11 research outputs found

    Biomedical applications of ferulic acid encapsulated electrospun nanofibers

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    AbstractFerulic acid is a ubiquitous phytochemical that holds enormous therapeutic potential but has not gained much consideration in biomedical sector due to its less bioavailability, poor aqueous solubility and physiochemical instability. In present investigation, the shortcomings associated with agro-waste derived ferulic acid were addressed by encapsulating it in electrospun nanofibrous matrix of poly (d,l-lactide-co-glycolide)/polyethylene oxide. Fluorescent microscopic analysis revealed that ferulic acid predominantly resides in the core of PLGA/PEO nanofibers. The average diameters of the PLGA/PEO and ferulic acid encapsulated PLGA/PEO nanofibers were recorded as 125±65.5nm and 150±79.0nm, respectively. The physiochemical properties of fabricated nanofibers are elucidated by IR, DSC and NMR studies. Free radical scavenging activity of fabricated nanofibers were estimated using di(phenyl)-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)iminoazanium (DPPH) assay. 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay confirmed the cytotoxicity of ferulic acid encapsulated nanofibers against hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells. These ferulic acid encapsulated nanofibers could be potentially explored for therapeutic usage in biomedical sector

    Nanotextured and drug loaded Neovius Ti6Al4V ELI scaffolds with osteogenesis and anti-cancer potential

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    Introduction: The use of Ti6Al4V for orthopedic implants though widely accepted, is 10X stiffer than bone, that leads to stress shielding and aseptic loosening. Further, oral delivery demands significantly large dosage of drugs. To address these twin challenges, we have fabricated open cell porous scaffolds capable of sustained dual drug delivery. Drug delivery from open cell porous Ti6Al4V implants is a promising approach for in situ delivery in orthopedic and dental implant applications. Methodology: In this study, selective laser melting technology was used to fabricate open cell porous Ti6Al4V ELI scaffolds of 50 % volume fractions with Neovius architecture (NOCL). Electrochemical anodization was used to create micro and nano scale surface features for efficient drug loading. The two payloads: an osteogenic agent (Baicalein) and an anti-cancerous drug (Paclitaxel) were then loaded to different levels for differential release. An osteogenic agent was loaded in the nano reservoirs while paclitaxel was mixed with poloxamer and coated over the scaffold. Results: The mechanical stiffness of the designed NOCL lattices is approximately 1.29 ± 0.05 GPa, which is comparable to the human bone. This helps to reduce stress shielding effect. The scaffolds loaded with baicalein and paclitaxel yielded a sustained drug release profiles, releasing 57 % and 79 % of the pharmaceuticals over a 7-day period, respectively. Additionally, the baicalein-loaded nano reservoirs promote osteoblast differentiation in mesenchymal stem cells. As a result, bio-inspired 3D-printed open cell porous titanium scaffolds loaded with dual drugs offer a workable solution to the problems associated with orthopedic implants

    Co-seismic ionospheric disturbances due to 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake

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    The Coseismic Ionospheric Disturbances (CID) due to the 26th December 2004 earthquake of Mw 9.2, which occurred in the Sumatra-Andaman subduction zone, are analyzed using cGPS-aided Total Electron Content (TEC) measurements. For the CID analysis, data from nearby seven Sumatran GPS Array (SuGAr) and two International GNSS Stations (IGS) located to the south of the epicenter, at a distance of 500–1000km (near-field) and two IGS stations located to the north-west of the epicenter at a distance of 2000km (far-field) are considered. The CIDs with a propagation velocity of 595–694m/s arrived within 2–10min after the earthquake, depending upon the distance of a station from the epicentre. Variations in the CIDs can be prominently seen at the nearest cGPS Station SAMP immediately after the earthquake. NTUS, being the farthest station shows some small variations. The delay in the occurrence of variations at GPS sites can also be associated with rupture propagation. Because all the stations used in our analysis are located south of the epicenter and rupture of the earthquake propagated in the north, the trend of rupture propagation could not be analyzed clearly

    Development and Evaluation of Bacteriophage Cocktail to Eradicate Biofilms Formed by an Extensively Drug-Resistant (XDR) <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>

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    Extensive and multiple drug resistance in P. aeruginosa combined with the formation of biofilms is responsible for its high persistence in nosocomial infections. A sequential method to devise a suitable phage cocktail with a broad host range and high lytic efficiency against a biofilm forming XDR P. aeruginosa strain is presented here. Out of a total thirteen phages isolated against P. aeruginosa, five were selected on the basis of their high lytic spectra assessed using spot assay and productivity by efficiency of plating assay. Phages, after selection, were tested individually and in combinations of two-, three-, four-, and five-phage cocktails using liquid infection model. Out of total 22 combinations tested, the cocktail comprising four phages viz. φPA170, φPA172, φPA177, and φPA180 significantly inhibited the bacterial growth in liquid infection model (p 10 times than the individual dose in the inhibition of XDR P. aeruginosa host. Field emission-scanning electron microscopy was used to visualize phage cocktail mediated eradication of 4-day-old multi-layers of XDR P. aeruginosa biofilms from urinary catheters and glass cover slips, and was confirmed by absence of any viable cells. Differential bacterial inhibition was observed with different phage combinations where multiple phages were found to enhance the cocktail’s lytic range, but the addition of too many phages reduced the overall inhibition. This study elaborates an effective and sequential method for the preparation of a phage cocktail and evaluates its antimicrobial potential against biofilm forming XDR strains of P. aeruginosa

    Lithiated porous silicon nanowires stimulate periodontal regeneration

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    Periodontal disease is a significant burden for oral health, causing progressive and irreversible damage to the support structure of the tooth. This complex structure, the periodontium, is composed of interconnected soft and mineralised tissues, posing a challenge for regenerative approaches. Materials combining silicon and lithium are widely studied in periodontal regeneration, as they stimulate bone repair via silicic acid release while providing regenerative stimuli through lithium activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. Yet, existing materials for combined lithium and silicon release have limited control over ion release amounts and kinetics. Porous silicon can provide controlled silicic acid release, inducing osteogenesis to support bone regeneration. Prelithiation, a strategy developed for battery technology, can introduce large, controllable amounts of lithium within porous silicon, but yields a highly reactive material, unsuitable for biomedicine. This work debuts a strategy to lithiate porous silicon nanowires (LipSiNs) which generates a biocompatible and bioresorbable material. LipSiNs incorporate lithium to between 1% and 40% of silicon content, releasing lithium and silicic acid in a tailorable fashion from days to weeks. LipSiNs combine osteogenic, cementogenic and Wnt/β-catenin stimuli to regenerate bone, cementum and periodontal ligament fibres in a murine periodontal defect.</p