8 research outputs found

    Distribusi Plumbum, Cadmium pada Biji Kedelai, dan Deprotonasi Gugus Fungsional Karboksil Asam Sitrat dalam Khelasi

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang distribusi plumbum, cadmium pada biji kedelai dan deprotonasi gugus fungsional karboksil asam sitrat dalam proses khelasi. Penelitian ini merupakan tahapan deprotonasi gugus fungsional karboksil asam sitrat, yaitu tinjauan secara kimiawi keaktifan (jumlah proton) gugus fungsional asam sitrat akibat Perubahan pH lingkungan khelasi. Faktor penelitian meliputi ratio asam sitrat terhadap air yang terdiri dari tiga taraf 0,1:1, 0,2:1 dan 0,3:1 dengan pH lingkungan khelasi yang terdiri dari tiga taraf 5; 7,5 dan 10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, akumulasi plumbum (Pb) pada jaringan kulit biji kedelai rerata 0,37 ± 0,03 ppm, sedangkan Pb pada jaringan kotiledon rerata 0,39 ± 0,07 ppm. Akumulasi cadmium (Cd) pada jaringan kulit biji kedelai rerata 0,02 ± 0,004 ppm sedangkan Cd pada jaringan kotiledon rerata 0,02 ± 0,004 ppm. Deprotonasi gugus fungsional chelating agent asam sitrat tertinggi 9,43 cmol + kg –1 dicapai pada kondisi khelasi dengan ratio asam sitrat terhadap air 0,3:1 pada lingkungan khelasi pH 10 (A). Keadaan tersebut tidak berbeda nyata dengan perlakuan ratio asam sitrat 0,2:1 dan 0,1:1 pada lingkungan khelasi pH 10

    Khelasi Plumbum (Pb) Dan Cadmium (Cd) Menggunakan Asam Sitrat Pada Biji Kedela

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    A study on the chelation of plumbum and cadmium by citric acid in soybean seeds, it was aimed to identify the effect of chelation treatment (chelating ratio, time contact and seeds condition) on plumbum reduction and cadmium in soybean seeds. A factors of research covering 1st) chelating ratio (citric acid/”C”) consisting of three (1, 2 and 3 grams of citric acid); 2nd) the time contact (“D”) consisting of three (90, 120 and 180 minutes) and the 3rd factors is condition of the seeds (“E”) consisting of three standard (whole qualify e.i. passing sieve of 0.3 inch and restrained at 0.2 inch), ruptured e.i. restrained for sieve at 10 mesh, and flour qualify for pass for sieves 50 mesh. The result showed that the combination of three factors were able to reduce Cd maximaly (non detected/detect limit 0.01 ppm). Reduction Pb maximaly (non detected /detect limit 0.09 ppm) occured in treatment C1D1E1, C1D1E2, C1D2E1, C1D2E2, C1D2E2, C2D1E1, C2D1E2, C2D2E1, C2D3E1, C2D3E2, C3D1E1 and C3D2E1. A combination of citric acid chelation (C) with the time contact (D) showing significant difference and both showed interactions, the reduction of the highest was C1D1 treatment. A combination of citric acid chelation (C) with the condition of the nut (E) showed significant difference and both no interaction, the reduction of the highest was C2E1 treatment. The combination between the time of contact (D) with the condition of the seed (E) showed significant difference and both no interaction, the reduction of the highest were D1E1 and D2E1 treatments

    Good Agricultural Practices Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum) Dengan Pupuk Kandang Sapi, Tinjauan Keamanan Pangan Dari Aspek Cemaran Logam Berat

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    The aim of this research was to determine the effect of manure dosage treatment factors on shallot yield and heavy metal contamination of Pb, Cd, and Cu. Research factors include the use of cow manure, consisting of 9 levels of doses, namely: 0, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, and 50 kg/ha. The results showed that the increase in manure dose was followed by an increase in the yield of shallot bulbs. The highest yield of shallot tubers (3,897.76) kg/ha was achieved in the treatment of doses of cow manure 50 kg/ha, the treatment was significantly different from the yield of shallot bulbs (3,634.73 kg/ha at the dose of manure treatment. cattle 45 kg/ha. While the lowest yield of shallots (1,875.86) kg/ha was achieved in the treatment of 0 kg/ha without manure. Heavy metal contamination on shallot bulbs in the dose treatment of cow manure 50 kg/ha consecutively: Pb (15,350) ppm, Cd (undetectable) detection limit of 0.01 ppm, and Cu (4,255) ppm. Heavy metal contamination on the shallot bulbs, among others, comes from the medium where the plants grow. Heavy metal content in the soil (pre-research) respectively: Pb (33.612), Cd (undetectable), and Cu (52.251) ppm. Meanwhile, the heavy metal content in manure added to the land consecutively: Pb (15,659), Cd (undetectable), while Cu (35,118) ppm