pekerja Pengasapan Ikan Di Desa Bandarharjo, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah)

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    Background of study: Oral health is part of overall body health, as it can affect the quality of life. Normal flora are found in the human oral cavity, such as Candida albicans. Candida albicans is a dimorphic fungus that allows for the 70-80% of all candida infections, so it is a common cause of candidiasis. compounds that can inhibit the growth of candida are phenol and acetic acid, the components of this compound are in the process of curing fish.Methods of study: This study used an observational study design with the type of cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical methods, and design of consecutive sampling, a sample of 96 people who were divided into 2 groups and have met the inclusion criteria, which further examination of the oral cavity swab to see the number of existing candida in the oral cavity of respondents.Results: there are differences in the average number of colonies between the smoke-exposed group and the control group (p = 0.0001). With the average number of colonies in the exposed group (27.8) is greater than the control group (2.81) .There are significant relationship between exposure to smoke with colonization.Conclusions: Exposure to smoke has effect on the amount of Candida in the oral cavity of fish in the village of fumigation workers Bandarharjo, Semarang regency, Central Java

    Pengaruh Pajanan Asap Terhadap Jumlah Candida Pada Rongga Mulut (Studi Pada Pekerja Pengasapan Ikan Di Desa Bandarharjo, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah)

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    Latar belakang: Kesehatan gigi dan mulut merupakan bagian dari kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan, karena dapat mempengaruhi kualitas kehidupan. Flora normal banyak ditemukan dalam rongga mulut manusia, antara lain Candida Albicans. Candida albicans adalah jamur dimorfik yang memungkinkan untuk terjadinya 70-80% dari semua infeksi candida, sehingga merupakan penyebab tersering dari candidiasis. senyawa yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan candida adalah fenol dan asam asetat, komponen senyawa ini terdapat dalam proses pengasapan ikan.Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh antara pajanan asap dengan jumlah Candida pada pekerja pengasapan ikan di Desa Bandarharjo, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah.Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional dengan jenis cross sectional, serta menggunakan metode analitik deskriptif, dan rancangan consecutive sampling, sampel sebanyak 96 orang yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok dan telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi, yang selanjutnya dilakukan pemeriksaan swab pada rongga mulut untuk melihat jumlah candida yang ada pada rongga mulut responden.Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan rata-rata jumlah koloni antara kelompok yang terpajan asap dan kelompok kontrol (p=0,0001). Dengan rata-rata jumlah koloni pada kelompok yang terpajan (27,8) lebih besar daripada kelompok kontrol (2,81).Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara pajanan asap dengan kejadian kolonisasi Candida Albicans.Kesimpulan: Pajanan asap berpengaruh terhadap jumlah candida pada rongga mulut pekerja pengasapan ikan di Desa Bandarharjo, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah