1,413 research outputs found

    A New Sensor Based Communication for Environmental Monitoring

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    This paper presents the development of a new sensor based communication for environmental monitoring at far off locations. In this proposed system the parameters of sensors are sent to any device having internet by using wireless LAN based on IEEE 802.11b/g standards. The parameters are also sent to mobile phones using GSM. This system includes embedded systems, sensor networks, coordination and management processes and services to capture physical data and to act on the physical environment, all integrated under a intelligent decision system. The system eliminates large amount of solutions, provides the data where network coverage exists

    A review on weeds as source of novel plant growth promoting microbes for crop improvement

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    In the context of increasing international concern for food security and environmental quality, the use of bioinoculants like diazotrophs and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for reducing chemical inputs in agriculture is a potentially important issue. The improvement in agricultural sustainability requires optimal use and management of soil fertility and soil physical properties, where both rely on soil biological processes and soil biodiversity. Biological nitrogen fixation by plant-associated bacteria is eco-friendly and has been effectively exploited for crop plants including legumes. Although associations of rhizobacteria with non-leguminous plants such as grasses have been known for decades, they have been poorly - studied. Weedy grass species normally thrive in adverse conditions and act as potential habitats for the diverse groups of elite bacteria with multiple beneficial characters remains unexplored. A more complete understanding of the diversity and functioning of rhizobacterial microorganisms, especially those that have symbiotic relationships with grass species is of great value for agricultural research and application

    Low-Temperature Spin Dynamics of Doped Manganites: roles of Mn-t2g and eg and O-2p states

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    The low-temperature spin dynamics of doped manganites have been analyzed within a tight-binding model, the parameters of which are estimated by mapping the results of ab initio density functional calculations onto the model. This approach is found to provide a good description of the spin dynamics of the doped manganites, observed earlier within the ab initio calculations. Our analysis not only provides some insight into the roles of the eg and the t2g states but also indicates that the oxygen p states play an important role in the spin dynamics. This may cast doubt on the adaptability of the conventional model Hamiltonian approaches to the analysis of spin dynamics of doped manganites.Comment: 12 pages; Includes 5 figure

    Congenital anomalies in a tertiary care hospital in North East region, India

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    Background: Congenital anomalies are important cause of morbidity and mortality in newborns and are defined as structural and functional abnormalities including metabolic disorders present at birth. These defects are of prenatal origin resulting from defective embryogenesis or intrinsic abnormalities in the process of development and are associated with various risk factors.Methods: Our study is a cross sectional study done at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal over period of 3 years from January 2015 to December 2017. Aim of study was to find out incidence of congenital anomalies and proportions of different types of congenital anomalies. Outcome was studied in relation to maternal age, religion, parity, and gestational age, sex of the baby, outcome and sex of the baby.Results: Total numbers of congenital anomalies were 257 babies out of 29879 births giving the incidence of 0.86%. Most common congenital anomalies in this study are musculoskeletal followed by craniospinal, genitourinary, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal. It was more common in preterm babies and parity 1-3, more common in 21-30 years of maternal age. Consanguinity was seen in 7 out of 257 patients.Conclusions: Congenital malformations are a major cause of still births and infant mortality. Targeted scan should be done at 18-20 week to find out anomalies and reduce the prevalence. There should be widespread education in the community regarding the common congenital malformations, their outcomes and possible available mode of treatmen

    Art and craft of episiotomy

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    Background: Episiotomy is the most common obstetric surgical procedure performed in labor room. Mediolateral and Midline episiotomies are the most common types. Post-delivery suture angle is the most important determinant factor which predicts the risk of anal sphincter injuries. Mediolateral episiotomy has a significantly lower risk of OASIS rate when compared to midline episiotomies. Aim of the study was to know whether mediolateral episiotomies are actually mediolateral and does the angle of episiotomy influences the risk of anal sphincter injuries, maternal/fetal complications in the perinatal period.Methods: An observational study was conducted on 250 postpartum patients admitted to our hospital. Details of episiotomy in relation to incision angle, length, depth and post suturing angle were noted within two days of delivery.Results: Among the subjects included there were 40.8 % incisions were RMLE, average length was 3.32cms, average suture angle is 28.69 degree. OASIS was seen in 19.5% cases more so with midline episiotomies.Conclusions: Episiotomy is an essential, must to know skill. Compulsory ssupervised clinical teaching and use of skill lab training can prevent potential detrimental consequences

    An automated algorithm for the quantification of hCG level in novel fabric-based home pregnancy test kits

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    We report a new image processing algorithm that extracts quantitative information about the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), an important early pregnancy marker, from commercially available qualitative home pregnancy kits. The algorithm could potentially be ported onto a simple camera based cell phone making it a low-cost, portable point-of-care device as opposed to costly and time consuming clinical labs for accurate quantitative determination of hCG. The algorithm takes the image of the test result as input, classifies and determines the hCG concentration based on the RGB intensities of the test line. The efficacy of the algorithm is demonstrated using control samples on commercially available strips as well as novel fabric based strips designed for this application

    Preventing stillbirth from obstructed labor: A sensorized, low-cost device to train in safer operative birth

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    BACKGROUND: 98% of stillbirths occur in low- and middle- income countries. Obstructed labor is a common cause for both neonatal and maternal mortality, with a lack of skilled birth attendants one of the main reasons for the reduction in operative vaginal birth, especially in low- and middle- income countries. We introduce a low cost, sensorized, wearable device for digital vaginal examination to facilitate accurate assessment of fetal position and force applied to the fetal head, to aid training in safe operative vaginal birth. METHODS: The device consists of flexible pressure/force sensors mounted onto the fingertips of a surgical glove. Phantoms of the neonatal head were developed to replicate sutures. An Obstetrician tested the device on the phantoms by performing a mock vaginal examination at full dilatation. Data was recorded and signals interpreted. Software was developed so that the glove can be used with a simple smartphone app. A patient and public involvement panel was consulted on the glove design and functionality. RESULTS: The sensors achieved a 20 Newton force range and a 0.1 Newton sensitivity, leading to 100% accuracy in detecting fetal sutures, including when different degrees of molding or caput were present. They also detected sutures and force applied with a second sterile surgical glove on top. The software developed allowed a force threshold to be set, alerting the clinician when excessive force is applied. Patient and public involvement panels welcomed the device with great enthusiasm. Feedback indicated that women would accept, and prefer, clinicians to use the device if it could improve safety and reduce the number of vaginal examinations required. CONCLUSION: Under phantom conditions to simulate the fetal head in labor, the novel sensorized glove can accurately determine fetal sutures and provide real-time force readings, to support safer clinical training and practice in operative birth. The glove is low cost (approximately 1 USD). Software is being developed so fetal position and force readings can be displayed on a mobile phone. Although substantial steps in clinical translation are required, the glove has the potential to support efforts to reduce the number of stillbirths and maternal deaths secondary to obstructed labor in low- and -middle income countries

    Smoking Behaviors and Arterial Stiffness Measured by Pulse Wave Velocity in Older Adults: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study

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    Though smoking is strongly associated with peripheral vascular disease and arteriosclerosis, smoking’s association with arterial stiffness has been inconsistent and mostly limited to a single arterial segment. We examined the relationship between smoking behaviors with arterial stiffness in multiple arterial segments among community dwelling older adults

    A Triboelectric Nanocomposite for Sterile Sensing, Energy Harvesting, and Haptic Diagnostics in Interventional Procedures from Surgical Gloves

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    Advanced interfacial engineering has the potential to enable the successful realization of three features that are particularly important for a variety of healthcare applications: wettability control, antimicrobial activity to reduce infection risks, and sensing of physiological parameters. Here, a sprayable multifunctional triboelectric coating is exploited as a nontoxic, ultrathin tactile sensor that can be integrated directly on the fingertips of surgical gloves. The coating is based on a polymer blend mixed with zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles, which enables antifouling and antibacterial properties. Additionally, the nanocomposite is superhydrophobic (self-cleaning) and is not cytotoxic. The coating is also triboelectric and can be applied directly onto surgical gloves with printed electrodes. The sensorized gloves so obtained enable mechanical energy harvesting, force sensing, and detection of materials stiffness changes directly from fingertip, which may complement proprioceptive feedback for clinicians. Just as importantly, the sensors also work with a second glove on top offering better reassurance regarding sterility in interventional procedures. As a case study of clinical use for stiffness detection, the sensors demonstrate successful detection of pig anal sphincter injury ex vivo. This may lead to improving the accuracy of diagnosing obstetric anal sphincter injury, resulting in prompt repair, fewer complications, and improved quality of life


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    In the title compound, C6H5BrOS, the non-H and aromatic H atoms lie on a crystallographic mirror plane. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked into chains propagating along the c axis by inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds