41 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Sifat Fisik Tanah Wilayah Hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Rejoso Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Watershed Characteristics (DAS) are a specific description of watersheds characterized by topography, soil type, geology, vegetation, and land use. Physical characteristics can be the primary reference in planning, implementing, and evaluating appropriate watershed management. The research was carried out from January to August 2022 in the upstream Rejoso watershed (DAS) area, consisting of Tosari and Puspo Subdistricts, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. This study aims to obtain information about physical characteristics in the upstream region of the Rejoso watershed. This study uses a survey method of five land uses in this region. Five land uses namely, potato horticultural gardens with an altitude of 1,850-2,500 masl, horticultural gardens (potato, leek, and cabbage) of 1,350-1,850 masl, and forest land use of 800-1,350 masl are found in this area. Three sampling points were determined for each land use. The results showed that the physical characteristics of the soil in the upstream Rejoso watershed varied greatly with the slope. At the study site was classified as very steep, with soil density from low to medium, soil texture dominated by sand and dust fractions with dusty clay texture class, and permeability classified as slow to medium, moderate, and low to high organic matter content.Keywords: Soil physics, upstream watershed Rejos

    Peer Review The influence of rice husk and tobacco waste biochars on soil quality

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    Heavy metal pollution in agricultural land threatens soil and food quality. Soil pollution could be remediate using biochar, but the effectiveness of biochar on soil quality improvement is determined by types of feedstock and pyrolysis temperature. This study was aimed to explore the effect of different types of biochar on soil properties. Biochar from rice husk and tobacco waste was applied to soil contaminated with lead and mercury. This study was conducted at Sumber Brantas, Malang East Java, and used a completely randomized design with three replicates. Heavy metals content was measured using AAS. The results of measurements were analyzed using analysis of variance at 5% and 1% significance levels. The initial analysis of the soil properties at the research site showed that the soil nutrient status was low, ie N (0.2%), K (0.50 cmol+/kg), and CEC (5.9 me/100g) respectively, but soil pH was neutral (6.8). The research site also has crossed the threshold of heavy metal content for Hg (0.5 ppm), Pb (25.22 ppm), Cd (1.96 ppm), and As (0.78 ppm). Biochar added had a positive influence on soil characteristics improvement. It could increase the content of organic C, ie 35.12% and 31.81% and CEC (cation exchange capacity), ie 30.56 me/100g and 28.13 me/100 g for rice husk biochar and tobacco waste biochar, respectively. However, N, P, and K contents were low ie N (0.33 and 0.30%); P2O5 (148.79 and 152 ppm); K (1.58 and 2.11 mg/100g) for rice husk biochar and tobacco waste biochar, respectively

    Similarity Metode Pembuatan Bahan Pembenah Tanah (Soil Amandements) Untuk Regenarssi Tanah Tailing

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    Similarity The potential of wild vegetation species of Eleusine indica L., and Sonchus arvensis L. for phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil

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    Phytoremediation has been intensively studied due its costs effectiveness and environmentally sound. Studies of heavy metal pollution phytoremediation has been done in develop countries, but still limited in Indonesia. This study aims to explore the potential of wild plant species Eleusine indica L. and Sonchus arvensis L. as an agent of phytoremediation on Cd-contaminated soil. This study was done descriptively in Pujon, Malang, Indonesia, to test the ability of two species of wild plants E. indica and S. arvensis in absorbing Cd. Along this research, plant growth and the concentration of Cd in roots, stems and leaves, was monitored. Plant growth was measured every week for three months. The plant roots, stems, and leaves collected separately, then analyzed its Cd levels. The results showed that both of two species of wild plants grew well on soil contaminated Cd. Plant roots can accumulate higher Cd than the stem part. In addition, E indica has the ability to accumulate Cd higher than S. arvensis, ie 57.11% and 35.84%, respectively

    Paten Metode Pembuatan Bahan Pembenah Tanah (Soil Amandements) Untuk Regenarssi Tanah Tailing

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui potensi tanaman lulangan (Eleusine indica L.) sebagai agen fitoremediasi Cd. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Sumber Brantas Kota Batu. Sebelum penanaman tanaman remediator, tanah terlebih dulu dianalisis untuk mengetahui tingkat kesuburan tanah dan kandungan logam berat Cd. Analisis kimia tanah meliputi: pH (H2O), C-organik (Walkley dan Black), N-total (Kjeldahl), (Walkey & Black), N (Kjedahl), P total (olsen), K total, KTK (Amonium Acetat pH 7,0). Logam berat yang dianalisa adalah Cd dengan menggunakan AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrometry). Percobaan menggunakan lulangan. Pengamatan pertumbuhan tanaman dilakukan setiap minggu sampai tanaman berumur tiga bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tanah di lokasi penelitian memiliki tingkat kesuburan yang rendah, yaitu N (0,11 %), P (0,64 mgkg-1) dan K (0,09 me/100g). Cemaran logam berat Cd yang terdeteksi sebesar 2,39 mg kg-1. Lulangan yang ditanam sebagai agen fitoremediasi mampu tumbuh baik pada tanah yang tercemar Cd. Hasil analisis jaringan tanaman menunjukan bahwa akumulasi Cd tertinggi terdapat pada akar, dibandingkan pada bagian atas tanaman. Lulangan mengakumulasi Cd serta mampu mereduksi Cd di tanah sebesar 57,11%

    Peer Review The potential of wild vegetation species of Eleusine indica L., and Sonchus arvensis L. for phytoremediation of Cd-contaminated soil

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    Phytoremediation has been intensively studied due its costs effectiveness and environmentally sound. Studies of heavy metal pollution phytoremediation has been done in develop countries, but still limited in Indonesia. This study aims to explore the potential of wild plant species Eleusine indica L. and Sonchus arvensis L. as an agent of phytoremediation on Cd-contaminated soil. This study was done descriptively in Pujon, Malang, Indonesia, to test the ability of two species of wild plants E. indica and S. arvensis in absorbing Cd. Along this research, plant growth and the concentration of Cd in roots, stems and leaves, was monitored. Plant growth was measured every week for three months. The plant roots, stems, and leaves collected separately, then analyzed its Cd levels. The results showed that both of two species of wild plants grew well on soil contaminated Cd. Plant roots can accumulate higher Cd than the stem part. In addition, E indica has the ability to accumulate Cd higher than S. arvensis, ie 57.11% and 35.84%, respectively